Update Time !!!
Flower Day 30
Everybody is happy, the Ladies and me
no seriously, everything is on track, pruned them today a bit harder, as the last time, dont want everything under leaves, so I decided to prune a bit more this grow.
Watered them yesterday also set up the CO2 DIY Kit - when the windows are closed it rlly make a difference, had to play around with it a bit more, but that should be manageable via MQTT and the Arduino.
Today I could have a bit testing with the CO2 Kit, I was able to hold the CO2 Level at 600-700PPM all over the day, without using to much of the 2 solutions I made...because the princip is that the citric acid runs slowly in the baking soda bottle to produce more CO2... and the best on it is, that these CO2 is rlly clear and should not contain anything else while produced.
All together:
Lady on the right:
Lady in the middle:
Lady on the left:
Biggest side-bud I ever saw :
CO2 DIY Kit just needs to stand near the tent, nothing more needed
Both bottle are under are a certain amount of pressure...we talk about 1-2 bar, but thats fine