Sisco your setup looks great!
Of the 9 plants I grew outside and vegged all summer, the tallest got to be about 36" from the top of the soil. I kept having to tie them, supercrop them, anything I could do to keep them low.
If you cut the veg time and tie them aggressively you should be fine. I recommend pre-drilling lots of holes you can use to tie them.
Hey BD, Thanks man.. I didn't put too much money into it, but my wife seems to think so.
Yes, I saw your tie down skillz while lurking around. I'm going to be playing Calypso music the whole low can you go?
The veg. time is gonna be about 20 days...How do I figure? Just after it finishes it's seedling stage, which I mark at the 4th node, I'll pinch it and stick it back to veg until it fully heals. I think after 20 days it should have healed enough. I have always hit them with 12/12 without going dark for a day.
ps did you know your journal's not in the 'in progress' thread?
No, but you know us cool kids, always sitting in a corner where the "teacher" can't see you.
I am convinced. Hempy Grow might be my next project. I'm growing in soil currently. What type of container are you using for the reservoir?
I'm excited to follow this grow.
Welcome to my journal greenthumm, I'm using a 2.5 gallon bucket for my final pot size. I'm using the red solo cups as my starter cups.
The Reservoir is in the cup or container. The whole is placed about 2 inches from the bottom of the container, so what doesn't run out below the whole is your reservoir.
I feed my seedlings with a light mix of Micro-nutes, like FF Big Bloom one day and water the next and water the day after that, then hit 'em again with nutes. You can't over water but you can always give them Oxygen IMO.
I never even knew about this method of growing. Very cool. This forum has some really good collective knowledge. Every time I read the forums here I learn so much. I would like to try some Hempy buckets maybe next grow. Good luck with the lemon skunk! I am growing some Lemon Diesel and some Papaya from clone. Maybe we could get together and have a fruity bud taste test?!
Hey Growing, I see you like the Papaya! I loves the Papaya, that's why this time I'm keeping a Mom.
You know I think it's been around a while but not widely used by growers, there may be the difference in Bud taste as DocBud suggested in his new journal..(yes, I'm watching you Mr.) Heehee. You should check out some of his journals. Much better at the explanations than this mere mortal.
I'll be looking around for you, hope to see a link in your signature. Take care
Hey sisco, good to see you growing again. Nice strain lineup. Good luck my friend, the Lemon Skunk should be a great start.
Mmmmick! I couldn't wait to start the journal, I was thinking to wait till I had some mothers grown and clones going but then, I thought "what if I need help getting to that stage" So, here I am.
I know I can count on you and everyone to help me or just give me positive reinforcement. I'm trying my best to document this to the best of my ability, I'm not working as much this week so the beginning is coming out pretty clear, I think. Congrats on your journals, I'm glad to have you aboard.
Good Luck. We're all counting on you.LOL I'm along for the ride.
Hey there,
and I hope to have a successful first of many Hempy grows.
Tag along and we'll see what's what.
DFS is my abbreviation for days from sprout*