Dope Seeds Sponsored: Stardawg & Blueberry

It was insane for about 3 hours here. I honestly was expecting the power to go out at work but I couldn’t get so lucky lol.
Thanks @Fastass419

Topped them last night and defoliated some.

got the clones up potted to the biggest I could get them in at the moment.

I grew it last round too. That’s where this clone came from. It’s my favorite so far of all I’ve grown. I’m very pleased with it as are the people I share with. It’s been a winner all the way around. It’s definitely a night time strain though
Thanks @Fastass419

Topped them last night and defoliated some.

got the clones up potted to the biggest I could get them in at the moment.

love the blueberry huge leaves . All looking damn good SF. very nice root ball too nice wirk
Rootball is awesome. Will rootball growth be like that around the bigger pot during flower?
root growth slows down during flower so ideally a good rootball will be waiting for the up pot like a wound up spring . All those searchers waiting for new ground to explore and find water
I’m not even quarantined and this is getting to me. Wife is working second so we can both still work and watch kids. It’s lonely for sure. Other than that life is good.
Like all I really want to do is fish. It seems essential to me. My company makes hydraulic hoses and considered themselves essential. Why can’t I just go fishing lol
Seems to be a lot of that going around. Those at work wanna be at home and those at home wanna be at work. Take solace in your financial stability for the moment, plenty of folks are desperately missing that right now.
Ya I truly am great full to still be working and in a position that offers me the consistency. Honestly after 4 days in a row off I was so ready to get back in to work and talk to adults
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