Deltadubie's New Grow

back yard plants today .. guess ill do a citric soln wash later .. plants starting to look good bud wise..

They look incredible :welldone:
Hope your having a great day my friend. :ciao:
I'd love it if you showed them off in my Heavens Shores thread.
If you get a minute.
Take care.

Stay safe
Bill284 :cool:
Lookig nice bro, what you feeding that last one? she is a freaking monster.

they all get about the same .. general hydroponics nutes.. with some ph down and calmag..


Camera Shy. :rofl:
Looking good. :thumb:

Stay safe
Bill284 :cool:
wow cold week ahead 5 c lows predicted most of week ahead.. 9 c here right now .. hopefully a heat wave the week after ..
Is that a promise on the heat wave. :rofl:
I didn't get one in July I'm not hopeful this month.
That red maple tree tells me your close behind us.
Lots of bald trees already here.
Every year we are in the same spot.
Crossing our fingers trying to get to the finish line.
Hope you get some dry sunny days my friend.

Stay safe
Bill284 :cool:
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