Dennise - No Longer The Newest Of Newbies - Not Growing In MG - Perpetual

Well I'm going to show you guys a bit of a project I have been working on this summer in the back of the property..... I have a wooded area with a gardeners shed on it and don't go back there any more than I have to and always forget my camera but today I remembered. Along with my outside garden girl and flux girl there are a few more reasons I don't want to ever grow outside again...... They look pretty good now and the buddage is stacking on them very nicely but between the deer munching on em' and bugs and ugly leaves...:thedoubletake:.... I just can't express how stressful it has been for me not to pinch off every ugly thing but it seems it may just pay off...... Don't really have any info on them other than they are just bag seed.... started with 10 beans and ended up with 6 girls..... Half are in Miracle Grow for the most part and have had a bit of SNS 209 and step 3 Growology at a very low dose.... The other half are in generic organic soil and have gotten SNS209 and step 3 Growolgy at 1/2 strength a couple of times....... I have no idea how long they have been in flower.... I can't remember when they started but I put them out in 5 gallon buckets about the end of May..... I wish I had just buried them in the soil but I didn't....... I think they would have been monsters but I was afraid that not being tended on a regular basis they would get toooo big and be seen from above.... :circle-of-love:
:thanks: Garden... Gotta admit I was a bit surprised by these gals myself.... I just wish I had trusted myself enough to use med seeds but I was afraid I would just be wasting them..... Oh well... it was just and experiment to see if they would even grow down there and now I will just be happy to get everything outside harvested and in the house.......:circle-of-love:

I haven't put them on here before granny.... I was actually surprised the first few times I went to check on them that they were there at all.... Then by the time they started showing sex I figured they would all be males... then when that part passed and I realized I had 6 females they were being munched on by the deer and caterpillars.... got them treated with the SNS209 and put up a make shift fence to keep the deer away from them but I figured they were history after that and I didn't check on them for almost a month.... It is almost like a swamp on that side of the pasture cause there is a creek that runs just on the other side so I knew they had plenty of water if they were still alive.... then when I went to check on them about 3 weeks ago or so they were majorly in flower but I didn't have a camera with me and I have been back there a few more times since but kept forgetting my camera until today but I just now figured they might be worth bothering with.... I don't even have any idea where I got the seeds..... They were just some I had shoved in my box but I have no idea what the smoke was like they came out of but figured I wouldn't have kept the seeds if I hadn't liked the smoke...:circle-of-love:
I know I said this already, but wash the buds before bringing them in to dry. You do not want to being in any eggs or insects. I just sat out on our back porch and washed and washed. My hands got peroxided too! Even that really low percentage in the solution burned my hands a little.

They are drying really nicely with the exhaust fan in the bathroom and a very small fan on low just moving air in the room. I never had this much pot before. YAY.

Dennise and garden,,are there planes that only looking for weed ?? If I hear a helicopter or a small plane flying low it makes me wonder... Because I want to plant a couple or so outside because they can grow to monsters. !
Have you seen the trimmers that trim the weed ?? If they work that would be a help for me with Arthritis..
Love both you ladies !! Y'all are the best !!

I used to farm with my dad and.granfather for the earlier stages of my life. W planted around 2k acres of soybeans and another.500-1000 acres of corn. We had many fields that people would grow some monster plants in. Some of the plants were taller than the combine, that sits about 15 feet tall. And there would be dozens of plants... No planes or helicopters ever busted any of those guys, and they would have been easier to spot than a plant amongst the trees. If you aren't ratted out, or aren't stupid about how big they get, or where you place them, they are very dificult to see from the air. I had one on my porch all summer and never had any issues, and i live in a subdivision. Just need to have something growing around it to camofloge it and you'll be fine.

Dennise and garden,,are there planes that only looking for weed ?? If I hear a helicopter or a small plane flying low it makes me wonder... Because I want to plant a couple or so outside because they can grow to monsters. !
Have you seen the trimmers that trim the weed ?? If they work that would be a help for me with Arthritis..
Love both you ladies !! Y'all are the best !!

Granny, I actually don't know, but I will assume they do have planes looking in areas where growing cannabis is a very large scale. Just last month or so they discovered 100,000 plants in Houston and took it out! OMFG, can you imagine depending on that for a living and poof, gone? I know TX is a very illegal state, but geesh.

One or two or in my case, 6 plants...if nobody knows but you and who lives in your house, I think it's safe. You do have to be stealth and very careful. Rats are everywhere.

Oh yeah, sending the big love back atchya!

Dennise and garden,,are there planes that only looking for weed ?? If I hear a helicopter or a small plane flying low it makes me wonder... Because I want to plant a couple or so outside because they can grow to monsters. !
Have you seen the trimmers that trim the weed ?? If they work that would be a help for me with Arthritis..
Love both you ladies !! Y'all are the best !!

For trimming I use Fiskars Softouch Micro-Tip Pruning Snip recommended by the arthritis society, they come with a lifetime replacement warranty. One of the handles broke on my last pair, I used the warranty claim on the website and Fiskars replaced them at no cost. Titanium Micro Tip Easy Action Scissors No.5
I agree with King John. I love my Fiskars and for many years have been buying their quality pruning shears and lopers, etc. I've used the lifetime warranty many times throughout the years. I have one pair I've replaced at least 5 times for different things over a 15 year period.
For trimming I use Fiskars Softouch Micro-Tip Pruning Snip recommended by the arthritis society, they come with a lifetime replacement warranty. One of the handles broke on my last pair, I used the warranty claim on the website and Fiskars replaced them at no cost. Titanium Micro Tip Easy Action Scissors No.5

I agree with King John. I love my Fiskars and for many years have been buying their quality pruning shears and lopers, etc. I've used the lifetime warranty many times throughout the years. I have one pair I've replaced at least 5 times for different things over a 15 year period.

Thank you !! Not bad price at I ordered !! :thanks:
I don't know about where you guys live but I know here starting about now thru the end of croptober the helicopters fly all over here looking for crops and I don't mean to be rude but you are very wrong that they cannot be seen with the trees and what not. They are a very distinct color of green and they stand out like a sore thumb from above. I don't really think they will bother if they just see 1 or 2 girls but I don't really want to test that theory either..... They look for them with a type of radar for lack of a better word and from what I have been able to read and study they can be stealthily planted with peach trees and they put off the same signals. Sorry I don't know the right words but yes they certainly do have helicopters and crop dusters around here that do nothing but look for illegal crops this being another reason I will never grow outdoors again. If I can get through this season and get my girls harvested I will never put another bean outside. I'm to old and f*^#ed up in the head to be worrying about all this nonsense and I really am antsy over it and ready for it to be done. Actually the trip before last to the gardening shack I was going to chop them down cause the last time I had been down there they looked like hell and I was just way to paranoid... to the point of losing sleep but when I saw how good they looked and that they had completely turned around I couldn't chop em' down so I'm still loosing sleep and am truly ready to harvest.... About 4 more weeks and we should be there.......:circle-of-love:

I really wasn't hiding anything Broke Ass.... I really never thought anything would come of them and think about it.... there are some incredible outdoor growers on here and I really didn't want to shame myself again and Garden's girls were beautiful and until the last few weeks I honestly didn't think they would make it. The deer really did a number on them for a week or 2 before I got back down there. I would love to have seen the deer about an hour after munching.....:blushsmile:......:circle-of-love:

Thanks for the link again King... I ordered a pair but I have lost them...da ha.... Will they replace them when your an idiot and lose everything you touch..:confused:... I would never ask them to cover my stupidity but will be ordering a new pair today so the link is perfectly timed......:circle-of-love:

Timothy.... I have a friend that grows a few girls every year in his veggie garden in upstate but he also kinda hides them behind a rock wall he built and plants them in the rows of corn.... I have never seen planes or helicopters there so I don't really know if they do the same thing everywhere that they do here but he has been doing it for years but they are very few in count and only 1 girl per several rows of corn but I can always find them but just walking up to his field so I don't know.... either way just be careful if you are growing period.....:circle-of-love:

Cajun I hate to admit it... honestly I never thought they would do anything.... but half are in Miracle Grow and the other half are in a generic organic soil from Wally World. It was like $1.50 a huge bag and had nothing in it. I added a bit of step #1 to the medium and a little sample bag of sunshine mix #2 nutes and I can't tell ya which ones are in MG and which ones are not. They have gotten knocked around by the winds and stuff so much and I have had to pick them up every time I go back there so I have no idea which is which anymore. I know MG is almost a dirty word on here but my first grow was MG and it was awesome and these girls..... I can't tell the difference... I won't ever go back to using it in the house grows but I really can't say anything bad about it.... especially if you are just going to plant and walk away......:circle-of-love:
I don't know about where you guys live but I know here starting about now thru the end of croptober the helicopters fly all over here looking for crops and I don't mean to be rude but you are very wrong that they cannot be seen with the trees and what not. They are a very distinct color of green and they stand out like a sore thumb from above. I don't really think they will bother if they just see 1 or 2 girls but I don't really want to test that theory either..... They look for them with a type of radar for lack of a better word and from what I have been able to read and study they can be stealthily planted with peach trees and they put off the same signals. Sorry I don't know the right words but yes they certainly do have helicopters and crop dusters around here that do nothing but look for illegal crops this being another reason I will never grow outdoors again. If I can get through this season and get my girls harvested I will never put another bean outside. I'm to old and f*^#ed up in the head to be worrying about all this nonsense and I really am antsy over it and ready for it to be done. Actually the trip before last to the gardening shack I was going to chop them down cause the last time I had been down there they looked like hell and I was just way to paranoid... to the point of losing sleep but when I saw how good they looked and that they had completely turned around I couldn't chop em' down so I'm still loosing sleep and am truly ready to harvest.... About 4 more weeks and we should be there.......:circle-of-love:

I really wasn't hiding anything Broke Ass.... I really never thought anything would come of them and think about it.... there are some incredible outdoor growers on here and I really didn't want to shame myself again and Garden's girls were beautiful and until the last few weeks I honestly didn't think they would make it. The deer really did a number on them for a week or 2 before I got back down there. I would love to have seen the deer about an hour after munching.....:blushsmile:......:circle-of-love:

Thanks for the link again King... I ordered a pair but I have lost them...da ha.... Will they replace them when your an idiot and lose everything you touch..:confused:... I would never ask them to cover my stupidity but will be ordering a new pair today so the link is perfectly timed......:circle-of-love:

Timothy.... I have a friend that grows a few girls every year in his veggie garden in upstate but he also kinda hides them behind a rock wall he built and plants them in the rows of corn.... I have never seen planes or helicopters there so I don't really know if they do the same thing everywhere that they do here but he has been doing it for years but they are very few in count and only 1 girl per several rows of corn but I can always find them but just walking up to his field so I don't know.... either way just be careful if you are growing period.....:circle-of-love:

Cajun I hate to admit it... honestly I never thought they would do anything.... but half are in Miracle Grow and the other half are in a generic organic soil from Wally World. It was like $1.50 a huge bag and had nothing in it. I added a bit of step #1 to the medium and a little sample bag of sunshine mix #2 nutes and I can't tell ya which ones are in MG and which ones are not. They have gotten knocked around by the winds and stuff so much and I have had to pick them up every time I go back there so I have no idea which is which anymore. I know MG is almost a dirty word on here but my first grow was MG and it was awesome and these girls..... I can't tell the difference... I won't ever go back to using it in the house grows but I really can't say anything bad about it.... especially if you are just going to plant and walk away......:circle-of-love:

Very nice share Dennise...
I really wasn't hiding anything Broke Ass.... I really never thought anything would come of them and think about it.... there are some incredible outdoor growers on here and I really didn't want to shame myself again and Garden's girls were beautiful and until the last few weeks I honestly didn't think they would make it. The deer really did a number on them for a week or 2 before I got back down there. I would love to have seen the deer about an hour after munching.....:blushsmile:......:circle-of-love:
How many times do I have to say this everyone! We want to see the good, the bad, and the ugly. Let's stop hiding our dirty laundry folks, we can all learn from each others mishaps. With that said I've had enough mishaps to teach a small university.
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