Demonic Angel's 1500 Watt LED Ebb & Flow Attempt

Really? That's too bad because I'm sure you have family there and everything. It's nuts to think there is no work in your profession. Your profession is big in Canada. You could go anywhere and have work instantly

Where i grew up is very rural, so not a lot of jobs around. Something will pop up.
I'm thinking it's LST time. I should do it tonight. So I guess we can say this is before
Added a bit of Bloom nutes as we are in pre flower and sex is showing. Going to ease them into bloom nutes slowly. My research shows these ladies like to be eased into flower.
Looking amazing sis. Bigger and nicer every time I see them. Keep it up.
Oh for sure my oldest might stay here she lives on her own and the rest well we will have to wait and see. But my bro will probably move with us. I mean I hope he does because we do have lots of family in Ontario to begin with
Ya me and the girls will be coming. Girls as in my plants. You know how I do. Lol I cant wait, we will be able to get things in line and rolling. Once we get settled in thats is. But its going to be awesome to see family and be home.
Thanks BF, I know I have a 100L res so I'll do a calculation into gal. I'm sure once I do the conversion I'll be able to order the correct size. The dosages you have given to me are the full doses? If so would that dosage harm autoflowers?

100L= 26gal. Its the full dose. Never grown autos but this is just bennies. Ive gone up to 1ml per gal when treating root issues.
I would love to be there to share some of my outdoor growing knowledge. I was just out yesterday in the boosh looking for a good spot that floods and drains all year.
Ya gitvrain barrel so just split 10 fem green crack cks seeds and 1 sour diesel fem cks me and neighbour going to try a first time grow outdoors.
Hey kingjoe. How is the soil in Ontario outdoors. ?
Honestly.. weedman no idea bro. My niegjboyr said he grew last tome bud it was late planting and he had no idea of lst topping fimming etc. All otganic just addingbrain water and maybe dome voodoo juice for first two weeks. Help roots out. Boit it. Lol lst top maybe . We are spilting down middle.
In the meantime!!!!
I was required to do some light building for my setup, but it is worth it in the end....

Looking good so far. I'm along for the ride as I'm trying to learn about indoor grow set ups for when the UK eventually go legal. Can't wait to see those seeds pop and how they do for you. Your growspace looks great btw :()
Looking good so far. I'm along for the ride as I'm trying to learn about indoor grow set ups for when the UK eventually go legal. Can't wait to see those seeds pop and how they do for you. Your growspace looks great btw :()
Have you decided what method of grow you will be choosing? There are so many great ways
Have you decided what method of grow you will be choosing? There are so many great ways

No I'm so far from that decision as I'm not overly knowledgable on the newer light systems and grow tents etc. I currently grow outdoors but want to grow year round and a small indoor setup would allow me that freedom. I'm hoping to learn what I'll need from all you indoor growers on 420. The indoor game has changed so much since I last did it. So much variety in set ups, it can get confusing when medicated :()
Nice grow space you built, I need to learn those skills. Can't wait to see how this grow goes, I'll be tagging along :()
It's not really that hard. There is tutorials all over 420 magazine. You can do it yourself builds for things. Some just buy their equipment but if you get a chance check out Pennywise's journals, and Beedroom Farmers journals. Bedroom Farmer builds basically everything he uses. You would be overly suprised on some of the things he's built.
It's not really that hard. There is tutorials all over 420 magazine. You can do it yourself builds for things. Some just buy their equipment but if you get a chance check out Pennywise's journals, and Beedroom Farmers journals. Bedroom Farmer builds basically everything he uses. You would be overly suprised on some of the things he's built.

Thanks for those recommendations I'm gonna take a look at both those this evening. It's no doubt gonna get easier once I know what equipment to go with. The growing aspect I understand fully it's just the equipment I need to learn about. Thanks again
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