I hope that your preened and pert plants, presume to prosper onwards. Providing perfect, personal peace, perturbing to their person of planting origins! Sorry I needed a P
Hello my little green mean growing machine! You best be tip top soon, ya hear, your our lady of lumens, creater of catastrophic complete light coverage, the one the only lady D herself.... Best vibes, much love and as always the very best of everything to you and yours
Guys I just wrote a friggin book answering each and every post and damned if I didn't hit the delete button by accident and it all disappeared... So I ain't writing all that again... I love you all and thank you for checking on me... Apparently I was sicker than I knew and I have lost about a week... Can't remember a damn thing... Some how my girls made it through it and even the 2 fella germed for me made it and have been potted up... apparently by me... I just don't remember... The auto Berry Bomb just got chopped today and I am thrilled with what I got out of her... I gotta admit that I am a bit lost trying to put the last 8-9 days together... don't remember being in BCU at all much less for almost a week... so if I have said or done anything I claim no responsibility... I was sicker than I knew apparently... I go back on Thursday to have my blood checked but I am at least currently in my right mind and Grizz congrats on all the winning..........
I'm nottt going in any kind of order... I just want to get it up here... Believe it or not... I'm tired now... Notice the Dr Krippling Buzz Light Gear... I'm amazed by her... Me being sick and not fussing over her probably is why she looks so good.... This is all from today and as good as it gets for me today... I hope you all have a blessed and green day and here's to a better tomorrow........
Damn it....I forgot to load the pics.......
I was beginning to get a bit worried!!! Thanks for checking in. I am VERY glad that you are on the mend!!! (I REALLY hate it when friends disappear!!!) I am glad you are back. Rest up and let Fella help (he seems to have done a great job so far!!!)
The 2 in the bloom tent is Bub's... and she should be done in a week or so I think and I just apparently uppotted the Starbud... fella said it was almost dead it was so root bound... don't remember but it is starting to come back to life rather quickly........