Dopy’s High Brix Cannabis Adventures 2018

Little update

My 2 panama’s And 1 Malawi fem plants are doing well. They are at 2.5 weeks. Pots were soaked completely at seed planting, and now I’m starting to trickle about a 1-2 Tbsp of water down each side of each pot, when they are light, like every 4 days or so. So the pots have 4 sides, so about 4-8 Tbsp per pot. I keep the centers dry, and am really trying to encourage the roots to grow out to the sides. I’m not worried about lush growth yet, just want lush roots. Soon I will give some light TP to the mix.

4 plants ready to go into bloom soon
Headband og, bubba Kush, Genius, and Golden Pineapple.

Bud shot from Genius at 52 days

Over view of the flower room
1 Genius and 3 Golden Pineapple

Take care!

Just stopping by and saying 'high'! Looking great in here Dopy, as usual. I'll bet now that you've started running ACE gear in the kit you won't stop! Flower 'em early, and enjoy the ride!

Nice mace buds, bud.
The wife always singles out ACE plants in veg. She doesn't know plants at all but she always picks them out because she says they look prehistoric. Giant perfect green leaves with 11-13 blades. They definitely look different than today's popular indica hybrids.
Thanks man! I was just tending the 2 Panama’s and Malawi, and these leaves look different, but she’s right....they’re prehistoric! Can’t wait till they get bigger and put on more blades.
Ok the 3 Golden Pineapple’s are loading up like it’s gonna be a long winter! These cages are nice for these heavy yielders. I want to weave one plant in veg so it makes a Christmas Bud wreath!!:slide: Maybe next year. There’s one overhead pic that shows the idea, but not a complete wreath, but will have to do this year.

The mace buds continue to bulk up!

I moved in a nicely resurrected Headband OG 5 days ago. Loves this first run soil, and hitting it hard with TP in these early flowering days. She is a feeder for sure.

Next update will be the Ace seedlings
Take care!
Sweet, let’s see them cute little baby panamas! I can say I really enjoyed growing that one, up until I messed up on a super Drench and burned her up a bit. But man, I’m still smoking on that and it’s really great smoke.
Panama rocks. I love the pure head buzz without any body buzz hanging around.
I haven't gotten the red yet either. The F2s I made are with the green pheno. They all have had that buzz and finish quickly. 8-9 weeks.

I need to bust out a few seeds from my Ace stash. And see what other phenos I can find. I love the buzz from the green though. It's a great mood enhancer for day times.
Yep, gotta agree with that! I too love that head buzz, no body high really... can come home from work, do a hard workout in the gym and be totally worn out for the day. But when I go in and smoke a bit of that green pheno Panama, oh man am I wide awake and feeling great! The cobs are great as well, and its nice to have them around!

I would love to try some of that red pheno though, sounds pretty awesome too.
Hi gang! Great Panama info, here’s the two I’ve got. They look much different from each other.

Here’s the Malawi

Building roots

I’ve got a few Golden Pineapple clones going to

Just goes to show, not all clones are equal. This pot has two plants. The small was the original, after 3 day from rapid rooter to HB soil, she didn’t look right, So i potted another right next to her. Well that one took off! On the left

Ok I’m running late,
Take care
Ok lots has happened here,

Harvested 3 Golden Pineapple 2 days ago at 68 days. Trying her at the early side to see if there’s a boost in the cerebral part of the high. These buds impressed me! Interesting structure- big buds with density, sweet pineapple incense aroma... a joy to trim:p

Hanging for 48 hours

Here at 14 days PF -alternating TP, h20, 50% Ge, h20, TP, h20, 50% Ge since flip. Really exploding with growth.

Bubba Kush, under the light looks pale, but she’s darker green. Loves snake oil, been chasing her mg def all veg, but new growth looks good.

Golden Pineapple is huge, tie tops down a week ago and it filled back in.

Headband og is cranking! I weave all the stretching tops down in a whorl around the top cage ring. The next day it adapted nicely.

And last but not least....Genius, funky sweet exceptional high. Slightly wispy, delicate branches, and fast finisher 52-56 days is where I like her most.

Have a good one:passitleft:
Wow! Those are some healthy looking plants.

Why did you go 50% on growth?

I’m exploring in incremental steps. Last run I fed nothing but high side amounts of TP and tea prior to the Cats with favorable results. They seemed to endure and rebound quicker after the Cation drenches. I introduced GE at around 40 days pf last run and alternated from there till the end.

I have this theory based on my observations, that too much GE before the Cats is counterproductive. I surmise though, that there must be a fine line here; to get the plants the benefits of the GE maybe try less, but still go heavier on the TP. Well we will see;)

This run I’m still hitting them with 15ml (1TBSP) of TP and .6ml (1/8 Tsp) of tea per gallon of water (~ same as 2ml per gal of soil) but am alternating with a 50% GE x (same tea amount as above), and water (drinks) inbetween both of those. I want to see and compare the results. First thing I’m seeing is brighter green stems and spouts with the GE in the mix, and the tips are not burning.

I will tweek this schedule per each plant as I move forward, as each plant is a little different in its needs. Ultimately I hold on to a schedule, until I read the plant wants something else.

And lastly i wouldn’t be half way of where I am if I didn’t observe and listen to folks like you and the rest of the gang. Great melting pot of knowledge!
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