Defoliation vs Main-Lining

I am sorry I did not include the females that are growers, I now realize that there are as many if not more of you then us guys. Got to love that, you rock ladies!

Peace out,

Thanks for sharing your grow with us. Sorry about how it turned out.

I’m moving this to Completed Journals now.

If so, you decide to do another grow that you'd like to share with us be sure to start a journal here:
Journals in Progress

Hope all is well in your world.
Love and respect from all of us here at 420 Magazine. :Namaste:
Great info. I will follow this one, purple pipe cleaners, I need those!! cheers to "mainlining" my new-learned word of the day.
I guess the only way to see which yields the most is to have the same number of tops for Main-Lining it's either 4 or 8 tops min... Unable to do 6 tops unless I cut a branch off which will give me 3 branches and 6 I guess if my space allows me I'll do 8 tops for both Defoliation and Main-Lining but if not I will do 4 tops.




I was just thinking the other day what a word would be to describe the total weight you get off a plant compared to the time it took in flower or total life span to harvest. RIght now it seems that people talk about how much a plant can yield by saying how much it will produce per square foot or yard but that doesnt tell how long you have to grow that plant for. Maybe Light Addict can do it again and come up with another one
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