Delicious Unknown Sativa

hmmm wonder if its ak/47

No freaking way!!!!!!!!! It looks dank not knocking it in any way....... there is no way in hell anyone can get an ak47 bean out of dirt weed? Have you smoked ak47? lol I dont care if i shit on it. NO ONE WOULD CALL AK47 DIRT WEED lol just mo.....:cool::bong::rollit:
No freaking way!!!!!!!!! It looks dank not knocking it in any way....... there is no way in hell anyone can get an ak47 bean out of dirt weed? Have you smoked ak47? lol I dont care if i shit on it. NO ONE WOULD CALL AK47 DIRT WEED lol just mo.....:cool::bong::rollit:
noones calling ak dirt weed unless its grown in the same way dirtweed is(with males, lack of attention, and the other carelessness that doesnt produce what we know as AK47), it is just a strain remember meaning if whoever supplies dirtweed used the ak47 seeds to start with, you could actually get ak seeds from "dirtweed"/thats what u call it, here its regular/regs and is always fire but just has seeds to filter. stay smokin and loving one another.
i just started some ak48.
is that considered dirtweed/commercial. because the commercial around here is kick ass. alot of competition too. so your getting some good deals.
i got 5 females from nirvana.
supost to be 24%. if grown properly.
we'll see. got some WW just in case.

what was the total weight that you had hanging?
that was some nice buds/nugs. nice job.:peace:
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