do po's have typical techniques when searching cars?

The effects of marijuana can persist for up to three days in some individuals and is at least active in the blood for three days. This is considered legal intoxication by law. It's not as simple as not smoking and driving.
If you keep it in a LOCKED separate compartment they can't go in there with out a warrant. I got burned on this thinking it was just the second compartment then they found a bunch of bud in my trunk when they folded down the back seats and climbed in there. Ever since the Patriot Act, which we all adore, profiling laws are thrown out the window according to my layer. One of the arresting officers said I was "an easy target" and it didn't do shit for me.
cops can and will do many things outside of the law, mainly to people they consider "easy targets". ones that dont know their rights or are to sketched to voice them. the best thing to do is act like you have done nothing illegal. give them no reason to suspect you and they usually wont.
but when shit hits the fan and the po thinks you up to something he has a few levels which he must go through. first when he walks up to your car he will look into the car and try to find something. cops have the right to sieze anything illegal, only if its in plain sight. that means if he is standing outside and looking in and sees something then there is probable cause. assuming you dont have the bongs chillin in the backseat and he must then find probable cause to search your person and property. be careful though, cops have the right to do a pat down of any person being detained. cops are not susposed go in your pockets but they still will. they do this for saftey and are checking for weapons, theyll usually find your bag or pipe though so dont keep anything on your person. if they havent found anything after the pat down they will try and search you property, like others have said before always refuse the search.
the best thing to do though is always be calm and act like a white bussiness man. polite, calm, but a little aggitated because they are wasting your time.
i got pulled over once with a half ounce, my friend crotched the weed but the cops was still suscpious so he asked to search my car, i refused but still was sitting around. the cop was trying to get a warrant or k9 unit, after 30 i stepped out of my car and politely asked the cop how much longer it would be as i was late meeting my friends. 3 mins later i had a ticket and was on my way.;)
thought this thread to be interesting... a local defense lawyer once gave me his business card which is actually very helpful as it has a direct quotation of what to say in such situations.

"I want my Lawyer! If Im not under arrest, please let me go. Do Not question me. I assert my 5th Amendment privilege. I DO NOT consent to any searches or entry into any property. I DO NOT consent to any tests except as required by DUI implied consent."

i'd suggest try saying something like that.
Not trying to encourage you confronting the Police, but also be aware of you rights dude. They cant pull you over to search you or your car just because your rocking Bob Marley and a peace sign. That is NOT probable cause for searching of your vehicle or you. And if you do happen to get pulled over for suspicion of possession because of your kick ass stickers then you, my friend, have every right to say no to that search and demand a warrant be presented. If they persist, take their pig asses to court.
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