Doc Bud's High Brix - Strawberry Cough - Pineapple Express

Re: Doc Bud's High Brix: Strawberry Cough, Pineapple Express

Here's the soil test results, minus recommendations, for Vermisoil. Vermisoil is an organic potting soil put out by Vermicrop. It is an EXCELLENT soil and I have grown some fantastic plants in it.

But alas.....I'm not trying to grow fantastic looking plants...I'm trying to grow High Brix plants that reach their genetic potential. Vermisoil is unfit for High Brix. Too bad, because I've got quite a bit.



OK, so what's the problem with this soil? Plants grow well in it...what wrong?

Well, a few things.

Potassium is way too high. You can't grow High Brix plants if the potassium is too high. Just can't do it.
Sodium is dangerously high.

everything else is workable....but those two right there are deal breakers.

So, I'm trying ProMix HP. Peat, perlite, mycorhyzae, lime. I'll add humus, worm castings, composted chicken manure, and rock powders. I'll get it tested soon.

At least with a product that has nothing, we can build properly. So, we'll get there eventually. In the meantime, the plants are doing very well and enjoying their mineralized, but suboptimal soil just fine.
Re: Doc Bud's High Brix: Strawberry Cough, Pineapple Express

Hi Doc Bud.

Just wondered what you think of this:


Hey OMM!

I just checked out the link. A few things popped out:

1.)nowhere could I find a list of ingredients for the product
2.)no mention of foundational minerals.....the key to High Brix

It sounds like another organic fertilizer with the name "hibrix," not a true High Brix system. If they listed the ingredients, gave credit to the science and scientists behind the method.....I might take it more seriously.

The idea of chelation is not part of the High Brix method.....that's a chem fert idea.

Might be a great fertilizer, but not quite what i'm looking for.
Re: Doc Bud's High Brix: Strawberry Cough, Pineapple Express

OK....some disappointing new this morning.

I spoke with Jon at International Ag labs regarding the soil test of Vermicrop's favorite soil. I sent him a sample right out of the bag, hoping to get a road map to High Brix soil from bag to brix.

Vermisoil-----REJECTED!!! :thedoubletake:

Way too much potassium, way to high in phosphorus, way to low in calcium. Due to the high levels of phosphorus and especially potassium, this soil is unsuitable for true, high brix growing.

I asked specifically if he knew of a commercial, bagged soil that was a good starting point for high brix and he said to find a soil that comes from they have high calcium and low potassium. So, I'm at square one again.

Don't get me wrong, plants will grow in vermisoil. Adding rock powders and such will definitely raise brix levels....this stuff still works...but I'm trying to get a premium soil and it's just not easy!

I'm going to test Sunshine mix....the one without any fertilizer.

Jon recommended using my backyard to make my own high brix soil. Said it would take 3 years.....

So, I'll keep researching and working on this!

What I find amazing is how great the plants look and behave, and we're not even in true high Brix types of soil yet. I can't help wondering what they will do when we get there...What I'm hoping for is a way to build a soil no matter where you are located in the country...bringing in soil from Montana is just not an option for most of us!

Unfortunately, it may be that there is no "one size fits all regions" answer...testing and amending by region with readily available soil and amendments kind of sucks though...
Re: Doc Bud's High Brix: Strawberry Cough, Pineapple Express

What I find amazing is how great the plants look and behave, and we're not even in true high Brix types of soil yet. I can't help wondering what they will do when we get there...What I'm hoping for is a way to build a soil no matter where you are located in the country...bringing in soil from Montana is just not an option for most of us!

Unfortunately, it may be that there is no "one size fits all regions" answer...testing and amending by region with readily available soil and amendments kind of sucks though...

Oh, just adding the minerals will make any soil grow better. I do not see a downside to doing so, and I see no reason why everyone shouldn't do it. Brix will go up when the rock powders go in the soil. But it will do even better if the soil is dialed in.

Bro, we're not only gonna get there, we're gonna get there fast. The key is to find a readily available commercial product. I'm pretty sure I found it.

Jon told me to start with crap topsoil, or peat. He specifically mentioned a peat product from North Dakota, which I did not buy. But, I did get this.



Canadian Sphagnum Peat Moss
(65-75% by volume)
Perlite - horticultural grade
Dolomitic and Calcitic limestone
(pH adjuster)

Wetting Agent (yucca)
Mycorrhizae – endomycorrhizal innoculum
(Glomus intraradices)


Faster drainage cycle versus general purpose, peat-based mixes
Well suited for low-light and high-humidity growing conditions
Reduces overwatering risk
Reduces incidence of water-related problems (root diseases, algae and fungus gnats)
Retains less water for improved leaching of fertilizer salts during crop cycle
MYCORRHIZAE™ improves overall growth of plants and increases yields of flowers/fruits

**Benefits may vary among plant species and cultivars.

Peat, limestone, dolomite, perlite, and mycorrhizae. The only way to go is UP from here.

I added Rock n chicken, Azomite and rock powders. I'll add the biominerals from T and J every third feeding, and hydrolyzed fish for the second.

I've got some clones in the first batch, and so far I'm ecstatic. Clones were heavily mite infested. I killed all the mites with Forbid. (glad I have that stuff....was wondering if I'd ever use it again.) But the leaves looked horrible. I would have thrown them away, but I wanted to see how they'd do in the new mix, which isn't done cooking.

Well, I'll post pics tomorrow. They're really nice and gonna make some nice plants.

So, I expect I'll get a roadmap when the HP soil test gets back. I think we got it this time.....
Re: Doc Bud's High Brix: Strawberry Cough, Pineapple Express

Oh, just adding the minerals will make any soil grow better. I do not see a downside to doing so, and I see no reason why everyone shouldn't do it. Brix will go up when the rock powders go in the soil. But it will do even better if the soil is dialed in.

Bro, we're not only gonna get there, we're gonna get there fast. The key is to find a readily available commercial product. I'm pretty sure I found it.

Jon told me to start with crap topsoil, or peat. He specifically mentioned a peat product from North Dakota, which I did not buy. But, I did get this.



Canadian Sphagnum Peat Moss
(65-75% by volume)
Perlite - horticultural grade
Dolomitic and Calcitic limestone
(pH adjuster)

Wetting Agent (yucca)
Mycorrhizae – endomycorrhizal innoculum
(Glomus intraradices)


Faster drainage cycle versus general purpose, peat-based mixes
Well suited for low-light and high-humidity growing conditions
Reduces overwatering risk
Reduces incidence of water-related problems (root diseases, algae and fungus gnats)
Retains less water for improved leaching of fertilizer salts during crop cycle
MYCORRHIZAE™ improves overall growth of plants and increases yields of flowers/fruits

**Benefits may vary among plant species and cultivars.

Peat, limestone, dolomite, perlite, and mycorrhizae. The only way to go is UP from here.

I added Rock n chicken, Azomite and rock powders. I'll add the biominerals from T and J every third feeding, and hydrolyzed fish for the second.

I've got some clones in the first batch, and so far I'm ecstatic. Clones were heavily mite infested. I killed all the mites with Forbid. (glad I have that stuff....was wondering if I'd ever use it again.) But the leaves looked horrible. I would have thrown them away, but I wanted to see how they'd do in the new mix, which isn't done cooking.

Well, I'll post pics tomorrow. They're really nice and gonna make some nice plants.

So, I expect I'll get a roadmap when the HP soil test gets back. I think we got it this time.....

Awesome bro! I thought something like one of the Pro-Mix products might be as close to a blank slate as you could get when I first start thinking about high Brix. :thumb:

I'll be watching and waiting intently!
Re: Doc Bud's High Brix: Strawberry Cough, Pineapple Express

Awesome bro! I thought something like one of the Pro-Mixs might be as close to a blank slate as you could get when I first start thinking about high Brix. :thumb:

I'll be watching and waiting intently!

Oh yeah....I also added 20 pounds of worm castings to 3.8 cu ft of promix, in addition to the other stuff mentioned above.

I looked at the Sunshine mix too....but it had all dolomite and not calicitic limestone for the buffer. The ProMix has a very nice mycorrhizal charge too.

I LOVE the way it drains. I'm looking forward to the soil test and the road map! Then we'll really have something.

BTW, I harvested a Purple Jack, the main colas on the Lemon Thai, and half of a Blue Dream that were starting to fall over too much.

Despite all the problems this recent cycle, the buds are looking pretty good, with a very high yield. I can't wait to get a true, High Brix soil going.
Re: Doc Bud's High Brix: Strawberry Cough, Pineapple Express

Oh yeah....I also added 20 pounds of worm castings to 3.8 cu ft of promix, in addition to the other stuff mentioned above.

I looked at the Sunshine mix too....but it had all dolomite and not calicitic limestone for the buffer. The ProMix has a very nice mycorrhizal charge too.

I LOVE the way it drains. I'm looking forward to the soil test and the road map! Then we'll really have something.

BTW, I harvested a Purple Jack, the main colas on the Lemon Thai, and half of a Blue Dream that were starting to fall over too much.

Despite all the problems this recent cycle, the buds are looking pretty good, with a very high yield. I can't wait to get a true, High Brix soil going.

I also noticed you didn't mention any humus, figured you were waiting on the test...I just found out my local shop just started carrying Ancient Forest Alaska Humus.

Ancient Forest is 100% pure forest humus that provides a high diversity of microorganisms, including more than 35,000 species of bacteria and over 5,000 species of fungi.

I'm not sure if that sounds great, or a little scary! :rofl:

Congrats on your harvest bro! I'm glad you're happy with them!

How much longer are you planning on leaving the rest of the Lemon Thai and Blue Dream? Are you going by the trichomes?

I'm planning on trying the same thing, but I want to keep a close eye on them. I've heard of some plants hermie-ing after a portion of the plant is harvested...kind of an "oh shit! I better make some seeds quickly!" response...but I have no idea how much of a factor genetics or other stressors played.
Re: Doc Bud's High Brix: Strawberry Cough, Pineapple Express

I also noticed you didn't mention any humus, figured you were waiting on the test...I just found out my local shop just started carrying Ancient Forest Alaska Humus.

I'm not sure if that sounds great, or a little scary! :rofl:

Congrats on your harvest bro! I'm glad you're happy with them!

How much longer are you planning on leaving the rest of the Lemon Thai and Blue Dream? Are you going by the trichomes?

I'm planning on trying the same thing, but I want to keep a close eye on them. I've heard of some plants hermie-ing after a portion of the plant is harvested...kind of an "oh shit! I better make some seeds quickly!" response...but I have no idea how much of a factor genetics or other stressors played.

Oh....yeah, I added 2 1/2 bags of Alaskan Forest Humus to the mix too. I smoked some of the 2 days dried product right before I made that post....forgot some stuff. But yeah....humus, absolutely.

I wouldn't be surprised of doing that caused the plants to hermie...but I'll get getting the rest of it this Friday. In fact, I'll have a huge harvest this weekend. I'm really happy with a couple of them.

Pics tomorrow.
Re: Doc Bud's High Brix: Strawberry Cough, Pineapple Express

The alaskan forest humus, water with 1 tbsp of molasses really kicks up a lot of foam quickly in my microbe teas...been using it quite a bit, and very happy with the results so far... will definitely be a must have in all my grows... :)
Re: Doc Bud's High Brix: Strawberry Cough, Pineapple Express

love the big old fat buds just chillin in the backround of some of them pictures..
Re: Doc Bud's High Brix: Strawberry Cough, Pineapple Express


Sorry I'm a little late to the party. I just noticed the post today.

Did you start the fem seeds 12/12?

Sorry to hear your favorite soil didn't pass the test.

My new blend of 1.5 q/ft Dr Earth Pot of Gold and 1 q/ft Promix Organic seems to be working great. Not sure if it would pass the test, but the plants look awesome so far. Not a bad leaf yet.

Re: Doc Bud's High Brix: Strawberry Cough, Pineapple Express


Sorry I'm a little late to the party. I just noticed the post today.

Did you start the fem seeds 12/12?

Sorry to hear your favorite soil didn't pass the test.

My new blend of 1.5 q/ft Dr Earth Pot of Gold and 1 q/ft Promix Organic seems to be working great. Not sure if it would pass the test, but the plants look awesome so far. Not a bad leaf yet.


Yes, those seeds were started on 12/12.

Regarding soil, just adding the rock powders improves things dramatically. But I'm not going for really nice plants....I'm going for sky high brix and extraordinary produce.

We'll get that soil dialed in before long and then look out. It's gonna be epic.
Re: Doc Bud's High Brix: Strawberry Cough, Pineapple Express

wow yea deff like those pics..and somewhat embarresed by thm few pics much herb u think u pulled out tht picture..i wouldnt b at all atleast came out good tho rite
Re: Doc Bud's High Brix: Strawberry Cough, Pineapple Express

and your saying tht u popped those sprouted seeds in the soil went to flower and wala..ben hearing alot about putting seeds and clones into 12/12 on this site..taking a liking to the idea seeing how much you guys produce without veg like 420fields hempy sog..a master piece
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