Got my GEM this evening! Man what a sucky wait. I'm still working on it but here's a little taste of the new look.
I think best is to suck the air in through the filter in the closet, to and through the hood, and on to the fan doing the sucking, blowing from there to wherever you route it to. Cannister filters should be sucked in through, so that the air first goes through the pre-filter. If you won't cut a in-flow vent through the door or wall, a duct carrying house air shoud be routed. Passive inflow may not be enough. If not, then you'll need two fans, but try passive first. You might have airleaks under the door which will help inflow.
These fancy high dollar shrouded inline fans work well under pressure.
Thanks for the tip, I did just that... Filter to light to fan and back to the inside of the house.
Oh my door has an inch gap all the way across 1"x 28" passive and in between my veg and flower rooms I have a 6" booster fan, switching out the 4" booster fan that is in now. I need to get a couple parts from HD in the morning and it's set.
Sisco next time select the FedEx shipping option, not the PonyEx... it's worth the surcharge
Can you elaborate on Papaya when you get a chance? Thanks!
I've got the same problem with my phone camera, I need to look into it too. Right now I use
this site to resize my pics, it works but it's an extra step I could do without.
Looking forward to the vids.....
Yeah, you're right! Waiting sucks.
But it's here now, doing it's thing.
Papaya is an easy plant to grow, low odor while flower (under cfl's) Green horn proof, smells and tastes like sweet fruity. Nirvana but have also heard of a Mango/Papaya like
Mmmmick grew.
The video is in the works over on YOutub hope it downloads right.
That was ridiculously easy, changed my camera res from 8M to 5. Now the pics are just under 1M which I believe is the limit here.
My photos vary in size, I don't know why. I set mine to 1.2, and get more to a roll.
I'll get snacks, and my comfy chair
LOL, a roll... That's what I need to screw with. Relax but keep your shoes on and no flicking ashes on the carpet.
I called Samsung and they told me my computer sucked, my operating system has 1.80 ghz and the camera needs 3. something.... I used the link
BlueDog used, now I have to find time to sit and screw with the camera till I figure it out. My wife picked it and didn't know anything other than it's 15x zoom.
Drive Bye, Hey that fan moves hella shit FAST. I wanna get a 'speedster switich'. And I'm in a 10X12' @. I can only imagine it going full time or full speed. Looks great Liked the vertical thingie for a concept. I heard someone sy good genetics= nice buds, sooo true, but I found alot has to do temp's and lumm's. Keepem Green My friend.
Thanks Norcaliwood, the fan is doing pretty good! I leave my door cracked and it sucks it shut
My temps are alot lower and the light is alot brighter
I'm really happy with it so far.
A true digital camera will adjust the picture size (megabytes not megapixels) by the number of colors within the pixel range. If you have a picture that has a shit load of color vs a picture with a large area of a single range, the shit load will be bigger since it has to use more memory to store the individual pixel info rather than a larger pixel grid of the same color.
Just thought I'd share
Hey Herbs, I got a Samsung HZ30W... Is it a good one? I hate reading manurals, guess I'll get it soon nuff. Thanks for sharing.