Derbybud Does CBD Strains In Coco & More

Thanks for the invite Derbybud. Your CBDream looks to be stackin pretty darn good. Those QB's are close, and on the job. So you have 9 120's or something like that running in a 4'x4'? I was thinkin about 4x 288's for my 3x3.
Anywho- great growing. Sparks
Thanks for joining Sparks. 4x 288 should work well for a 3x3. Just make sure you have enough driver to run them. And if you can keep the driver out of your tent you'll have hardly any heat.
So i finally get in a contest for POTM only to check on how many people liked my photo and i find out Lopin got into it also. She helps out 1 day in the dungeon and thinks she can take pictures of my beauties and try to beat me at my first contest? GAME ON GIRL lol
Hey it was a pretty picture and didn't have any new nug pics or is do that as I have some nice ones. The contrast is so strong in that picture. If it appeals to my brain, maybe it will appeal to others. If not, I still like it.
Hey it was a pretty picture and didn't have any new nug pics or is do that as I have some nice ones. The contrast is so strong in that picture. If it appeals to my brain, maybe it will appeal to others. If not, I still like it.
just blowing ya some sh!@
that's kinda how I felt about the one I entered. It was like it was calling me to do something else with it
T-shirts and seeds FTW! I can't wait until I can actually wear it and people can see it. Doesn't do much good under the hoodie....

All the plants are looking really nice. You've got them in full stride. Won't be long now!
So last big girl got defol today. Here we have my CBDUTCH TREAT AT 30 days after flip
Before defol

Trim in the freezer

Frosty bud

This is by far the most frost on any of my girls at 30 days after flip
Thanks for stopping

Do you often remove that many lower bud sites? I can some had not that small bud forming. I know the energy will be used better for the higher tops but wondering if it doesn't induce a small loss of final yield. Give my your thoughts #JoeRoganVoice
Do you often remove that many lower bud sites? I can some had not that small bud forming. I know the energy will be used better for the higher tops but wondering if it doesn't induce a small loss of final yield. Give my your thoughts #JoeRoganVoice
To be honest flash this is my first time doing it like this. I've always tucked leaves but this time I thought I would follow Ase & Dobe and try to get as much resources and air to fewer sites. These things are exploding. In 5-7 days I'll be doing it again. Just crazy but we'll find out.
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