Deltadubie's New Grow

Yes very nice! And I have to say your photography skills are excellent …what do you use for the pics?
i just use my newer lg phone middle of the road i guess.. once in a blue moon i might use a tripod.. ..
nice rodneys
HOPING.. they fatten up day 35 of 12 /12 today .. switched over my blooming fert to the more potent dry powder kool
day 56 some pics...

buds in order down
god 1
god 2
god 2
god 1
dosido 1
dosido 2
dosido 2
dosido 2
dosido 1
its official after 1 bucket of transitioning general hydroponics fert s 5 gallon..

3 day s later its official she in bloomm

14 hrs 20 mins light today .. dropping fast 2.5 or so mins a day ..

Disappearing behind that girl great pics . Also your gonna love that two hit dosidos.

the big plant is in bloom pretty sure it s flipped at 14 hrs 20 mins day light .. last 90-120 mins in house shade
started chopping .. harvest time

trying to dry with closer attention to the humidity in the bath room adjusting manually ..
to high crank up ac.. too low turn off ac and add some hot water to bath tub.. ..
hanging around 58 60 alot with the fan going all the time.. also can play with door open a bit or alot ..
guess a grower really needs a good drying chamber ..

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