Discuss Crop King Seeds Germination and Growing

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Well there is a certain satisfaction to germinating a seed putting it into a medium and watching grow into a wonderful plant, I am using one of my 2 crown royal as a mother, i am going to do the same with the white cookies when i get that, pop 2 seeds pick the best for the mother and clone the fuck out it, the I got seeds on backup, Hope to keep 4 or 5 mothers of various strains ready to pop
I watched a video on describing what is actually happening and why etc.. the example they used was seedless watermelon, and applying the same techniques to cannabis.
but for sure they feminized seeds are more sensitive. I burnt mine with a 600w mh at 20 inches. Moved it all the way up and switched the ballast to 50%
I need advise on my White Widow femenized seeds from CK. I've germinated other seeds in the past with no problems (not CK). I tried germinating my first 4 WW seeds according to the CK directions and the seeds barely cracked open with a little white sticking out. Waited 10 patient days for more, but nothing happened. 9 days ago I tried starting 3 more WW making sure the PH was perfect this time. 15 hrs in water, store in constantly moist thick paper towel in dark warm spot. This time I got a little more white bulging out of the seed, but no taproot. 7 seeds and 0% success so far.

I live in a hot, humid area .... let's say New Orleans equivalent, but that's not stopped germination in the past .... plus it's cooler now.

Any suggestions?? I'm thinking about trying another strain from CK and see if that makes a difference.
I need advise on my White Widow femenized seeds from CK. I've germinated other seeds in the past with no problems (not CK). I tried germinating my first 4 WW seeds according to the CK directions and the seeds barely cracked open with a little white sticking out. Waited 10 patient days for more, but nothing happened. 9 days ago I tried starting 3 more WW making sure the PH was perfect this time. 15 hrs in water, store in constantly moist thick paper towel in dark warm spot. This time I got a little more white bulging out of the seed, but no taproot. 7 seeds and 0% success so far.

I live in a hot, humid area .... let's say New Orleans equivalent, but that's not stopped germination in the past .... plus it's cooler now.

Any suggestions?? I'm thinking about trying another strain from CK and see if that makes a difference.

I had similar trouble with CKS Purple Kush when grown as per CKS directions although I had CKS White Widow in the same germination pot and it did fine it took off so strong I felt that the PK was a weak strain. After struggling to get the WW to clone I realised that it must have something to do with temperature I think that the WW requires a warmer germination than PK. Clones like 24C so I think that the PK would do well at that temp. The WW I cracked was at a much higher temp though about 30-35C very hot! I would recommend a temp of 24C though if anyone asked. I still haven't tried to crack the PK I'm waiting for winter now so it's easier to achieve maximum purple, but when I do it will be at 24C. Oh yeah be careful using a ceramic saucer on a heat mart as I did it gets fn hot
I have both strains from Crop King. The WW and PK are both awsome strains. I don't soak first. I just place in R paid Rooters and it only takes 2-3 days and they are out. Here are pics of both I have now. They are at day 17 of flower.
Hey Nuggs ne chance you can do a grow journal next time you pop some CKS BTW nice flowers I really like how you can tell the bottom one is PK
With all seeds I take a fine grain nail file and just give the seeds seam a light scrape. Has helped with those occasional hard seed husks. Sometimes I think they may also get clogged, but not sure on this. Peace!!
thanks for info. I'm in some hot & humid temperatures and will be growing hydroponically once I get them going. It'll cool off by November and no more humidity, but that shouldn't effect germination, should it? They stay about 79F - 90F. I'm near Costa Rica and using my clean tap water. Should I try bottled water to get them going?
their website says room temp water which is what I used as a guideline the first 2 attempts. This time I carefully filed the edge before dropping them in room temp bottled water last evening. They are now in non-perfume paper towels in a warm, dark space.

Maybe in my high humidity they are drowning. I keep the towels moist but with no water rolling on the plate. I'll try a little less this time. I opened one of the duds and there was a little browning at tap root neck. Third time's a charm .... right ?!!
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