Doctor Trevor's Blue Dream & Blue Crack (Shirley & Laurie) May 2024

This past Tuesday (7/9), I watered the girls. I adjusted the pH of two gallons of water to 6.5. Shirley took in about 5 pint. Laurie took in just under 7 pints before runoff.

Today (7/11) I prepared two gallons of nute solution, consisting of:
2 tb. Big Bloom;
2 tb Grow Big;
2 tb. Holy Mackerel;
2 ts. Boomerang;
4 ts. Terpinator;
.5 ts. CalMag Extra;
2 tb. Instagreen;
4 ts Microbe Brew;
1 ts. Open Sesame.

I also lollipopped the two, Shirley more than Laurie; don't ask me why.

Laurie does not have the teal-coloring that I saw in the online catalog. I wonder if, maybe, the sugar leaves are teal and not the palm leaves. After I received the seeds from the distributor (the Seed Fair), read of problems with 'inaccuracies' in the seeds they sell. We'll find out...

Here are some photos.

This past Tuesday (7/13), I watered the girls. I adjusted the pH of 2.5 gallons of water to 6.5. Both took about one gallon of water.

Today (7/15), I prepared three gallons of nute solution, consisting of:
3 tb. Big Bloom;
3 tb Grow Big;
3 tb. Holy Mackerel;
1 tb. Boomerang;
3 tb. Terpinator;
.75 ts. CalMag Extra;
3 tb. Instagreen.

The pH was adjusted to 6.4 and fed to the girls. They each took about five quarts before there was runoff.

Calyxes (calyxi?) are forming all over. I'll likely flush the two on Wednesday and turn the lights over on Friday.

Partridge Family trivia: The series The Partridge Family was inspired by the sixties family group, the Cowsills.
This past Wednesday (7/17), I flushed the soil for both girls. Fifteen gallons of gallon, mixed with 2.5 tb of Flawless Finish, with the pH adjusted to 6.4.

I also switched the lights to 12/12. Time to get busy!!!!

Today (7/19) was feeding day. I prepared three gallons of nute soup, consisting of:
3 tb. Big Bloom;
2 tb Grow Big;
2 tb. Tiger Bloom;
1 tb. Boomerang;
1.5 ts Open Sesame
3 tb. Terpinator;
.75 ts. CalMag Extra;
3 tb. Instagreen;
4 ts Microbe Brew.

Laurie took in seven pints before there was run off. Shirley took in eight pints.


This past Sunday (7/21), I watered the girls. Five quarts for each of them, with the pH adjusted to 6.5.

Today (7/23) was feeding day. I prepared three gallons of nute soup, consisting of:
3 tb. Big Bloom;
2 tb Grow Big;
2 tb. Tiger Bloom;
1 tb. Boomerang;
1.5 ts Open Sesame
3 tb. Terpinator;
.75 ts. CalMag Extra;
3 tb. Instagreen.

Shirley took in about five quarts before there was run off. Laurie took in just over six quarts.

The two are getting big now; I hope the tent is big enough.
I will start off today's journal entry with: MISTAKES WERE MADE!

Last Thursday (7/25), I watered Shirley and Laurie. Each took about 5 quarts of water (pH adjusted to 6.4). That fine...

Last Friday (7/26), I thought it was feeding day. I prepared three gallons of nute soup and gave each of them three quarts before there was runoff. It was then that I checked the girls' journal and realized I fed them a day early. Then I realized that I never checked the pH on the soup. Turned it, it was 5.4.

Two avoid and problem with the low pH, I did a mini-flush on the girls. I used two gallons of water on each plant, with a pH of 7.6.

Today (7/29), I prepared three gallons of nute solution, consisting of:
3 tb. Big Bloom;
2 tb Grow Big;
2 tb. Tiger Bloom;
1 tb. Boomerang;
1.5 ts. Open Sesame
6 tb. Terpinator;
.75 ts. CalMag Extra;
3 tb. Instagreen.

The pH of the soup was 6.4 (I remembered this time!).

Shirley is getting really tall. I'll have to retrain her before she reaches the lights. Other than that, things are going well with the two; pistils are popping up everywhere.
I'm a day late and a dollar short with this entry....

On Thursday (8/1/24), I watered Shirley and Laurie. It was a day late and the girls were drooping. They each took just over a gallon of pH-adjusted water (pH: 6.5). After a few hours, they picked up. Hooray!

Yesterday (8/3/24) was happy feeding day. I prepared three gallons of nute soup, consisted of:

3 tb. Big Bloom;
2 tb Grow Big;
2 tb. Tiger Bloom;
1 tb. Boomerang;
1.5 ts. Open Sesame
6 tb. Terpinator;
.75 ts. CalMag Extra;
3 tb. Instagreen;
2 tb. Microbe Brew.

Both girls took about 4.5 quarts before there was run.

The tent is getting crowded. Pistils are forming everywhere. Reuben Kincade is still creepy AF.

On Monday (8/5/24), I watered Shirley and Laurie. They each took about 4.5 quarts of pH-adjusted water before run-off.

Today (two days after 8/5/24), I fged them. I prepared three gallons of nute solution, consisting of:
3 tb. Big Bloom;
2 tb Grow Big;
2 tb. Tiger Bloom;
1 tb. Boomerang;
1.5 ts. Open Sesame
6 tb. Terpinator;
.75 ts. CalMag Extra;
3 tb. Instagreen.

Laurie took in about 4.5 quarts before there was runoff. Shirley took in about 5.5 quarts.

I trimmed away some of the popcorn buds and smaller leaves from inside the bushes (to improve ventilation) from both plants. Their tent is getting pretty tight which is a concern. I asked my wife about buying a bigger tent; she hissed at me.

On Friday (8/9/24), I watered the girls. They each took just over 5 quarts of water (pH 6.5) before there was run-off.

Today (8/11/24), I fed them. I prepared three gallons of nute solution, consisting of:
3 tb. Big Bloom;
2 tb Grow Big;
2 tb. Tiger Bloom;
1 tb. Boomerang;
1.5 tb of Beasty Bloom;
6 tb. Terpinator;
.75 ts. CalMag Extra;
3 tb. Instagreen;
2 tb Microbe Brew.

pH was adjusted to 6.4

Shirley took 5.5 quarts before there was runoff. Laurie took just under five.

Partridge Family Trivia: 'In Search of the Partridge Family' was a talent show from 2004 that would recast/reboot the television series. It didn't last. Emma Stone auditioned for Laurie, but didn't get the job.
On Friday (8/13/24), I watered the girls. They each took just over 5 quarts of water (pH 6.4) before there was run-off.

Today (8/15/24), I fed them. I prepared three gallons of nute solution, consisting of:
3 tb. Big Bloom;
2 tb Grow Big;
2 tb. Tiger Bloom;
1 tb. Boomerang;
1.5 tb of Beasty Bloom;
6 tb. Terpinator;
.75 ts. CalMag Extra;
3 tb. Instagreen.

pH was adjusted to 6.4

Both of the girls took about five quarts before there was runoff.
On Sunday, I flushed the girls. I mixed 2.5 tb of Flawless Finish, with the pH adjusted to 6.5.

Today (8/21/24), I fed them. I prepared three gallons of nute solution, consisting of:
3 tb. Big Bloom;
2 tb Grow Big;
2 tb. Tiger Bloom;
1.5 tb. of Beasty Bloom;
6 tb. Terpinator;
.75 ts. CalMag Extra;
3 tb. Instagreen;
2 tb. Microbe Brew.

Both girls took about five quarts of water before there was runoff. They both were wilting quite a bit. I was a day late in feeding them. Normally, I alternate between food and water every two days; after flushing the soil, I wait an extra day as the soil is pretty wet. It wasn't this case.

Laurie (Blue Crack) is much further along than Shirley (Blue Dream). Her buds are getting big, her pistils are a light tan and there's plenty of trichomes. The sugar leaves are showing some of that teal color that drew me to this strain. I probably won't see Shirley like this for another two or three weeks.

Photos of Laurie:

Okay. Where was I?

On Friday, August 23rd), I watered Shirley and Laurie. They each took of about 5.5 quarts of pH-adjusted water (6.4) before there was run off.

Today (August 25th), I prepared three gallons of nute goo, consisting of:
3 tb. Big Bloom;
2 tb Grow Big;
2 tb. Tiger Bloom;
1.5 tb. of Beasty Bloom;
6 tb. Terpinator;
.75 ts. CalMag Extra;
3 tb. Instagreen;

The pH was adjusted to 6.3. The girls each took just under 5.5 quarts.

After feeding each plant, I stuck some dowels in the soil and tied the larger stalks to them. They were drooping to much and I was concerned about light and air getting through the bushiness.
On Tuesday, I watered the girls. Each took about 5.5 quarts of pH adjusted water before there was run off.

Yesterday, I started harvesting Laurie. I decided to sacrifice what little additional bud I might get off her for the sake of Shirley. For Shirley, I made two gallons of nute solution, consisting of:
2 tb. Big Bloom;
2 ts. Grow Big;
4 ts. Tiger Bloom;
4 tb. Terpinator;
.4 ts. CalMag Extra;
2 tb. Instagreen;
4 trs Microbe Brew;
1 ts. Cha-Ching.

pH was adjusted to 6.5. Shirley drank just over 5.5 quarts before there was run off.

Shirley was placed in the center of the tent
. This morning , I checked on her and she is opening up a whole lot. n She looks about twenty percent bigger than she was yesterday.

The following are pics of Laurie, prior to the harvest. As you can see, she (like Shirley) were jammed in there tight. Both plants were in five gallon pots.
Disaster struck in my grow tent. We'll report on this shortly. First, the usual stuff:

On Saturday (8/31), I watered Shirley. Each took about 5 quarts of pH adjusted water (4.6) before there was run off.

Today (9/2) I fed Shirley. I made two gallons of nute solution, consisting of:
2 tb. Big Bloom;
2 ts. Grow Big;
4 ts. Tiger Bloom;
4 tb. Terpinator;
.5 ts. CalMag Extra;
2 tb. Instagreen;
1 ts. Cha-Ching.

pH was adjusted to 6.3. Shirley drank just over 5 quarts before there was run off.

And, now, the disaster: When I opened the grow tent, I discovered Shirley has fallen over. When her soil is dry, she's too top heavy. The plastic wire that I used to tie her up came loose. I found her at a 45 degree angle (or so) propped up against the tent wall.

I doubt this incident would've shocked Shirley too much; it's not as if she fell off a table or anything. Still, now I have to keep an eye out for nanas.
On Wednesday, I watered Shirley. She took in about four quarts of pH-adjusted water (6.5) before there was run-off.

Today, I prepared 2 gallons of nute soup, consisting of:
2 tb. Big Bloom;
4 ts. Tiger Bloom;
4 tb. Terpinator;
.5 ts. CalMag Extra;
2 tb. Instagreen;
1 ts. Cha-Ching;
4 ts. Microbe Brew.

The pH was adjusted to 6.3

Again, Shirley took about four quarts before there was run-off. Her liquid consumption has dropped by about 20%, which is a concern. She, supposedly, has another two or three weeks left before I harvest her.

Anyway, here are some photos....
I've harvested Shirley yesterday. I doubt I got as much as I have in the past. There was a lot of popcorn buds.

I weighed my harvest from Laurie. Only 4.6 ounces. I'm saddened by this.

Thank you, everyone, for your support.
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