Doc Bud's High Brix Q&A With Pictures

All Tucked In, waiting for her to fill in.
Only problem I have is I DON'T HAVE ANYTHING TO DO, No ph, no PPM.
So as you can see I spend all my time adding and arranging the decorations :)

I'm not a chemical engineer.....but I did have 3 semesters of Inorganic, 3 semesters of Organic, and 4 semesters of biochemistry in college....prior to grad school, where I had another year of biochem/pharmacology.

I'm also into cooking and have friends who are chefs. I have never attempted to wash lettuce with H202, nor chard or spinach. I DO wash them in a mild lemon/soda rinse, similar to what we do with buds. Chefs do it too.

Sometimes practical things that work well, year after year, across the board for everyone are better than concepts dreamed up by engineers. We're not trying to STERILIZE the buds by busting all the cell walls of the anaerobic bacteria that might be on the plants. We're trying to wash off dirt and foreign material first and foremost....and if there's a mild antiseptic action (from the sulfites in the Lemon juice) then that's OK too....but the primary goal is to loosen dirt and film from foliar sprays, dust, dander, etc.

H202 is much better at oxidizing cell walls and killing anaerobic microbes.....but Lemon Juice and Soda is a far better surfactant and will clean the produce much better.

Doc, do you still recommend H2O2 if you suspect any PM, etc.?
"Back built"? I'm not familiar with this . Please explain.

Back building is a technique where you snip of the very tip of the growing buds. From what I have read it is usually done about halfway through the bud cycle or when there is 3 to 4 weeks left in the flower cycle. You snip the top 2 or 3 pistils along with the tip of the calyx they are coming out of. Doing so signals to the bud that there is no more vertical space to grow and thus it needs to grow out. Canna and Nismo have used the technique quite a bit and Light Addict has a thread and write up about it if you want to check it out.
Alright guys, wanted to see if anyone is having similar issues or knows a possible cause. Doc says it's a root issue, but I have them well insulated, not sure what it could be as far as roots go.



Alright guys, wanted to see if anyone is having similar issues or knows a possible cause. Doc says it's a root issue, but I have them well insulated, not sure what it could be as far as roots go.




I had exact same problem after transplanting into bigger pots. Gave girls rescue Drench and they have all come back around.
Flash-back! Remembering watching Flintstones meet Gazoo. Had to wait for the TV to warm up first!! I like the Einstein quote too! Edit oops wrong page or time warp! sorry
Yeah, I am familiar with the remedies, was just hoping someone might know the cause so I could try and avoid it rather than fix it.

Seems I had the same issues when I was in early veg. I can't be sure but pretty sure it was from not letting the pots dry out and the roots staying saturated. The roots aren't happy. What I gather is they either need time in the new soil to recover and if that has not happened for you yet after 10 to 14 days then a rescue Drench would be my next step in trying to amend the problem.

But if you'd looking for technical, that's about as much as I can give you bud. I'm sure you have or will get much more than what I may have spilt out .
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