DIY Veg & Flower Box

Cheers EastCoastGhost, makes sense lower branches are closer to the root system so common sense says they should root easier lthan tops lol. I plan to pop 4 and lst almost straight away and wait for them to show sex. Take cuttings and flip the light. If I flip at 2/3 weeks old would it still be ok to take cuttings when they show sex? Thanks again bro.
Cheers EastCoastGhost, makes sense lower branches are closer to the root system so common sense says they should root easier lthan tops lol. I plan to pop 4 and lst almost straight away and wait for them to show sex. Take cuttings and flip the light. If I flip at 2/3 weeks old would it still be ok to take cuttings when they show sex? Thanks again bro.
I've never took clones from a plant that young but it would be ok as long as long as you leave at least one node on each branch so it can grow back out. Once it grows back out two branches will grow back out were the clone was taken. The only thing is it would probably take a month or longer to grow branches long enough to take cuttings and them roots would be pretty bound in a 1-liter container. Personally I would go at least 1.5 gallon because of the time you have to veg. Does that make sense...️
Yea that makes sense to me thanks for the advice. Lol I need make up my mind as I'll be ordering seeds on Monday. To be honest I think I'm gonna use the 1 litre pots for the first four weeks, they should show sex by then so I can take cuttings, repot to 2 litre pots and flip light.
And if it does or doesn't work I'll have learned a valuable lesson. Lol fingers crossed then.
Yea that makes sense to me thanks for the advice. Lol I need make up my mind as I'll be ordering seeds on Monday. To be honest I think I'm gonna use the 1 litre pots for the first four weeks, they should show sex by then so I can take cuttings, repot to 2 litre pots and flip light.
And if it does or doesn't work I'll have learned a valuable lesson. Lol fingers crossed then.
That's the best way to go about it lol. You will never learn anything if you never try anything new lol...️
Just an update about the nutrients I'll be using.

I'll be using soil nutrients with coco is this OK I've done it before with no problems just thought I'd ask also has anybody used monster Bloom before I think it's great stuff lol expensive though and comes in a purple powder? I still need to get cloneex or something similar and I'm ordering seeds tomorrow.
So I've been sick the last week or so, so I've not got seeds yet. I've added scrog nets and raised the led as high as possible.

At this point I really need to get seeds so as I feel a little better I'm going to get them ordered tomorrow. I changed my mind time and time again but finally chose to go with royal cookies and royal gorilla both feminised seeds from Royal Queen Seeds. Not changing my mind on this, I am just going to roll the dice.:thumb:
Also I'll start them in 1 litre pots and repot to 3 litre pots at week 4 from seed.
I understand that there's no plants as of yet but truth be told I thought that there would be more comments and helpful info. I was advised
:420: was the place to be lol so far only had 2 or 3 people comment on my venture


To anybody that drops by and any info/ideas would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks again and blaze that 5h17 :volcano-smiley:
The Royal Gorilla averages 24-25% thc and can reach as high as 30+thc in perfect conditions. The Royal Cookies averages around 23%thc. Both these strains are photoperiod strains and will have LST'd asap and by week 4 or 5 I'll take cuttings for the dome
Then repot from the 1 litre pots to 3 litre pots. I'll then switch the light to 12/12 to flower.

This has been something I've really wanted to try so fingers crossed and we'll see how it goes.
Next update will be next week. Stick around this is gonna be interesting. lol
Peace ✌ and love to everyone doing the ting that makes them happy.

I look forward to starting this journal my grow area for now is an old dresser with 1x120mm pc fan intake and 3x 120mm pc fans as out take. My temperature at highest hits 25.7C and at lowest it hits 18.6C (This is with heating on in the winter.)
My humidity levels are low, sit at about 24% humidity but as I add plants to the box the humidity will rise to the preferred levels.
I'm gonna be using Root Juice and Ionic grow for veg. I'll then use Ionic pk boost, Mollasas, Ionic Bloom and MonsterBloom for flowering.
All my Ionic nutrients are for soil, I have done coco with these nutrients before with no problems but thought better to hear some OG'S apinions on this topic.

Thanks again Guys and Gals all your info written down for future grows. After this grow I'll get a closet and run 2x Mars hydro 300w leds and see what happens? Big love to all my people growing that leathal legal.



And everyone's :welcome::high-five:
I'll sub up to this journal. I've typically only jumped into a journal if its roughly the same environment or genetics as mine, none of which yours seems to be, but I do like the idea of a stealth grow cabinet. I was originally thinking of going that route myself until I discovered how easy tents were and how difficult it would be to get someone else to build a stealth cabinet. I wish I was a hands on DIY kinda guy cause I would love to build one myself but I'm not, nor do I have any of the tools if I were that way inclined. However I do admire someone with their personally built stealth grow box(es).

Maybe I missed it but do you have any pics of your box all stealthy like while in full operation? No plants needed, but full lights, air, and whatever else would be running during peak grow times but with it all stealthed. All your pics have been with the box open, unless I've missed some. And what's it (them? did they multiply?) look like when the rooms lights are out but the boxes lights are on? (you might need to rely on description only for that one cause my own camera won't pick up the many pinhole light leaks in my tents).
Hi nightmask thanks for dropping by, I started making one box for a micro grow and thought I'll make a second one so I can take cuttings and grow them in the second box then switch them to the main box to Bloom.
Sorry about lack of pictures I'll put some up now and it is 100% light proof now lol took some time but got there in the end. It isn't 100% stealth as I don't have a carbonfilter but as it's a micro grow I don't think the oder will be too bad. I use 1 pc fan as intake and 3 as exhaust and 1 pc fan to circulate air. I have the Mars hydro 300w LED.
I planned to use 1 litre ice cream tubs from seed to weed but I'm gonna up pot to 3 litre pots at the start of week 4, I'll take cuttings and flip to 12/12 at the start of week 5 and let them do there thing.
I think the cuttings will be about 8 or 9 weeks old by harvest so I can sort of repeat the process over and over till I perfect my micro style farm lol I'm also gonna make a clone box with a 15w cfl so I'll have a clone box, veg box and flower box lol this 5h1t is addictive haha.
I'd just like to say that this is all a trial for me. I've not done micro growing before and I'm still a noob at growing cannabis. I love these plants and all the strains available today are amazing so I can't wait to started.
Peace ✌
That's a super cool looking DIY stealth cabinet. The whole idea is to make it look like there aren't weed plants growing inside and you nailed it. Though I would warn against thinking 'micro grow' means 'micro smell'. Currently my smelliest plant is also the smallest. So if you plan on sticking with no carbon filter I'd recommend doing the research and looking for the least smelliest varieties. Unless you go for genetics that smell like strawberries or lemons then who cares if your child's chest of drawers strangely smells of citrus or berries.
Hey nightmask I must state that it was my kids but I got them new ones so decided to convert the old ones. They are in no way left in the kids room or anything silly like that and I have them secure in my own room. Also thinking of getting a tent and running two or three Mars Hydro 300w leds with a dedicated carbon filter so I can try to make the most off my situation.
Thanks again for dropping by.
Hi all I have been busy so it's been a late start. I got some seeds from a friend and I am currently germinating 3 cheese and 2 amnieza regular seeds so hoping to get 1 female of each lol fingers crossed anyway. I also got some plantmagic soil perlite mix from my friend and have decided to use it for these seeds just waiting on those little roots to show. I put them in damp paper towel and into a plastic container.
I have pics of my friends grow and was gonna put them here but I can't seem to do it. Can anyone help please as I have uploaded the pictures but can't seem to put them in my post?
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