Still sucks!
I'd be attending a few of the later classes. Ya never know.
pics can often be recovered from memory cards even if formatted. Not trying to ramp up the paranoia but you should be aware of that possibility.
The thing I aint told you all is that I showed up on the wrong day! My daughters class is on Tuesday. I mixed up the days, tumbelling class is on Thursday and ballet on Tuesday. Stupid.
All of the shit that happened, happened WNUI (While Not Under the Influence) of anything that day. I'm just naturally blonde.
If an older kid took it, *what age group came in next* likely they will fool with it and toss it. They cant download without a way to.... i use a cord, suppose someone in the know can put the card in puter, if they know how and have access. Hope the battery was low!!
If I had to guess the kids in that class were 5 or 6 maybe 7 or 8? I really didn't pay attention to them, I was looking for my Lil one. The instructors kick out the parents so the kids aren't distracted, so I was about the last .
The battery was fully charged (that's how I like to roll) but the camera dosn't use AA. I doubt "they" would have a chord to go with it.
I'll be back there on Tuesday.
You had me worried for you!
Good news on keeping your grow, I would still be a little nervous though.
I'm sure I've mentioned that I'm a little paranoid when it comes to my grow, Itry to take all the necessary precautions! Whenever I take pics I immediately load my pics onto my puter and erase the memory card. I used to take pics with my phone but don't do that anymore just in case I lose it, wouldn't want that to fall into the wrong hands
Hey 52, sorry about the nervous breakdown.
Yeah, I always have the "Delete after Importing" box checked but that one time I didn't erase the damn pics...
I'm always a little paranoid too, but can't bring in the negative energy, must be strong and carry on.
Yeah, I hear you on the "wrong hands". But a crook will not go to the fuzz. Unless they have something really wrong with them, or hate me...
I'm glad everything's good so far Sisco. I've been worrying about you. Fucking thieves.
The loss of the camera stings a lilttle, my spouse is a very nice lady. She didn't make a big deal out of it, but I know I f@cked up.
Thanks I appreciate all of you and I apologize for bringing in so much of my personal life drama.
Let's move on and I'll keep you all posted on the grow and all that fun stuff.