DIY Rotary Garden Omega Garden Volksgarden Rotogro GIgrow Bonsia Bpod Odessy etc

In Cali, not here in the swamp.

Heh - don't knock the swamp, I used to get some scary stupefying indica from an old Seminole Indian woman a few times a year. Her mother grew it deep in a Florida swamp. Never could remember her name for some reason....
this is not good logic. the quote you used said right in there that the are 4 inch RW not 3" which would actually give them better spacing.

in your analogy of the propagation you are condensing the space, its actually illustrating the point that i was making about them having an extra inch of breathing room due to the 4" medium.

The guy that first turned me onto the Omega had an older unit that was twice the depth of the VG, and it had 168 fixed sites. He pulled 6 lbs from it, but he got the same returns from the system when he adjusted his op and planted 84 sites which would be half the capacity of the VG, so 3 lbs in the same area as the VG.

well after i took a couple LR runts out, i have 78 in the wheel, and i only hope i can pull half his weight. which im not confident ill do yet. but i should pull a pound i think, or it looks promising at least.

plenty good buds to share with my good buds!
if your not pulling 16 hours of light all your auto flowers i would avg each them to pull 8-10g each just a guess figure i would take a shot in the dark wonder how close ill be
I don't know how much noise the motor that turns one of these things makes, or the fans in the light... But I'd guess they would be louder than a good oxygenation device

Not in the system ive made,.. the motor is completely silent and fans are a lot quieter then the bubbles an air stone in my res makes. This is due to the fact that the res is very shallow and the bubbles break loudly on the surface because of that fact. I have nothing against aeration of my res, but not at the cost of the whole system being discovered, and again just to remind anyone reading this, my roots are rotated in and out of the res water 3 times a minute so i don't think aeration of the res water is needed.

I am wondering how much oxygen the roots can actually take up aside from what is in the "water." Don't the roots stay damp at all times? If so then you've got a gas/air interface thing kicking.

I see what your driving at but obviously roots can take up a lot more oxygen in an aeroponic system vs a DWC which lets say both used the same exact air pump and stone. This is proven by how roots grow hairy looking in aero,.. and there "damp at all times" in both scenarios. Roots do not get all there oxygen from water, we know this because plant roots in dirt drown if the soil isn't given a chance to dry out a bit so air can get down there. It just makes sense to me that drops of water or a thin layer of water on the surface of a table or a root lets say, would contain higher levels of oxygen and be more apt to regain even more oxygen from the surrounding air by rolling down the root and dripping off it, per sq inch or whatever, then say a 2 foot deep bucket of water just sitting there.

And one thing I learned was that - regardless of how many bubbles are coming up through your reservoir - the only good place for a body of liquid to get oxygen is at the surface and that generally when the surface is disturbed.

Perhaps then my wheel and roots breaking the surface 3 times every minute is all the agitation of the surface that i need to oxygenate my res water? The plants still growing btw,.. no aeration of my res to date so you obv don't NEED it.


Well, those damp roots that are spinning through the air are able to extract O2 from the liquid that has "adhered" to them, but that same liquid isn't going to be able to get more O2 from the air just by being carried through it on a root.

Why not? Id think a drop of water on a root turning through the air would be able to collect more oxygen from the surrounding air the same as any drop of water being shot by a pump across the surface of res water,.. and even more so then any drop of water in a res that was next to an air bubble that floated past it.
MJJ, you go guy. You're doing good, and you know it. 3 rpm and silent? Res don't need air, it's the roots. You're getting plenty with the rw and or the roots in air more than water, and you'll be in big trouble most skosh if they ain't. No choice anyway, so go with what you know, and worry about something else.
roto grow 312 plant grower rotary - $3000 from Craigslist

this unit comes prewired and ready to plug in and use,comes with fans on each side bar so keeps the bulbs and surrounding area to be circulated with cooler air and also comes with 2x1000 watt digital ballast and again all wiring that you would need to get it work..


above is a 1 month old rotogrow in vancouver. doesnt have a price but if they are selling it you ought to be able to get quite a discount on it. if they tried to sell it back to the store they bought it from, the store would only offer 25% so they in turn could sell it for half of the original sale price. personally i would never run 2 x 1,000 watt ballasts housed in plastic, but maybe someone here is more brave then I.

What plant are you running there MJ? Sorry if you have already mentioned it.

..cant remember if i did... :rasta: its a Lowlife Auto White Russian :slide: my first ever auto,.. funny but cool to see a 2" high plant with pussy hairs :yummy: makes me feel like a perv on some level though :hmmmm:

"roto grow 312 plant grower rotary best model"
personally i would never run 2 x 1,000 watt ballasts housed in plastic, but maybe someone here is more brave then I

I hear ya there, i DIY'ed a 400W HPS in a plexi tube my last grow and once the fan i had cooling it fell out and in a matter of minutes it melted plexi all over the bulb :oops: what a mess!

3 rpm and silent?
yep,.. you'll never guess what im using either,...... a disco ball motor! :goof::theband::allgood::hippy:
There way small and only cost $9 shipped to my door. They'll turn just about anything too being geared so low, its like i got my weed dropped down into 4wheel low :cool:

I fear the combination of it not knowing gravity and my using mostly 2700K CFL's thus far are keeping it from growing up though,.. maybe there really is a lil girl liking pervert in my :hmmmm: but umm no i think even taking into account the abuse i put her through in her first weeks of life she should be taller. Or who knows maybe lack of oxygenation of the res is keeping her from growing taller :icon_roll This is hardly a scientific test im doing here, prob should have grown something that i was a lot more familiar with. I noticed some sludge in the bottom of my res (makes sense that would be the case what with the water just sitting there) so i added a water pump just last night to circulate everything,.. maybe that'll add some oxygen too all be it a very smooth silent not breaking the surface kinda circulation.Dr. Chronic says there only suppose to get about 14" tall. I don't know ive never grown an auto before so maybe hopefully they still grow taller even though they look to be ready to flower.
how safe is buying off craigs list?

the top says 3k normaly its 5.8k so thats not bad just worried about the plastic melting and not actualy getting the iteam never delt with craigs list i have e-bay though any sugestions ect..?
It should be fine whats the area u working with/lumens ect

lumen's = irrelovent poopy cocka. No offence ;) Lux from the 5 CFL's i got burning are around 80,000 though,... at 2-3inches :straightface:

Wiki Lux info,...

Illuminance Example
10-5 lux Light from Sirius, the brightest star in the night sky
10-4 lux Total starlight, overcast sky
0.002 lux Moonless clear night sky with airglow
0.01 lux Quarter moon
0.27 lux Full moon on a clear night
1.0 lux Full moon overhead at tropical latitudes
3.4 lux Dark limit of civil twilight under a clear sky
50 lux Family living room
80 lux Hallway/toilet
100 lux Very dark overcast day
320 lux Recommended office lighting (Australia)
400 lux Sunrise or sunset on a clear day. Well-lit office area.
500 lux Lighting level for an office according to the European law
1,000 lux Overcast day; typical TV studio lighting
10,000—25,000 lux Full daylight (not direct sun)
32,000—130,000 lux Direct sunlight
cool but u dont have time to look at it before u pay for it from cod do u?

and nice your plant should snap out of it here soon mj and start growning u could just have one the af strains that wants to bud from the start and will do all its growning while budding like blueberry thats what im thinking about growing
cool but u dont have time to look at it before u pay for it from cod do u?

Id take the time if i was paying as much as one of them cost,.. give the delivery guy a beer, a bowl, and tell him to pull up a chair :rasta:

and nice your plant should snap out of it here soon mj and start growning u could just have one the af strains that wants to bud from the start and will do all its growning while budding like blueberry thats what im thinking about growing

Ya i got sum of that bb too when i ordered, didn't want to try it roto style just yet though as they say its a lil more picky to grow, plus i might be moving soon
and my using mostly 2700K CFL's thus far are keeping it from growing up though

Actually, that color temperature would tend to give you taller (stretchier) plants.

personally i would never run 2 x 1,000 watt ballasts housed in plastic, but maybe someone here is more brave then I.

Are these things UL-(or equivalent)approved? If I intended to have one I'd have to make very sure that I lived in a state where MMJ was legal so that I could make sure beforehand that my homeowner's policy would cover me in the event of a fire.

the store would only offer 25% so they in turn could sell it for half of the original sale price.

says 3k normaly its 5.8k so thats not bad

If you can get used ones from a store for ½ price, wouldn't that equal $2900? And would a used one from a store have (at least a minimal) warranty? And would you get a better deal on shipping?

lumen's = irrelovent poopy cocka. No offence ;) Lux
Wiki Lux info,...

Speaking of irrelevant poppycock, lmao... When you linked to and quoted from that Wikipedia article on lux, you forgot to quote the first paragraph:

Wikipedia said:
The lux (symbol: lx) is the SI unit of illuminance and luminous emittance. It is used in photometry as a measure of the apparent intensity of light hitting or passing through a surface. It is analogous to the radiometric unit watts per square metre, but with the power at each wavelength weighted according to the luminosity function, a standardized model of human brightness perception. In English, "lux" is used in both singular and plural.

Or to put it more plainly, the lux measurement will state that a light source A has a higher lux than light source B if light source A appears brighter to a person - even if light source B actually provides more absolute light intensity. Like... To the human eye, a 6500K light appears brighter (higher lux) than a 2700K bulb even if the 2700K bulb has more lumens. And of course a 2700K bulb with slightly higher lumens will do a MUCH better job of creating buds both because it is producing the spectrum that is best for flowering, and because it actually IS brighter.

Lux is a subjective measurement that tells which lights look brighter to the human eye. I have not yet come across an MJ plant that had human eyes lol.

Additionally, the other claimed use of the lux measurement over lumen is mentioned in that same article, so I'll quote it as well:

Wikipedia said:
Lux versus lumen

The difference between the lux and the lumen is that the lux takes into account the area over which the luminous flux is spread. A flux of 1,000 lumens, concentrated into an area of one square metre, lights up that square metre with an illuminance of 1,000 lux. However, the same 1,000 lumens, spread out over ten square metres, produces a dimmer illuminance of only 100 lux.

Achieving an illuminance of 500 lux might be possible in a home kitchen with a single fluorescent light fixture with an output of 12,000 lumens. To light a factory floor with dozens of times the area of the kitchen would require dozens of such fixtures. Thus, lighting a larger area to the same level of lux requires a greater number of lumens.

But we already know that. And in our world, we actually DO take into account lumens per square foot. We don't hang our lights in open kitchens or in factories, but rather in small(+/-) rooms, cabinets, tents, and boxes. And we take pains to make sure that the walls are of the most reflective surfaces possible. AND we are of course quite familiar with the whole inverse-pyramid of the actual amount of lumens per square foot and how they diminish over distance.

So again, lux over lumens is... to use your phrase (or one close to it), irrelevant poppycock in our world of growing MJ.

Oh, and the article also goes on to discuss the relationship between illuminance and irradiance and explain how different wavelengths are given different weights on the lux scale because they appear to the human eye to be of differeing brightnesses.
Dude I wanna disco ball motor, where can I get one?


..cant remember if i did... :rasta: its a Lowlife Auto White Russian :slide: my first ever auto,.. funny but cool to see a 2" high plant with pussy hairs :yummy: makes me feel like a perv on some level though :hmmmm:

I hear ya there, i DIY'ed a 400W HPS in a plexi tube my last grow and once the fan i had cooling it fell out and in a matter of minutes it melted plexi all over the bulb :oops: what a mess!

yep,.. you'll never guess what im using either,...... a disco ball motor! :goof::theband::allgood::hippy:
There way small and only cost $9 shipped to my door. They'll turn just about anything too being geared so low, its like i got my weed dropped down into 4wheel low :cool:

I fear the combination of it not knowing gravity and my using mostly 2700K CFL's thus far are keeping it from growing up though,.. maybe there really is a lil girl liking pervert in my :hmmmm: but umm no i think even taking into account the abuse i put her through in her first weeks of life she should be taller. Or who knows maybe lack of oxygenation of the res is keeping her from growing taller :icon_roll This is hardly a scientific test im doing here, prob should have grown something that i was a lot more familiar with. I noticed some sludge in the bottom of my res (makes sense that would be the case what with the water just sitting there) so i added a water pump just last night to circulate everything,.. maybe that'll add some oxygen too all be it a very smooth silent not breaking the surface kinda circulation. Dr. Chronic says there only suppose to get about 14" tall. I don't know ive never grown an auto before so maybe hopefully they still grow taller even though they look to be ready to flower.
Are these things UL-(or equivalent)approved? If I intended to have one I'd have to make very sure that I lived in a state where MMJ was legal so that I could make sure beforehand that my homeowner's policy would cover me in the event of a fire.

What are they gonna start on fire,.. a plastic tube, mylar, a green plant? They obviously wouldn't get hot enough to literally ignite anything in a grow room. Besides, see if your home owners covers ANYTHING if your place burns down and the fire inspector finds a grow room, lol

When you linked to and quoted from that Wikipedia article on lux, you forgot to quote the first paragraph

I didn't forget, just didn't feel like getting this thread anymore off topic.

Lumen's are a meaningless measure of the amount of the light actually hitting your plants, especially with CFL's which is what i said i was using. I can put a million lumen's from CFL's across the room from my plants and they wouldn't benefit hardly at all, i put them 3 inches away and they thrive. So you keep going by what some company wants you to believe and wrote on the side of there box and ill go by what my lux meter says is actually hitting the plants.
Dude I wanna disco ball motor, where can I get one?



They have diff RPM ones, but that's the slowest i found. Can't beat the price. Oh and the center shaft is threaded so that's an easy way to hook something up to it. I tried a wheel first, but found direct drive to be a lot less headache and more reliable :rasta:
I am pretty sure that the rotogrow is not ul/csa listed, cause they do that kind of testing that would involve the fans cutting out. Is was not even the bulbs so much that I was thinking of but the ballasts housed in the plastic stand. You are right about the bulbs though, cause the parts holding up the glass cooling tube is also plastic.

Considering that plastics are petroleum, I believe that you will have stuff to burn, and seeing as people usually don't burn to death in a fire, but die of smoke inhalation.......

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