Well-Known Member
If it was real NH3 gas and not freon then you were very lucky. You can google pics of farmers who had and accident with the anhydrous ammonia gas when applying as a fertilizer, chemical burns on all exposed skin. It's shipped in a pressurized form like propane which causes it to become a liquid. NH4 is just ammonia dissolved in water and is still poisonous in my experience. Though you won't have the extreme chemical burns like with the anhydrous ammonia (meaning without water) NH4 can cause Covid symptoms like difficulty breathing as well as abdominal pain and more. Stick your finger in ammonia solution, it absorbs through the skin.Opened up the refrigerator in our motor home and was overcome by Ammonia gas (NH3) from a ruptured line.
Have to agree. This is especially crucial with organic grows where the fertilizer is blended into the soil, ie non water soluble nutrients (the all natural way).Know what you're feeding your plants and why
People just please be careful with how you dispose of used hydroponic solution. It is better to dump it into the soil than it is to dispose of it down the drain where it is more likely to enter our waterways. We ARE all in this together.