DIY Grow 3rd Run


Active Member
well i am on my 3rd grow now. been reading on here a wile and finally created my account. i just put the moms of these cutting in to flower about a week ago and will maybe post some pics of those girls every once in a wile. it is my first post so bear with me.
all plants will be getting the blue planet nutrients farmers pride line.
the clones are under a humidity dome with heating pad getting light from a 125 watt 6500k cfl
there is a 4in inline fan pulling air out and a fan blowing air around the box.
when they go to flower they will go under a 400 watt hps. but thats still a ways off.
they are 5 days old in rockwool
they are in with a bag seed plant witch is going to flower soon. its almost 4 months old

there not under the dome for the pic


all help and comments are welcomed
re: DIY Grow 3rd Run

I dont know how i forgot to say what strains they where. but they are jack the ripper, master og, Tahoe og, grand Ak, bag seed, and I am trying to reveg a purple kush plant i am seeing first signs of life. i think
will be putting pics up every week or so.
re: DIY Grow 3rd Run

now not at all OldMedMan happy you could join.
you to Electricthom.
as far as the reveg goes its doing really well for a first reveg. its been exactly 4 weeks since it went to 18/6
the camera i have is not very good at getting up close so the pic is hard to make out.

and as far as the clones go they still look the same i took the dome off them and should hopefully be seeing roots within the next week.
and i put that bag seed into flower so hopefully it turns out good.
re: DIY Grow 3rd Run

yeah its on its way now. hopefully it wont be long till i can get some cones from it.
And sadly no OldMedMan i do wish i was though cousin. i have been lucky to get to go there a few times though. one day i hope to i love it there any island any time.
but i did get my name from there i was told papalolo was hawaiian for Bud.

and as far as the grow some of the clones are just showing roots will get pics up when they go into dirt. tomorrow or the next day
re: DIY Grow 3rd Run

yeah its on its way now. hopefully it wont be long till i can get some cones from it.
And sadly no OldMedMan i do wish i was though cousin. i have been lucky to get to go there a few times though. one day i hope to i love it there any island any time.
but i did get my name from there i was told papalolo was hawaiian for Bud.

and as far as the grow some of the clones are just showing roots will get pics up when they go into dirt. tomorrow or the next day

You got it! Any island will do! They sold a whole island the other day. 295 million. It was Lania. Your folks just missed's Pakalolo, but who cares? Maybe it was back in the old days.

Hey glad your clones are showing they are ready to go. Thanks, pictures when you can.:bravo:
re: DIY Grow 3rd Run

thanks aggrowman
and OldMedMan i just herd about that on the news recently thats amazing. wish i had just a fraction of that kind of money.
and i am just gonna rock my name i guess oh well.

and i was just down with the girls the jack the ripper, grand Ak, Tahoe og, and bag seed are all showing roots. i could of put them in dirt tonight but the master og is not showing roots so i am just going to wait a little bit. i want to put them all in dirt at the same time so my plants will be as even as possible. so ill put pics up soon.
purple kush is on its way gave it a good dose of some BPN and some high nitrogen bat guano.
Thanks for checking it out everyone .
re: DIY Grow 3rd Run

Well i was really thinking the Master Og was gonna pop today but it has not. just gonna wait a few more days
so here is some pics of the purple kush reveg, Grand Ak roots And some of the girls flowering. they are two weeks and two days in.



Tahoe Og

Master Og
re: DIY Grow 3rd Run

Man, Papalolo, those plants sure look healthy and happy. That kush reveg is sweet. If you don't mind me asking, how do you like those BPN nutes? Until i signed up here, i had never heard of them before so im just a little curious. I use dyna gro because of the price, mainly, and i noticed that BPN is even less costly. I would love to hear your insights if you dont mind. Thanks!:smokin:
re: DIY Grow 3rd Run

Man aggrowman all I can say about BPN nutes is that they are AMAZING. But i Have never used any other nutrients so my opinion is not the best. This is only my third run and my first two runs i did not use any nutes except for bat guano and ffof soil. And those turned out pretty great. But compared to these plants i have now there not even close. These plants are just always happy is seems like. my leaves never used to stand at attention but they always have ever since i have been giving them BPN. They are also are a lot stinker already compared to not using them. They are priced great get a lot for 75$. I have only used the organic farmers pride but i would like to try out there synthetic line to. I will down the road. I would say Try them out if you looking around. The farmers pride dose stink a little bit when mixing them up but Its worth it. BPN is great
re: DIY Grow 3rd Run

So i went and checked on the girls this morning and could not let them sit and wait any longer. i checked the master and it poped but still to soon to plant. but i did go ahead and plant all the other ones except the Master Og If i half to let it veg a little longer when the others switch over to flower so be it.
Grand Ak

Bag seed

Tahoe Og

Jack the ripper. (I forgot to get a pic of the one that went into dirt bit it had more roots then this one)

And a group shot

These plants went in to Roots Organics soil with more perlite added. Also mixed In some High nitrogen bat guano, General Hydroponics Ancient Forest.
re: DIY Grow 3rd Run

So i was dealing with a PM problem with the Jack the ripper mom that The cone was taking from. I Had to treat it once in Veg and once in the first week of flower. It has not shown itself on the mom in flower again but i went to check on them this morning and found pm on the jack the ripper in the veg box. I started doing some research and found that once it has it it has it forever even if you clone it since the mom had it it will have it. So i got rid of the jack the ripper in the veg box because i just dont want to deal with it. Dont want to risk it in flower anymore. But I did go and put the Master Og in dirt to replace it so No big deal. And i got the strain at a local dispensary so I could go down and get it whenever.
I let a friend barrow my camera so i will put pics if the plants up once i get it back.
re: DIY Grow 3rd Run

Alright Master Og is in dirt. Growth on the bag seed, Grand Ak, And Tahoe Og is great. The Master is not far behind.
Purple kush is doing really well to Its got 3 tops coming out But its hard to see in the pic. and its nice and green.
Master Og in Its gallon Pot.

The New Group shot. (RIP Jack The Ripper) and if you cant tell what plants are witch. front left bag seed, back left Grand Ak,back right Tahoe Og, front right is Master Og.

And the purple kush

re: DIY Grow 3rd Run

OK well a little bad news The master Og was fine then yesterday it started to kinda droop and just not look right. And then this morning i found some PM on it. Not on any other plants but the master and i did find it on the mom a few weeks back. So i took it out of Veg and am Germinating A Seed(Super Sour Og) i just found in some meds to take its place using the paper towel method. I only found one seed and it looks a little immature. Hopefully it pops And is Female. The Others Are doing really well And Will be Starting Them On BPN Soon. If the seed dose not pop i am going to go down to the dispensary and get a few seeds.
Will Get some pics up later today or tomorrow. And Just finished my Dry Box to Thats pretty nice to have done Ill get some pics of that up to you guys can tell me what you think.
re: DIY Grow 3rd Run

Its not being to aggressive so far i am able to keep it back but it dose still suck.
I have found that it was really only on the Jack The Ripper witch i killed and the Master(Rip both strains where great) That had it and they where giving it to the others. So it should hopefully go away. Hate PM with a passion.
Have a great night everyone.
re: DIY Grow 3rd Run

Alright sorry im a little late on the update.The seed never pop'd im still trying but i do not think its going to.
Its all good though I am going to stick with these four plants Grand Ak, Bag seed,Purple Kush,And Tahoe Og. sorry about all the changes I think that should be It. I have been toping my plants on my last two grows and i am only running a 400 watt light.And its been so crowded under it so. i don't think im going to top these ones im just gonna let them grow normal no stress. and they will be a little more space friendly. I will hopefully be getting enough funds pretty soon to install my 600 watt. will run both the 400 and 600 at the same time. that will be much better. have not given them any nutes yet but will be starting them on bpn at the seedling dosage either tomorrow or the next day.
Here are the pics they are doing really well
The group shot Front left Grand Ak,back left bag seed,back right purple Kush,front right Tahoe Og

Purple Kush

Purple Kush from the top

And this is the best one imo Grand Ak even node growth stays compact its a keeper.
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