Doc Bud's High Brix Q&A With Pictures

Yes I’d like to know how to cut with 1/3 coco as well!

I'm going to post this and other tweaks from other folks in the "expert" section on the website.
I'm scared to death to put the information here, in an unorganized fashion....

And I KNOW Neiko would agree: learn to use the kit first!

BTW, I do NOT use coco and never have. My plants look OK despite it.

I'm going to post this and other tweaks from other folks in the "expert" section on the website.
I'm scared to death to put the information here, in an unorganized fashion....

And I KNOW Neiko would agree: learn to use the kit first!

BTW, I do NOT use coco and never have. My plants look OK despite it.



I just would like to try it because it makes the kit larger in volume therefore letting me use 1 kits worth of soil for more than just 4 10 gallon pots

I just would like to try it because it makes the kit larger in volume therefore letting me use 1 kits worth of soil for more than just 4 10 gallon pots

Yup. It may also extend the life of the soil.....but like so many things, there's always a trade off. I don't know what the tradeoff I've yet to try it myself. But I'm fully supportive other than I think people need to learn how to use the gear first.
Doc Bud - High Brix Q&A With Pictures

Yup. It may also extend the life of the soil.....but like so many things, there's always a trade off. I don't know what the tradeoff I've yet to try it myself. But I'm fully supportive other than I think people need to learn how to use the gear first.

I can see that forsure and I do agree! I will do another run or two before I cut it with coco because that'll be about 5 or 6 HiBrix cycles under my belt
Re: Doc Bud - High Brix Q&A With Pictures

I can see that forsure and I do agree! I will do another run or two before I cut it with coco because that’ll be about 5 or 6 HiBrix cycles under my belt

I ran the kit for over 4 years and this is my first run with coco and mammoth p. Everything is spot on so far but only the finished product and happy stoners will tell lmao! Cuz I rarely smoke
Hey guys, good morning. Think I'm close to harvest on these Wonder Woman... wanted to get some opinions though cause this is my first grow with the kit. As far as I could see trics are All still clear... but the pistils are "receding" and I can't see many new ones. She's plumping up nicely though...

I know... I know... humidity is way to low... looking at whole house humidifiers. Will get one very soon.

Bump guys... sorry to bug ya... just need to plan accordingly... last feeding was 12/8 and they got straight water before that was GE... and I've heard to finish on the GE... they'll probably need feeding again in a day or two...
1: do you guys think they look ready?
2: if yes, should I do another GE to finish em off with? Or continue the schedule?
3: if no, I'm sure they will be ready soon... so should I continue on the schedule with a Tp Drench then straight to GE? Cause I doubt they have more than a week or two if they aren't ready. Thanks everyone, your opinions are very valuable to me me.
If this doesn't make sense just let me know, I'm pretty good at rewording and weeding out the junk to make it more clear.
Bump guys... sorry to bug ya... just need to plan accordingly... last feeding was 12/8 and they got straight water before that was GE... and I’ve heard to finish on the GE... they’ll probably need feeding again in a day or two...
1: do you guys think they look ready?
2: if yes, should I do another GE to finish em off with? Or continue the schedule?
3: if no, I’m sure they will be ready soon... so should I continue on the schedule with a Tp Drench then straight to GE? Cause I doubt they have more than a week or two if they aren’t ready. Thanks everyone, your opinions are very valuable to me me.
If this doesn’t make sense just let me know, I’m pretty good at rewording and weeding out the junk to make it more clear.

Personally I go by trichome color. I prefer about 70% cloudy, 25% clear and 5% amber. If theyre getting close to that ill give them GE no matter what the last feeing/water was. They're dying anyway, might as well let em die happy
Personally I go by trichome color. I prefer about 70% cloudy, 25% clear and 5% amber. If theyre getting close to that ill give them GE no matter what the last feeing/water was. They're dying anyway, might as well let em die happy

Thanks Cannatard, that's usually what I do as well... or close to it, when I was using super soil... Doc has said that he doesn't usually see the trichomes turn color... and waits for: no new pistils, pistils receding/calaxes swelling, plants stop needing feeding as frequently... but I'm getting anxious, with this being my first HB grow... just wanna make sure I get this right.
I'll check more areas today, see if I can find any cloudy/Amber. Thanks again!
Bump guys... sorry to bug ya... just need to plan accordingly... last feeding was 12/8 and they got straight water before that was GE... and I’ve heard to finish on the GE... they’ll probably need feeding again in a day or two...
1: do you guys think they look ready?
2: if yes, should I do another GE to finish em off with? Or continue the schedule?
3: if no, I’m sure they will be ready soon... so should I continue on the schedule with a Tp Drench then straight to GE? Cause I doubt they have more than a week or two if they aren’t ready. Thanks everyone, your opinions are very valuable to me me.
If this doesn’t make sense just let me know, I’m pretty good at rewording and weeding out the junk to make it more clear.

GE. When in doubt, use GE. No problem
Thanks Cannatard, that’s usually what I do as well... or close to it, when I was using super soil... Doc has said that he doesn’t usually see the trichomes turn color... and waits for: no new pistils, pistils receding/calaxes swelling, plants stop needing feeding as frequently... but I’m getting anxious, with this being my first HB grow... just wanna make sure I get this right.
I’ll check more areas today, see if I can find any cloudy/Amber. Thanks again!

Think of a harvest window....not a day. You have a 10 day period of time in which to harvest, usually. I'd say you're in the early part of that window.
Bump guys... sorry to bug ya... just need to plan accordingly... last feeding was 12/8 and they got straight water before that was GE... and I've heard to finish on the GE... they'll probably need feeding again in a day or two...
1: do you guys think they look ready?
2: if yes, should I do another GE to finish em off with? Or continue the schedule?
3: if no, I'm sure they will be ready soon... so should I continue on the schedule with a Tp Drench then straight to GE? Cause I doubt they have more than a week or two if they aren't ready. Thanks everyone, your opinions are very valuable to me me.
If this doesn't make sense just let me know, I'm pretty good at rewording and weeding out the junk to make it more clear.

Hi dajerm,

Those bud look great! Nice and tight clusters, looks like an easy trim. How many days has the WW been in flower? Think I've read somewhere this strain is a 8-10 week.

It looks like it is in the harvest window, but I like to watch the trichomes.

I tend to finish with GE, but if I need more waterings to finish I tend to use straight water.

I've never grown WW, so when I start with a new strain I tend to run it many times to see if she is hiding something special. I will harvest at different "ready" windows and compare with past results. First time around with a new strain I will wait till I can see most of the trichomes go cloudy. Some will still be clear, and some may be amber also, but this gives me a baseline. Next time I may try an earlier harvest 75% cloudy 25% clear. And the third time a late harvest 75% amber 25% cloudy. Note that these are just examples, and in reality I find plants that can have any combination of trichomes in different stages of maturity.

If you have more than one plant you can try the different harvest windows in one grow, label and compare the smoke. Or harvest one plant a little at a time.

With the Bubblegum I just harvested last night, I was waiting for the rest of the trichomes to turn cloudy. A week earlier I had 80% cloudy and some ambers. I know that plant so well now I can smell when it is ready to my taste.

That's the beauty of running the same plant over and over again.

Buds look great dajerm!
I've been using plugs for clones and seed germination for quite some time. I just recently went back to germinating in straight 1st run soil. In plugs I think I've been about 95% on germination. After following the tutorial journal I thought I would go back to straight soil. Out of 8 seeds I only got 2 up after 10 days. I just replanted into the same soil and went 4-4. I think maybe if I have a lot of seeds of one strain I'll go straight soil....only the strong survive right? Maybe the soil is doing the selection of strong strains for us??

Thanks for posting your experience so far with the plugs.

So how are you doing it ? Soaking seed, soak plug, 1 or both together,
or separately. Put plug in wet soil ?

Sorry about that looks like I had more questions then I thought :)
Could you PM or email your protocol? I'd like to include it, along with some others, in the "expert" section on the website. Speaking of the website:

Grand Opening Sale

Free Shipping on the Kit, and Bulk Kit, and all orders over $100.

We won't have a deal like this again if you're on the fence, now is a good time to make a decision!

Just went there and thought to check if I am still signed up, since I signed up weeks ago.

Anyway wanted to mention In the "SIGN UP" Area the "EMAIL ADDRESS BOX" To enter the email address is not
DEFINED very well, VERY Hard to see on my computer (not highlighted) I hit the "SIGN UP" tab multiple times
only to see the "EMAIL ADDRESS REQUIRED" Flash, Took way to long to figure it out OTHERS would of
probably given up.

Wish I need more supply's, maybe I'll stoke up on 1st & 3rd run amendments, they should last for a good
long time
Just went there and thought to check if I am still signed up, since I signed up weeks ago.

Anyway wanted to mention In the "SIGN UP" Area the "EMAIL ADDRESS BOX" To enter the email address is not
DEFINED very well, VERY Hard to see on my computer (not highlighted) I hit the "SIGN UP" tab multiple times
only to see the "EMAIL ADDRESS REQUIRED" Flash, Took way to long to figure it out OTHERS would of
probably given up.

Wish I need more supply's, maybe I'll stoke up on 1st & 3rd run amendments, they should last for a good
long time

thanks for the help Gazoo. Will see if we can fix this for you. Were you able to sign up?
I personally like to soak mine. I don't want to offer up conflicting info to doc though..... so for the sake of helping keep things simple here's how I would attack it.

Place dry seed in dry plug pointy tip down, about half an inch. Then make your shot glass sized hole. Place plug and sprinkle some pro mix around it. Don't compact. Then if the soil is dry mist with a spray bottle until the pro mix around the plug and the plug are Moist. Then from there only water the pro mix around the plug. The plug/ rapid rooters will pull all the moisture they need in from the moist/ damp surrounding medium. Just to be sure touch the plug and be sure there is moitatre after every micro watering. And if need be mist the plug until moist.

Once she emerges then start to water more and further out from the plug to get the roots searching.

This is how I would do it to keep it simple yet effective.

But let's wait for doc to see what he thinks!
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