DIY 50 site aero cloner for under $100.00

im tryin to picture this in my mind and its not coming up lol. can you take a pic and post as mine leaks and ill be damned if i can stop it
thanks Wink
Sure thing. Just get some 4 mil plastic and cut it long enough so that it hangs down and directs the water back into the res.... works like a charm!



I placed a single clone in the unit on the 21st. Leet's see how long it takes us to get roots. If you have any other questions, feel free to ask. Do the pics help or do I need to go into more detail? Best of luck!
I made a DWC Cloner a few months ago and I can report a success. It's not as complicated as this setup (just an air pump in water), but it works quite well...

I might try a something similar to this for growing plants, it's fascinating to see how easy it is to build this technology that people have been unable to afford for so long.

Good work anyway, can't wait to see results.
My pump is running continuously. You don't need to run a timed cycle with an aero cloner. If anyone does, it's simply out of preference.

What do you mean what did I do to keep the 4 mil plastic intact? I simply glued it to the lid. I don't understand your question.
do you have to use some sort of cloning powder in the water or could you get away with straight phed water?

I'm spraying 2 clones with straight phed water right now. Plenty of people clone this way all the time with great success. Ideally, I prefer to add liquid clonex in, but I don't have any at the moment. I do plan on ordering some asap.

But to answer your question;... Yes. You can get away with straight phed water. Good luck.
Good news friends.....

Today at 3PM made exactly 7 days from the time the first clone was placed in the cloner. It has been sprayed with straight tap water ph'd at 6. No rooting hormone was added.

I added a 2nd clone 3 days ago..... it too is being sprayed with straight tap water.

Here are both clones as they sit today.


I took a picture last night and predicted I'd see roots by day 10. However, I just went and checked them and roots are starting to push through on plant that means 7 days,,,,straight tap water... no hormone..... flawless job.


Plant 2 has been in the cloner for 3 days and it already has pimples forming in the stem.


The pictures don't lie. I am confident that even if I choose never to add rooting hormone that this setup will provide me with a 100% success rate on clones.

I will provide pics of a full lid of rooted clones when I get to that point.

Good growing,
sick job man, thats great they root so fast. What are the room temps you have going on in there?

Thank you and that's a great question. I should have included that information anyway.
I've had a therm/humid combo in my clone/mother room the whole time and here's what it reads:


I'm not making the claim that this is how people should do it, it's just simply whats working for me. Best of luck!
This is a great DIY cloner. I am for sure going to build one of these. Considering the outrageous prices companies are selling aerocloners for, this is a must. Good job, and thanks for posting lot's of pics. Simple design but looks very effective.
This is a great DIY cloner. I am for sure going to build one of these. Considering the outrageous prices companies are selling aerocloners for, this is a must. Good job, and thanks for posting lot's of pics. Simple design but looks very effective.

Thank you. Here's clone 1 on day 9(today). The 2nd clone is on day 5 and the roots are ready to shove through on it as well.


Best of luck.
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