Does weed get old?

Lol, I did something similar but the end result not as fun. My bedroom in high school was in the basement and the crawlspace under the stairs was in the back of my closet. I used to stash my stuff in there. I joined the USAF in 1980 right out of HS. Parents divorced and moved out about 1 year later. To this day I know for a fact there is a $40 ounce and a $20 bill in a bankers bag stashed behind a loose brick in that old crawlspace........ unless somebody or their kid got lucky and found it. If not a 30 year old lid and a $20 bill await somebody.


Whats the address Willy??..I'll have a look!
Ha ha ha
How come nobody talks about keeping it in a humidor? Im I wrong for thinking it keeps my smoke fresh forever? It even has a solution you use so it would never get moldy. Let me know if im screwing up by using one.
How come nobody talks about keeping it in a humidor? Im I wrong for thinking it keeps my smoke fresh forever? It even has a solution you use so it would never get moldy. Let me know if im screwing up by using one.

No your not! I use one as well..They work great.
A lot of pot smokers have had dry ..old weed.
But it's better than no weed.

When Weed is frozen, the Trichomes fall off and the Weed become inconsistently buzz-worthy.

When the temperature goes below freezing, the Trichomes' base contracts and pops off of the vegetable matter where it grew from; any friction, flexing or movement accelerates this process. In worst cases, the Trichomes are concentrated in some parts of the container's contents ("Weed"), while the contents in other parts will have very little - an inconsistent mess that can be seen at the bottom of a bag after going through the freeze-handling cycle only a few times (light tan powder, anyone? Its da bomb!).

This is the basis of making Dry-Ice Hash (DIH) - freeze the Weed, shake the Trichomes off the plant and filter it through varying-sized Silk Screens, which produces successively-finer grades of Hashish.

I will detail my own foray into producing DIH when my garden matures - the great thing about DIH is that you do not have to wait until the Weed is cured - you can do this with your wet trim right after trimming, because the Dry-Ice evaporates any excess moisture immediately, changing its state from liquid to gas.

So if I was to take my wifes vacuum sealer and vacuum pack some bud ....... and then stored it in a brown paper bag to keep the light off it. How long do you think it would last??

I'm thinking long time emergency bunker ...... get high while waiting for the fallout to settle. Then repopulate the planet with weed plants after the armagedon ..... LOL.

Seriously, though ...... how long would it keep.
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