in reality it is either well under that, or conversely, far above. it all depends on the emitters used and the driver chosen.
all my personal built rigs are under-driven by at least 50%. also i never run dimming over 90%, both increase lifespan exponentially, and decrease degradation to the point is it negligible. in every instance, the driver has degraded or been a fail point long before the emitters caused an issue.
every time we have replaced a driver we have come back with a rig testing as well or better than it was new. everything depends on how it was put together in the first place. in my instance i was in control of all the variables, someone buying a rig off the shelf won't be.
the earliest rigs i sold are going on ten yrs now, every single one is still in operation.
you can do that or use centralized arduino control which will allow you to input and control multiple parameters from one spot.
that's an internal control which is meant to be set only once. most mean well drivers have both that, and an external dimming option allowing for easy adjustment with a potentiometer or digital control.
cheap mean wells only have an internal dimmer, which is supposed to be set once, and then intensity is controlled by simply raising or lowering the light. changing the setting effects lifespan of both the emitters and driver.
all of my rigs have both the external and internal control.