Doozy's 2300W LED - 5x5 - Dinafem Seeds - 1st Grow

I like my plants how i like my women....big...and unpredictable. ;)

That doesn't bode well... most of mine have been psychos :-/

It will be really useful to see how you defoliate your ladies in the coming weeks and hope to pick up some tips in the process :)
Sorry it's been a while guys, super busy at the moment but i've taken a few mins to get a few photos together. Currently i'm halfway through week 5 of flower, they seem to be buling up nicely. The plants have all now been completely lollypopped, and only the strongest of the colas remain.

PH stable, res temps stable, lights working fine, roots are huge. Hopiong to pack on some real weight in the next two weeks :)_


Blue Widow



Blue Hash




Cheers guys and i hope you're all well and have a good weekend :)
Looking good Doozy & you've done a great job at lollypopping. If I were you I'd get in there & do some major defol, as mysfit says, it's looking very dense. You're fine to strip any leaf that has a stem :)
Looking good Doozy & you've done a great job at lollypopping. If I were you I'd get in there & do some major defol, as mysfit says, it's looking very dense. You're fine to strip any leaf that has a stem :)

Can you go into a bit more detail there please skunnymonster and with the best time to do it? I have a very similar-sized grow to Doozy, but around three weeks behind and would appreciate a bit of help or advice with defoliation?
What I generally do is a couple of weeks before they go into flower is give them a good defol & lollypop & the leave them until they've been in flower for 3wk or until the stretch is over. If I have a plant that's stretching more than my liking, I'll start defol to reduce the stretch. I generally give a pretty heavy defol but it is strain dependant really, indicas need more stripping due to the large leaves & sativas obviously need less. What you want to see as the end product is good light penetration to all budsites all through the canopy. If you can see the soil/coco/bucket when looking through the canopy from above, you've done a good job. :) As a rule of thumb I strip every fan leaf that points towards the centre of the plant, every fan leaf that points from the centre outwards (apart from the outer ring) I then strip every fan leaf that is pointing to the right which is blocking light to budsites. Most of the time this is enough but you might have to strip a few left pointing leaves. I never remove a leaf attached to a bud without a stem, just the fan leaves. :thumb:
No worries bud, you're at the same stage as a White Widow I'm growing & it's due a defol on the 16th. When I defol it I'll do some before & after pics for you if you want

That would be much appreciated... thanks again :)
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