DM's Soil Church OG & Jack Herer Auto Grow Journal 2021


Well-Known Member
Strains: 3 Church OG auto & 3 Jack Herer Auto from cropkingseeds
Stage: Just started sprouting
Indoor in Mars Hydro tent 40" x 40" x 53" from top of containers to light
Light: Mars Hydro 192 LED
Soil: Happy Frog in 3 1/2 gallon plastic pots
Tent is ventilated with fans in a cool basement
No pests
No information on PH as of yet. Will be using city water after initial growth which is watered with spring water. I have a PH tester for water and soil test kits on order and will update when I have that information. Right now just keeping plants wet with a sprayer containing spring water.

Planted in soil on 8/24. Still have 2 of my Church OG that haven't sprouted. May be only 4 plants instead of 6 if they don't sprout. I know 6 is a heavy load for my size tent but going to see how it goes. It will get crowded I'm sure.

Pictures should explain the rest.







One of my church OG autos planted after germination failed to sprout and the root that was coming out of the seed dried up. I put it back under a paper towel and moistened with spring water in hopes it might come back but I doubt it. Any suggestions or am I just out of luck with this particular seed? I have another church OG seed that hasn't sprouted yet as well but I'm giving it a little more time in the soil. I've never had this problem before with any seeds. Not happy with this strain bought from cropking. Cropking tells me it germinated so I'm out of luck getting a replacement. Growers fault they say.
I have 5 plants going right now. Probably for the best that I lost 1. Tent is going to be crowded but I'll see if it can handle all 5. 1 plant started a week after all the rest. So far so good. I'll update when there is something to update.
I'm at almost 4 weeks now. Noticed one of my plants is getting spots on it. Calcium deficency or too many nutes? My other plants are all doing fine with no spots on them.


My only idea was that maybe it is from too many nutrients. I'm going to skip feeding it this week. All my other plants are doing fine with the same nutrients though. Maybe I inadvertently gave too many to this plant. Also this plant is a church OG while the other plants that are fine are Jack Herer.
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