Doc Bud's High Brix Q&A With Pictures

re: Doc Bud - High Brix Q&A With Pictures

Thanks, Doc. Will get right on it!

Hi Gramma Maggie, Do you plan on letting them get really big? Cuz when Doc says LARGE pots ...bigger is better for sure!My friend used to use those colored pails with the rope grips...about 20 gal's i think.His plants were always very large and paid him back,big time!I wish i could do a few rounds outside in those pots...with doc's kit soil!!:) Cheers eh!
Sent from my the future!
re: Doc Bud - High Brix Q&A With Pictures

Bulldog! It would take alot of time ,among other things,to bring a plan like that together. Imagine organizing all the logistics and such for ...say 100 people! Wow ,That's why it would have to be at least two days and nights. Anyhow ,I'l have a Stella for ya B.D.In the mornin ,,my MK Ultra is done !!:):) Cheers!
re: Doc Bud - High Brix Q&A With Pictures

So, pictures will be a bit scarce for a bit, but I'm always here for talk growing, fish stories, unsolicited advice and negative opinions most subjects.....

Chee talk story!

Doc, do you remember any fire Hawaiian strains you smoked back in the day? I'm hoping to get my hands on some Kauai Electric, or a cross made with it, real soon. Molokai frost, Maui wowie, kona gold, shit I don't know what any of them are like!

Only buds I get on a consistent basis that are locally grown and sourced is the big island widow. Not even Hawaiian strain. Seems like everyone has the same cut, pretty dank earthy mossy tastey shit. Stinky and sticky. But that's all that I've smoked. I hear stories of epic buds, but don't seem to be in the right circles, no one I know has any cuts of anything good.

Doc i remember you saying one time that if you are passionate about weed and growing, the seeds and cuts will come to you...I haven't forgotten that, and also haven't had those things happen yet.... so i continue to hone my passion for the ganja plant.

My life is crazy but i find such peace in my small little ganja farm. The plants go about their lives simply and without fretting or worry. There is so much change in the world at large and my world as well, however small. I ponder my choices and where they and tomorrow will lead. I wonder about humanity and global warming and sea creatures and rain forests and ozone layers. I worry about plastic use and waste. I worry about over population of out planet, extinction of creatures that have been here forever, health of our oceans and untouched natural land and resources. I think about my relationships with the people around me, and their relationships with the people around them. Im not sure that I would say I believe in fate, but I do believe that everything happens for a reason. My friend told me something interesting today, he said successful people make an educated and passionate decision and stick with it to the end. Take what he said for what it worth, but it's not the first time I've heard or been told to follow a path with heart.

I hope and feel that all we do as individuals and a collective of beings, leads us down the path we were meant to travel, and that we have the strength and passion and courage to travel the length of that path.

Many times the world is mysterious in its ways. Let us all find and use the power of the healing ganja herb to be mystified and amazed by the incredible journey we all have been gifted.
re: Doc Bud - High Brix Q&A With Pictures

Chee talk story!

Doc, do you remember any fire Hawaiian strains you smoked back in the day? I'm hoping to get my hands on some Kauai Electric, or a cross made with it, real soon. Molokai frost, Maui wowie, kona gold, shit I don't know what any of them are like!

Only buds I get on a consistent basis that are locally grown and sourced is the big island widow. Not even Hawaiian strain. Seems like everyone has the same cut, pretty dank earthy mossy tastey shit. Stinky and sticky. But that's all that I've smoked. I hear stories of epic buds, but don't seem to be in the right circles, no one I know has any cuts of anything good.

Doc i remember you saying one time that if you are passionate about weed and growing, the seeds and cuts will come to you...I haven't forgotten that, and also haven't had those things happen yet.... so i continue to hone my passion for the ganja plant.

My life is crazy but i find such peace in my small little ganja farm. The plants go about their lives simply and without fretting or worry. There is so much change in the world at large and my world as well, however small. I ponder my choices and where they and tomorrow will lead. I wonder about humanity and global warming and sea creatures and rain forests and ozone layers. I worry about plastic use and waste. I worry about over population of out planet, extinction of creatures that have been here forever, health of our oceans and untouched natural land and resources. I think about my relationships with the people around me, and their relationships with the people around them. Im not sure that I would say I believe in fate, but I do believe that everything happens for a reason. My friend told me something interesting today, he said successful people make an educated and passionate decision and stick with it to the end. Take what he said for what it worth, but it's not the first time I've heard or been told to follow a path with heart.

I hope and feel that all we do as individuals and a collective of beings, leads us down the path we were meant to travel, and that we have the strength and passion and courage to travel the length of that path.

Many times the world is mysterious in its ways. Let us all find and use the power of the healing ganja herb to be mystified and amazed by the incredible journey we all have been gifted.

Great thoughts bro. If you follow your passion with growing, in time I promise things will open up to you. keep talking and sharing.

The Hawaiian strains I had from back in the day that I thought were bomb were Kona Gold, Maui Wowie and Puna Butter. Of those I always liked the Kona Gold the best.

I'm pretty sure it's Colombian Gold grown in that Hawaiian red volcanic soil. I'm sure that back in the day that soil was pretty close to high brix too, judging by how the produce used to taste on the island.

If I were in your shoes, I'd try to get a hold of some landrace strains.
re: Doc Bud - High Brix Q&A With Pictures

Doc i remember you saying one time that if you are passionate about weed and growing, the seeds and cuts will come to you...I haven't forgotten that, and also haven't had those things happen yet.... so i continue to hone my passion for the ganja plant.

My friend told me something interesting today, he said successful people make an educated and passionate decision and stick with it to the end. Take what he said for what it worth, but it's not the first time I've heard or been told to follow a path with heart.

I hope and feel that all we do as individuals and a collective of beings, leads us down the path we were meant to travel, and that we have the strength and passion and courage to travel the length of that path.

Many times the world is mysterious in its ways. Let us all find and use the power of the healing ganja herb to be mystified and amazed by the incredible journey we all have been gifted.

Yes sir're:thumb:
re: Doc Bud - High Brix Q&A With Pictures

My friend told me something interesting today, he said successful people make an educated and passionate decision and stick with it to the end. Take what he said for what it worth, but it's not the first time I've heard or been told to follow a path with heart.

I hope and feel that all we do as individuals and a collective of beings, leads us down the path we were meant to travel, and that we have the strength and passion and courage to travel the length of that path.

Many times the world is mysterious in its ways. Let us all find and use the power of the healing ganja herb to be mystified and amazed by the incredible journey we all have been gifted.

This resonated with me - something I heard a long time ago:

"Successful people make decisions quickly and change them slowly. Unsuccessful people make decisions slowly and change them quickly."

It's no hard and fast rule, but something worth spending some time thinking about.

re: Doc Bud - High Brix Q&A With Pictures

This resonated with me - something I heard a long time ago:

"Successful people make decisions quickly and change them slowly. Unsuccessful people make decisions slowly and change them quickly."

It's no hard and fast rule, but something worth spending some time thinking about.



Thanks doc I'll keep my eyes and ears pealed. Kona gold could very well be hawaiian grown Colombian
re: Doc Bud - High Brix Q&A With Pictures


Thanks doc I'll keep my eyes and ears pealed. Kona gold could very well be hawaiian grown Colombian

Back then, I didn't have much of a tolerance.....but I distinctly remember my first time taking a bong hit of Kona Gold....which was the first strain I smoked out of a bong.

I could feel the top of my head "vibrating" and buzzing before I exhaled and a minute later I felt like the back of my neck had oil dripping down it. I kept wiping my neck with my hand expecting to see liquid. Then I noticed the trades, the blue and white of the ocean and reef at Ala Moana park (other side of the harbor from Ala Mo surf break) and I spent the next couple hours basically having a mild hallucinogenic experience, with tactile, visual and auditory hallucinations. (mild....not like hard drugs or anything)

I got similar sensations from Colombian Gold. Other strains were also awesome and great, but nothing like the "golds."

If there's any way you could grow outside, let's get your soil tested, amended and brixing! Then see if you can get some gold going. With high brix island grown "gold" you'll probably become famous!
re: Doc Bud - High Brix Q&A With Pictures

OMG Doc that sounds so fun.

I had a similar experience in S.NJ except I was tripping and fell from the jetty I was sunbathing on. It all worked out fantastically.

"Successful people make decisions quickly and change them slowly. Unsuccessful people make decisions slowly and change them quickly."
‘Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value.’ <--Einstein
re: Doc Bud - High Brix Q&A With Pictures

OMG Doc that sounds so fun.

I had a similar experience in S.NJ except I was tripping and fell from the jetty I was sunbathing on. It all worked out fantastically.

"Successful people make decisions quickly and change them slowly. Unsuccessful people make decisions slowly and change them quickly."
‘Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value.’ <--Einstein

Some days, I freakin' LOVE this journal! Thanks for the great thoughts and contributions all!

Also, just a reminder: you can get bulk sprays and drenches for the same price as from "the lab" if you order through me. Won't cost a penny shipping on orders over 50 bucks.
re: Doc Bud - High Brix Q&A With Pictures

Mornin Doc! My MK Ultra is done and is drying .It looks and smells amazing:) I'm pretty sure my goal of 9z's for three of them looks pretty close so far...could be more!I'm going to buy an led light Doc! Did i really say that out loud? B.I.D. in the mag here was (is) testing one ,it's the "budmaster 2" the 675xg model! I'm working out a deal now with them in the UK. My space is 42" x 48" so the 675 xg will be lots of light for four plants at a time...all yr. round ,instead of only being able to grow two during the summer months due to heat issues.Your work with Dorm grow's led has been fun to watch and learn! So many advantages to these lights...i can't ignore them any longer! Thoughts Doc? I know this light is alot of $ but it will pay me back after just two grows. Later , Cheers.
re: Doc Bud - High Brix Q&A With Pictures

Mornin Doc! My MK Ultra is done and is drying .It looks and smells amazing:) I'm pretty sure my goal of 9z's for three of them looks pretty close so far...could be more!I'm going to buy an led light Doc! Did i really say that out loud? B.I.D. in the mag here was (is) testing one ,it's the "budmaster 2" the 675xg model! I'm working out a deal now with them in the UK. My space is 42" x 48" so the 675 xg will be lots of light for four plants at a time...all yr. round ,instead of only being able to grow two during the summer months due to heat issues.Your work with Dorm grow's led has been fun to watch and learn! So many advantages to these lights...i can't ignore them any longer! Thoughts Doc? I know this light is alot of $ but it will pay me back after just two grows. Later , Cheers.

Congrats on your harvest and hitting your goal! I think you're going to be surprised with the quality of your crop. You washed it right?

I think you'll be very happy with your LED as well. I'm still waiting to harvest my LED plant and it looks incredible. I'm definitely a fan of LED! Didn't use to be....but I think they've gotten much better.
re: Doc Bud - High Brix Q&A With Pictures

No ...i didn't wash it this time doc.To be honest ,time was a factor yesterday and i recruted a friend to help me trim because i was pressed for time...shitty excuse eh. Next time i'm going to try washing using your method of course. When we were trimming the MK's the smells were just ...wel..out of this world, very hard to describe.A real strong but clean organic ,like smell. Not just "dank" like we like our OG's but something's really hard to put my finger on it, know what i mean? What do you think of my led choice Doc?Cheers!
re: Doc Bud - High Brix Q&A With Pictures

No ...i didn't wash it this time doc.To be honest ,time was a factor yesterday and i recruted a friend to help me trim because i was pressed for time...shitty excuse eh. Next time i'm going to try washing using your method of course. When we were trimming the MK's the smells were just ...wel..out of this world, very hard to describe.A real strong but clean organic ,like smell. Not just "dank" like we like our OG's but something's really hard to put my finger on it, know what i mean? What do you think of my led choice Doc?Cheers!

I'm not an LED expert, so I don't know much about your choice of LED.....but it seems like the current crop of LED lights work very well. I think you're going to like it!

If you're in a hurry, just use a single bucket of water to wash your buds. The improvement in quality just simply can't be done without. It's like forgetting to frost the cake.
re: Doc Bud - High Brix Q&A With Pictures

Wow doc...washing really makes a big diff. eh! The friend who helped me trim would have bought my whole crop! We couldn't get over how big and heavy the buds were! By far the nicest i've grown to date.Still havn't tried it yet though:(Just about out of my H.G.K. gotta give this MK Ultra another go bud...knowing what you know now !Iv'e done a bit of searching out the g13 part of it and hasn't been messed with too much.It's naturally a landrace indica with a little sativa introduced back in the 60's.Iv'e seen big buds or colas lots before but never big like this and totally covered with resin! With strong ,strong smells! The three plants didn't even get over 30 " tall.I L.S.T' them to get about 10 even leader branches then flip.This is how i maximize yield without having to trellis or scrog.I like to have the pots sitting on rolling carts as well ,makes it easier on my back! Anyhow, Happy Easter Doc! and the rest of the gang!:):)
Cheers eh!
re: Doc Bud - High Brix Q&A With Pictures

Back then, I didn't have much of a tolerance.....but I distinctly remember my first time taking a bong hit of Kona Gold....which was the first strain I smoked out of a bong.

I could feel the top of my head "vibrating" and buzzing before I exhaled and a minute later I felt like the back of my neck had oil dripping down it. I kept wiping my neck with my hand expecting to see liquid. Then I noticed the trades, the blue and white of the ocean and reef at Ala Moana park (other side of the harbor from Ala Mo surf break) and I spent the next couple hours basically having a mild hallucinogenic experience, with tactile, visual and auditory hallucinations. (mild....not like hard drugs or anything)

I got similar sensations from Colombian Gold. Other strains were also awesome and great, but nothing like the "golds."

If there's any way you could grow outside, let's get your soil tested, amended and brixing! Then see if you can get some gold going. With high brix island grown "gold" you'll probably become famous!

I remember Maui Wowee being pretty special, but that was long ago. The one I really remember was Panama Red. Scalp to toe rushes, back and forth, vibrating all over, visuals like going under at the dentists. One joint glued six of us to the floor for a half hour. Never had anything else even half as strong.
re: Doc Bud - High Brix Q&A With Pictures

I remember Maui Wowee being pretty special, but that was long ago. The one I really remember was Panama Red. Scalp to toe rushes, back and forth, vibrating all over, visuals like going under at the dentists. One joint glued six of us to the floor for a half hour. Never had anything else even half as strong.

Yup. That can be had again if you can find some genuine PR seeds and grow them high brix. The landrace sativa's do especially well when you can grow them outdoors or even better in a greenhouse.

I'll have to snap some pics of my "young apprentice's" second grow. He's got an Afghan Kush that is just putting out pistils, but has frosting on the sun leaves! :goof: I've never seen anything like it. Landrace baby! Everyone should have at least one landrace strain in the arsenal....preserves genetics too.
re: Doc Bud - High Brix Q&A With Pictures

Wow doc...washing really makes a big diff. eh! The friend who helped me trim would have bought my whole crop! We couldn't get over how big and heavy the buds were! By far the nicest i've grown to date.Still havn't tried it yet though:(Just about out of my H.G.K. gotta give this MK Ultra another go bud...knowing what you know now !Iv'e done a bit of searching out the g13 part of it and hasn't been messed with too much.It's naturally a landrace indica with a little sativa introduced back in the 60's.Iv'e seen big buds or colas lots before but never big like this and totally covered with resin! With strong ,strong smells! The three plants didn't even get over 30 " tall.I L.S.T' them to get about 10 even leader branches then flip.This is how i maximize yield without having to trellis or scrog.I like to have the pots sitting on rolling carts as well ,makes it easier on my back! Anyhow, Happy Easter Doc! and the rest of the gang!:):)
Cheers eh!

Hey Duggan, just make sure the Easter bunny don't get into the goods !
Have a good 1, OR 2
re: Doc Bud - High Brix Q&A With Pictures

Hey Doc,

I got a question for you and I apologize if it has already been answered. I did some reading and didnt find anything on it (you got a lot of reading material to sort through though :thumb: ).

Would 2 31 galvanized steel trash cans work for storage?? I feel silly asking this question since its a trash can for gods sake, but I wanted to make sure that the steel and soil wouldnt do some freaky science things. Am I showing my newbie card yet?? I think so.. :helpsmilie:
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