This is the first run on the HB soil. Its in the 1g and the 20g.
I don't disturb th he 20g from crop to crop. I don't even flex the pots. I don't want to disturb the soil structure that the mycelium network has built up. There is also the balance of life, or equilibrium in the soil you don't want to upset.
If one part of the food web in the soil is knocked out or down, it effects everything else up and down the food chain that is why you will see some unexpected deficiencies like I noticed a certain dew were having and crying about a while ago.
At least that's my working theory, and works for me.
I bought a second tent, and am building a lung room to feed both tents from.
Tho his way I can run two identical tents with shared environment. I'll be able to do side by side tests on any genetic/run with the ability of changing only one variable like light, or VPD, cat drench timing, you name it. See the effect on quality and yeild. Analytical, not anecdotal.
10 runs on the old soil and was still going strong. I anticipate as much with the HB too.
Interesting, Do you Water/Feed in the 20g , the 1g or Both