Re: DephOne's First Grow... Unknown Strain
Hey kid, I see you been tokin since early this morning, didn't I tell you I'd be back at 7:00 and we'd pass the bong? I'm using my jewish mother accent. Anyway, I agree, don't go blowing your mom's money, you don't need everything all at once, space it out, get what you need now, and as your plant grows, and your growing skills develope, and you keep reading these posts, and posting, people will show you the way. So, my opinion, start with a T-5 light, you can get them cheap on ebay, check out craigslist, people get rid of their old grow equipment when they expand, or get divorced. I got my tent a Jardin 90, 400 watt HSP/MH, for $120.00 used one time, from a kid your age because he had to move back home with his mother who didn't want it in the house, so look for something small, don't go all out at once, you can spread your spending over the 4 months to grow, TAKE IT EASY/Aunt Gracie/ now pass that bong/