Discolored and deformed leaves. On clones Super silver haze,

anything left to go into may would suffer bud rot.
This is something I battle with constantly, and that's why I'm hunting for naturally resistant strains. But I think big enough pot size, and enough solar exposure, can go a long way to help eliminate the worst kind of bud rot. We have some pretty great sun here in Hawaii, April through end of Sept., with our midsummer peak at June 20. I'm still learning the ropes, but for the "off months", it's a good idea to flower them out smaller, and focus on indica dominant strains/phenos.
Erratic temp, watering, nutrient, pests, genetics or infection are the possibilities. If the watering and temp are known good you can eliminate those. Check the leaves top and under sides to eliminate pests. Damage or faded parts of a leaf will identify nutrient or infection.

HLVd has a wide variety of symptoms. The leaves having a vegetable compost smell is common. True test is to look at the trichomes with magnification. Should have a solid stalk with rounded or bulbus tip. If it has dents and wrinkles like it is deflated, that is a sign of all HLVd infected plants.
Erratic temp, watering, nutrient, pests, genetics or infection are the possibilities. If the watering and temp are known good ⁰pyou can eliminate those. Check the leaves top and under sides to eliminapte pests. Damage or faded parts of a leaf will identify nutrient or infection.
HLVd has a wide variety of symptoms. The leaves having a vegetable compost smell is common. True test is to look at the trichomes with magnification. Should have a solid stalk with rounded or bulbus tip. If it has dents and wrinkles like it is deflated, that is a sign of all HLVd infected plants.
The smell of the
Erratic temp, watering, nutrient, pests, genetics or infection are the possibilities. If the watering and temp are known good you can eliminate those. Check the leaves top and under sides to eliminate pests. Damage or faded parts of a leaf will identify nutrient or infection.

HLVd has a wide variety of symptoms. The leaves having a vegetable compost smell is common. True test is to look at the trichomes with magnification. Should have a solid stalk with rounded or bulbus tip. If it has dents and wrinkles like it is deflated, that is a sign of all HLVd infected plants.
Erratic temps,watering and pests I can cross out I feel they are good in that area. The terpenes on the area's that have them are still very strong in smell.
Micro nutrient toxicity? I cant rule out and either.




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