Derbybud Does CBD Strains In Coco & More

re: Derbybud Does Crop King's CBD Strains In Coco & More

Happy for ya! It's supposed to be fun...hell with the little time I have. I think I have the hang of it. Lol
re: Derbybud Does Crop King's CBD Strains In Coco & More

First one in Shed. Now bust open some poofs

I think your daughter got to them first but I'm passing the bowl as we speak! Looking forward to the CBD Dream and CBD Dutch Treat because I eventually want to grow a high CBD strain. Love the basement grow room, and shifting the pool table was a good idea after all ;).
re: Derbybud Does Crop King's CBD Strains In Coco & More


Yeh shed my solo cups already are marked with what strains. No names yet. Not sure I'm going to do that again. Went with this year's storm names and it wasn't a very good year for storms
re: Derbybud Does Crop King's CBD Strains In Coco & More

I think your daughter got to them first but I'm passing the bowl as we speak! Looking forward to the CBD Dream and CBD Dutch Treat because I eventually want to grow a high CBD strain. Love the basement grow room, and shifting the pool table was a good idea after all ;).
Yeh with the pool table gone not only is there more room but it put some money into the grow area also. Got to love that
re: Derbybud Does Crop King's CBD Strains In Coco & More

Your a natural at this.
Don't over think it!.....and, we will always have your back!
It's just kinda fun going into a new grow with some confidence. This should be fun. Looking forward to this one

I see you use AN, wondering if you've ever tried the B-52 or Voodoo Juice. I just bought them, and seeing what experienced growers have for feedback.


Hey mosspb

I use voodoo juice and b52 now .

Welcome to come over to my journal and see for ratios in using and when .
For sure Joe. Looking forward to running my first photos so I can get them where I want them before I flip em

We got you bro .
Just looked up and my Dewey cloner should be here today. Might try to germinate some beans in it this week to see how it works. Any suggestions? Just rain water or rain water ph ed to 5.8 with a drop or 2 of Z7. or or or. Help wanted. Thanks
Just looked up and my Dewey cloner should be here today. Might try to germinate some beans in it this week to see how it works. Any suggestions? Just rain water or rain water ph ed to 5.8 with a drop or 2 of Z7. or or or. Help wanted. Thanks

I use my tap water no ph adjusting never had problems.
It's that with a Dewey cloner?

No I have no experience with Dewey ask pennywise I'm sure he would help bro he is a Dewey master .
Now <3 drop a link in mine too buddy . I'll sub up and get caught up soon <3 much love my good man! .
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