Defoliation on 3 week old plant: would you remove these two leaves?


Well-Known Member
hey all, my Master Kush lady is nearing week 4 of life & I’m curious as if you, in your personal opinion, would take these two leaves off here- they’re shading almost the entirety of the bottom branches.

(excuse her funky look, she was just up-potted & fed)

so far i’ve just taken off the bottom 3 sets, cotyledons up to the three bladed ones.
No, I would transplant to a larger fabric pot and then LST it.
That opens it up so everything gets light.

i just put her in her final home, not sure exactly the size of the pot but it’s roughly 4gal, i’ve only got a 4’x4’x6‘ space. why do you suggest fabric pots for LST? i usually LST like a manic but i wanted this one to establish a good base stalk before doing so, i’ve had issues with plants leaning too far one way.
Absolutely I would remove it.
I have a 3 week old auto that just received a complete defoliation... she is kickin ass!
You will reap the benefits.
Check out my Master Kush bush... super cropped from the moment she was 3 weeks old, 36” in diameter, 117 individual Colas, 21” tall.
i just put her in her final home, not sure exactly the size of the pot but it’s roughly 4gal, i’ve only got a 4’x4’x6‘ space. why do you suggest fabric pots for LST? i usually LST like a manic but i wanted this one to establish a good base stalk before doing so, i’ve had issues with plants leaning too far one way.
I just suggest fabric no matter what because it gives you a WAY better root system.
Although it is easy to LST in fabric, you just use safety pins and pipe cleaners like I did in the above pic.
But if that's your final pot, then just LST when you feel comfortable doing so.
I wouldn't take any leaves off a small plant unless I had to.
Either way it's going to grow just fine, it looks healthy, that's the main thing.
I would also remove the large fans on the bottom, they are doing nothing for your plant or you. They are complete nutrients whores!
Take any large fan off. Remove any inward facing fans too.
Leave the smaller growth at the bottom, let her mature a little more.
I stripped my MK bush clean 4 times before flower, twice during flower.
I’m not crazy... I just taught myself what these plants can handle vs not.
Defoliation is an awesome tool in your growing arsenal for HEALTHY plants.
Be gentle, be patient, be precise... and you will reap a great harvest!
My $.02 on the matter.
Absolutely I would remove it.
I have a 3 week old auto that just received a complete defoliation... she is kickin ass!
You will reap the benefits.
Check out my Master Kush bush... super cropped from the moment she was 3 weeks old, 36” in diameter, 117 individual Colas, 21” tall.
holy shit!! o_O you’re kickin ass with that!!
I just suggest fabric no matter what because it gives you a WAY better root system.
Although it is easy to LST in fabric, you just use safety pins and pipe cleaners like I did in the above pic.
But if that's your final pot, then just LST when you feel comfortable doing so.
I wouldn't take any leaves off a small plant unless I had to.
Either way it's going to grow just fine, it looks healthy, that's the main thing.
just topped her about a week ago, gonna let those two new tops come up then get goin on the LST all over. thanks man :thumb:
I would also remove the large fans on the bottom, they are doing nothing for your plant or you. They are complete nutrients whores!
Take any large fan off. Remove any inward facing fans too.
Leave the smaller growth at the bottom, let her mature a little more.
I stripped my MK bush clean 4 times before flower, twice during flower.
I’m not crazy... I just taught myself what these plants can handle vs not.
Defoliation is an awesome tool in your growing arsenal for HEALTHY plants.
Be gentle, be patient, be precise... and you will reap a great harvest!
My $.02 on the matter.
You've got it totally assbackwards. When the time comes, all the leaves will be nutrient sources for the buds. Defoliating in veg, you are just making it do the same again and waste energy doing so.
I'm with @AEVJK. I take those big suckers off. I do light trimming throughout my grows and I've never had issues. Done a few side by side to see if it did hurt and in the end they always produced more size wise the the plants I didn't touch.
Try NOT doing it, then report back. Been there done that.
I respect your “opinion”... but opinions are like the buds on my defoliated plants... there are many of them.
I have grown many plants and NEVER touched them... I can report to you that I will defoliate every time due to MY results... obviously YOURS vary from mine.... no disrespect to you, and I expect the same.
Take care.
I respect your “opinion”... but opinions are like the buds on my defoliated plants... there are many of them.
I have grown many plants and NEVER touched them... I can report to you that I will defoliate every time due to MY results... obviously YOURS vary from mine.... no disrespect to you, and I expect the same.
Take care.
It's not an opinion, it's reality. I'm offering a counter-reaction to your unjustified enthusiasm in the presence of any noob reading your comment.
I defoliate as little as possible, only what's needed to open up airflow and light to budsites.
And never more than about 10 leaves at a time which never needs to be done until early flower.
I prefer to keep as many healthy leaves on the plant as possible so that the plant concentrates on making buds instead of more leaves to replace the ones I just stripped off.
The leaves act as storage and a buffer to keep mobile nutrients readily available.
I believe lush foliage also helps with brix level.

So I am not sold on the plucked chicken method.
But to each his own.
It's not an opinion, it's reality. I'm offering a counter-reaction to your unjustified enthusiasm in the presence of any noob reading your comment.
I respect your “opinion”... but opinions are like the buds on my defoliated plants... there are many of them.
I have grown many plants and NEVER touched them... I can report to you that I will defoliate every time due to MY results... obviously YOURS vary from mine.... no disrespect to you, and I expect the same.
Take care.
Obviously your reality varies MUCH differently than mine. But we are
It's not an opinion, it's reality. I'm offering a counter-reaction to your unjustified enthusiasm in the presence of any noob reading your comment.
”reality”?... that’s funny.
The actual “reality” is... it is a weed.
Growimg high quality mj is not “rocket science” and it is unfortunate YOU didn’t have any success with these techniques.
People like yourself, cannot be taught. It’s either your way or the highway... I’m sure.
I grow for Veterans who cannot grow for themselves, I teach the ones who are able to grow fabulous herb.
Maybe you should research these techniques like I did with many, many grows before your mouth overrides your ass again.
Good luck with your grows!
Take care.
Obviously your reality varies MUCH differently than mine. But we are

”reality”?... that’s funny.
The actual “reality” is... it is a weed.
Growimg high quality mj is not “rocket science” and it is unfortunate YOU didn’t have any success with these techniques.
People like yourself, cannot be taught. It’s either your way or the highway... I’m sure.
I grow for Veterans who cannot grow for themselves, I teach the ones who are able to grow fabulous herb.
Maybe you should research these techniques like I did with many, many grows before your mouth overrides your ass again.
Good luck with your grows!
Take care.
Likewise, you do the same.
i went ahead and cut the bottom two pairs off a few hours ago. ‍:hug:

this is her at the moment.


much more light penetration.

i respect all opinions as everyone’s results & techniques vary, i also appreciate all the feedback :blunt:

and like i said, once those two new tops establish themselves a little more, i’m gonna start training them, along with the lower branches once they get there.
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