So here's a quick update today, i haven't been posting as often as to be completely honest not a great deal has happened other than standard growth as far as i can tell.
One thing i would say about having res's this big is that the plants seem to put a lot of effort, and hence time, into putting it's roots down, so these units are really only for those people who want to spend a long time vegging.
Secondly, i've noticed that the plants are growing like bushes rather than growing vertically. I think i'm on about my 7th set of leaves now, and the plants are hardly even a foot tall. This is perfect for me as i have concerns with my vertical height using these LEDs, and i also know these plants will grow dramatically once i flip, so at the moment i'm not raising the lights at all. They are currently at about 24-26" above the canopy of each plant.
The res's were changed 7 days ago today. Each res contains (per 40-45 ltrs)
20ml Vitalink Max Grow A
20ml Vitalink Max Grow B
25ml Canna Rhizotonic
25ml Plant Magic CalMag
5ml Potsil (Potassium Silicate)
250ml of PH lowered tap water at 10ml Phosphoric Acid per 400ml was added to bring the Ph down.
Ph began at 5.6, and has steadily risen to 5.9 over the past 6 days.
EC is at a steady 1.15
Tent temps are at a steady 27-28 (80-82) lights on, 18-20 (64-68) lights off
Res temps with 2x1ltr frozen water bottles added half way through lights on, and 1x1ltr frozen water bottle added at lights off fluctuate between 18-22 (64-71)
The plan with the next res change is to lower the Canna Rhizotonic, and increase the Vitalink A+B, so as to keep the EC around 1.2. I don't feel i can lower the CalMag as i've already seen some signs of what i thought was Magnesium deficiency when i on;y added 15ml CalMag to begin with, and from what i've read prevention is better than cure with this so i'm going to keep that one at 25ml, which seems to be doing the trick so far.
Here are some recent pics, they're not really in any specific order, and the one pic i had of one of the ladies didn't come out at all, but i'll make sure the next set are a bit better. A couple of the plants look a bit droopy but that's because i've literally just tied them down i a few places about 2 hours ago.
I've started to top the pants all over the place, so far i think i've counted about 35 places where they've been topped. Here are the little bits, which i've kept for now...(no idea why!)
The last thing is a bit of an issue. The one seedling that i put in the corner unit as a test to see whether i could grow straight from taprooted seed in a Root Riot cube in a 45ltr bubbler under LED, has basically now decided it's going to start growing like mad, and tbh i don't really know what to do with it, as it's so far behind the others, and i intend to scrog. I think i'm just going to leave it before i take the whole unit out and rearrange the bubblers pre scrog, because the way it's going in the past few days it might just catch up in the end.....and i really don't want to have to kill the tenacious little sod!
Anyway, thanks for reading and i hope you are all well.