Dennise - No Longer The Newest Of Newbies - Not Growing In MG - Perpetual

White Widow x Big Bud is my favorite coming out of my latest harvest for taste and smell.
And has an amazing high Bob. WW X BB is ranked #2 among my keepers only to Jack Herer.

Well I have gotten a bit of the oil made ...:yahoo: Should be enough to get me through till I can get some more solvent...:)....:circle-of-love:
High Fifi,so your home alone again? Is fella with you?
Question: Can you use this type of oil in e-cigs?

You have no idea how good it feel's to be back D.:high-five:
Welcome home Jimbo.
:oops: Forgot to load the pics...:)....:circle-of-love:
Jimmy6K, new popping seeds, amazing varieties and the host with the most! This place rocks.

That purple auto sounds fun. Limited Edition and all, sounds exclusive. She should have a little velvet rope around her like at a movie opening.

first thing I thought of Bob, lol... 4 year old here, she loves her pigs, Peppa and Olivia, lol...
Hey Dennise, noobie here, I hope you don't mind if I tag along this insanely long, informative journal. 600+ pages, um...I'm gonna pick at it.
Btw, your plants look amazing!
Welcome Yeat... Yep it's kind of a massive journal but it's always moving forward so glad you jumped on.....:circle-of-love:
I kinda like boo. She gave me that name first met.
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