Doc Bud's High Brix Q&A With Pictures

Still using regular pots and not finding any advantage using fabric pots as well? I apologize if these questions have been asked recently. I have tried to read and search as much as I can. Also in the XL kit can I just mix 4 different first runs when they are needed instead of using all 4 promix bails?

Yes, and yes. :thumb: Just be careful dividing the Amendment into smaller quantities. Don't leave all the dust for the last one - get a good mix of particles.
Still using regular pots and not finding any advantage using fabric pots as well? I apologize if these questions have been asked recently. I have tried to read and search as much as I can. Also in the XL kit can I just mix 4 different first runs when they are needed instead of using all 4 promix bails?
I have used fabric pots for the last 7 years. If you only need one bail of promix at a time for the amount of soil you'll be using then mix up your bulk amendment really well then split into four equally portions by wight. Rebag three of them and use just the left over1/4th of the bulk amendment for your one 3.8 cubic feet bail of compressed promix. Let it sit in a container or "cook" for 30 days with the EWC added with 4 or 5 gallons of water depending on how dry your promix is. I keep the "cooking" soil about 70°F - 85°F for best soil results. The warmer the better but not hot.
So I have been reading as much of this as I can. Haven’t seen much talk about EWC. Just a little about using the wiggle worm stuff but those posts were from a few years ago. I just bought the XL kit and I’m finishing up building my shed. (Yes I will be doing a story on it) I am curious if you all have found if they are still the best EWC to get or something else has come out. Haven’t seen much except for it has to be 1-0-0 and make sure it’s 100% EWC. I was planning on growing in my Under Current system but what i have seen and the quality of bud you all produce has made me completely second guess this decision. looking forward to how this year’s grows. Thanks

Hi Yz,

We're not promoting Wiggle Worm per se.....just the fact that they list zero for K. The commercial nursery mediums most of us are growing in are already borderline too high when it comes to potassium and so we strive to use EWC that have little to no potassium in them.

If you find a brand that you like that has zero potassium, feel free to use it!
Still using regular pots and not finding any advantage using fabric pots as well? I apologize if these questions have been asked recently. I have tried to read and search as much as I can. Also in the XL kit can I just mix 4 different first runs when they are needed instead of using all 4 promix bails?
I've used fabric pots, indoors and out in the kit with great success. Just remember to stay on the lighter side of drenches in 'em ( 1oz/5 gals water) throughout the grow, as they'll respirate faster and therefore need more drenching than a plastic pot over the life of the plant. Let 'em get DRY before you water again, in either pot. Magic happens.

If you follow along here, follow the directions and ask questions if needed, you'll grow the best you've ever had on your first or second try. Of course, if you've tried produce from one of the HB gang, it might take you 3 tries to equal it.

You'll never be the same....seriously. High Brix is good for everyone, including the earth.
He speaks truth.... :slide:
How long after applying Snake Oil do people do a brix test with the refractometer? Will the Dextrose in the mix skew the results?


General Answer:

within two hours a noticeable increase in brix will register after applying foliars of all types. All of them include Dextrose, which is why we use Snake Oil piggy backed with Brix mostly. Some folks' soil tests call for applications of pure Snake Oil and for these we need to include dextrose....just like with the other foliars.

Specific answer to your situation:

I have no idea! You're in hydro. I don't know what will happen....because the osmotic pressure in hydro is different than in soil and hydro plants have very different root morphology, etc.

I don't think it will hurt your plants if used sparingly, but you're breaking new ground here. Please report back on what you find!

PS: I just clicked on the link to Snake Oil on my website and read: "This product is for strains that do really well in hydro. "

I can totally see how someone might read that as, "this product works great on strains grown hydroponically." But, that's not what the meaning is.

Snake Oil is good for strains like the Chemdawg progeny, which grow great in hydroponics and struggle in soil. When growing these strains in soil, Snake Oil is very helpful.

When growing in hydro.....I don't know! I've never tried foliars in hydro. Again, please let us know what you find!
As someone outside looking in, I was not able to find SO on your site. I had to search for it in a web search, and of course it brought me into your site, but I think there is a disconnect somewhere in your site. It's almost like a hidden feature or hidden product (forbidden fruit? Taboo?)

I literally just accumulated some stuff to use in a foliar spray and am still researching for application practices that I can make work for me and the way I have my tiny ass rooms set up. For me, it's biting a bullet that I've resisted for years and years. Foliar is intimidating for me indoors with artificial lighting and electricity.

I got my leaf sap PH closer to 6.4, but sadly the last test I took, my brix fell to like 2. Ridonkulous! Granted I hit 2 brick walls when trying out 2 alternate sources of calcium in the res, both failed me miserably and stunted my plants some. Growing pains, right? I have an Em Dog seedling (Chem/OG) that will likely be in need of some extra umph, so I'll prolly get me a bottle of SO and give it a whirl in the coming weeks.

Have you ever read up on Triacontanol? I just ordered some and some polysorbate to cut it, but it's alleged to be a big yield increaser, I figure you organic peeps might be interested. If nothing else, it's a fun topic to research and one can never know too much, unless you catch your parents playing house, then that is too much, but everything else, I want to know, lol.
As someone outside looking in, I was not able to find SO on your site. I had to search for it in a web search, and of course it brought me into your site, but I think there is a disconnect somewhere in your site. It's almost like a hidden feature or hidden product (forbidden fruit? Taboo?)

I literally just accumulated some stuff to use in a foliar spray and am still researching for application practices that I can make work for me and the way I have my tiny ass rooms set up. For me, it's biting a bullet that I've resisted for years and years. Foliar is intimidating for me indoors with artificial lighting and electricity.

I got my leaf sap PH closer to 6.4, but sadly the last test I took, my brix fell to like 2. Ridonkulous! Granted I hit 2 brick walls when trying out 2 alternate sources of calcium in the res, both failed me miserably and stunted my plants some. Growing pains, right? I have an Em Dog seedling (Chem/OG) that will likely be in need of some extra umph, so I'll prolly get me a bottle of SO and give it a whirl in the coming weeks.

Have you ever read up on Triacontanol? I just ordered some and some polysorbate to cut it, but it's alleged to be a big yield increaser, I figure you organic peeps might be interested. If nothing else, it's a fun topic to research and one can never know too much, unless you catch your parents playing house, then that is too much, but everything else, I want to know, lol.
Learning what doesn’t work is a necessary step for success. Keep up the good work skybound!

The brix shine is going on!

Day 44 flower of smurfzilla.

Thank you doc!
As someone outside looking in, I was not able to find SO on your site.
The navigation can be a little qwirky if you're not familiar with the kit, but the Snake Oil is under "Foliars" which is kinda where you'd expect it, since it is a foliar! ;)
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