Does Music Help?

well my plants love hip-hop....well thats all they have heard but it certainly doesnt hurt them, and the way i see it they arent adapting to survive against the music and need to drasticly change, with the music i think they feel the vibes running up their stems and cathcing them in their leaves and their fibers, makes the flow easier if you will, they just feel the vibes.
As far as what ive read is the heavy music does really help the plants due to the vibrations.... if u leave on some classical while you're not around, at least it wont be very loud.. but when you're tending to your ladies.. why not listen to some music u like.. personally I'd be listening to Rancid...
J842P said:
Sound has nothing to do with magnetism.

it has to do with vibrations, waves, energy. :smoke2:

they have a bit to do with sound, ever look at the ass end of a speaker :cheesygrinsmiley:

so what about the crystals? :hmmmm:

when i'm around them they listen to classic rock. they seem to like the hum of my heaters fan as well.
I YODEL in Japanese for 30 minutes at the top of my lungs every morning at 3 am and produce 5lb plants only 3 feet tall.............. indoors.:cheesygrinsmiley:
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