Deep Water Culture Tutorial, SH Kit & DIY

Re: Roseman's Deep Water Culture Tutorial, SH Kit & DIY

Oh and a quick addition to the thread... For the people with the wild ph fluctuations in their rez/buckets... If you are using co2 and your air pumps are in the grow area that is probably what is making it go crazy like it is... move the air pumps out of the co2 enriched area and problem is solved... also moving pumps out of the area and into an area that is probably cooler then the grow area will help your water temps from pumping the cooler air. I figured I would throw that in because I didn't see that on the thread anywhere.

and welcome to the gang, friend. Deep Water Culture are a very honorable peaceful group of helpful growers and teachers and you fit right in just great.
Re: Roseman's Deep Water Culture Tutorial, SH Kit & DIY

And thank you I am glad to contribute... I am also a HVAC/R tech by day so if anybody needs any help with environment control I would be glad to throw in my 2 cents on that too. I really wanna start a thread on air conditioning because from what I have been reading on a lot of these boards regarding a/c it seems like a lot of people don't understand how it all works and that bothers me. I think I might do it after I read through these boards a little bit more... hopefully I can help some people out.

An A/C thread would be great, I'm just finishing up dealing with heat problems in my new grow set up.

Re: Roseman's Deep Water Culture Tutorial, SH Kit & DIY

I am often asked the questions "which pump should I use?" and "when should I remove the water pump?"

Here I would like to discuss the use of the water pump in the single Deep Water Culture reservoir tank. StealthHydro offers 2 different manufactured submersible water pumps. The ActiveAqua Pump offers sizes of 40 gph, (gallons per hour) 160, 250, 400 gph. They also offer the Sunleaves DuraPump, that is larger, stronger and comes in 160, 245 and 600 gph. The 400 gph and 600 gph larger pumps are only for small outdoor ponds and very large hydroponics systems that use multiple tanks from one pump. I am privileged to be a member of a group of over 100 Deep Water Culture growers that meet daily on a web site and discuss and compare our experience with the Deep Water Culture Systems and using different pumps. We have all agreed that the smaller the pump the better. It is better to have a smaller trickle of water mixed with bubbles than to have a solid hard stream of water from a larger pump. We also agreed that the smaller pumps do not produce as much heat, and they cost less, but they are not as durable. I have used the SunLeaves 245 gph pumps in 4 consecutive grows, and they are still pumping strong. Both brands are easy to disassemble to clean. When and if I ever have to replace a water pump, I will go with the more economical 160 gph SunLeaves Pump or ActiveAqua Pump because either provides the right amount of water and bubbles and it runs slightly cooler.

When should the pump be removed? Look at these pumps, after they were used for 4 weeks and I removed them.


a nasty pump


Pump with dead roots in it

Nasty looking after 4 weeks of use, aren't they? Allow me to stress or emphasize this; a submersible water pump can harbor dead debris, dead roots, and possibly mushy yukey slimey stuff that really jacks up the pH. After two weeks of use, you should give your water the sniff test to determine if the water pump is possibly spoiling the water. It should smell like fresh cut iceberg lettuce or alfalfa sprouts, and not have a bad odor. Most all water pumps have a filter in them that needs cleaning after three weeks, or get the pump out of there after 3 or 4 weeks or when the roots are well established in the deep water. A nasty filter is why you notice the need to increase the use of the pH Down after 3 or 4 weeks.

After the first two weeks, and then daily, your pH will normally climb from 6.0 to 7.0 in about 18 to 24 hours because the plants are eating the nutrients and the water level is going down, and becomes more acidic. If the water jumps to a pH of 7.5 to 8.0 in a day, you have a problem, and 99% of the time it is dead debris, dead roots or dead leaves in the tank or trapped in the water pump. Remove and clean the filter in the water pump after two or three weeks, or after the roots are established in the deep water, or get that water pump out. Then the pH will be more stable.

I have looked and looked for replacement filters for the pumps and I can not find any. I have learned they can be soaked in bleach for several days and the bleach just melts the decaying roots away. Then I use vinegar to rinse the bleach away.

Or you can replace the filters with these plastic pan scrubbers:


2 plastic scrubbers



a plastic mesh pan scrubber

Simply clean your water pump, and replace the filters with one, two or three of the mesh pan scrubbers, depending on the size of your pump.

An alternative to disassembling and cleaning the pumps is the use of the SunLeaves Submersible Water Pump Bags offered by StealthHydro. I'll never do another grow without them.


SunLeaves Filter Bags for submersive Water Pumps
Re: Roseman's Deep Water Culture Tutorial, SH Kit & DIY

yea I saw that, That is the one thing when I read full tutorial i still had questions about and had to look hard to find that specific information.
Re: Roseman's Deep Water Culture Tutorial, SH Kit & DIY

Roseman I remember when you posted this and let me say again you are a welcome addition to our 420Mag Family. I truly admire such a selfless and dedicated growing compatriot such as yourself. Anyone who reads this thread will be a better grower for it. I have referred many here and all are proficent Deep Water Culture after your distinguished tutorial.
5 Stars
Re: Roseman's Deep Water Culture Tutorial, SH Kit & DIY

Roseman I remember when you posted this and let me say again you are a welcome addition to our 420Mag Family. I truly admire such a selfless and dedicated growing compatriot such as yourself. Anyone who reads this thread will be a better grower for it. I have referred many here and all are proficent Deep Water Culture after your distinguished tutorial.
5 Stars

Thank you very much, Wingman580. + REP back at you.

And I saw your post about the African Grey. She is in the "baby stage" now at 6 and a half months old. Exploring and playing and trying to figure out what she can do, and she is not too demanding yet. We bought two books and joined two Bird forums and we're dreading the "terrible twos" stage coming up in about 6 months. We love her and she is the first bird I have ever seen who likes to be hugged and cuddled. My wife is her mother.
Re: Roseman's Deep Water Culture Tutorial, SH Kit & DIY

People everywhere are having lots of luck growing there own thanks to your dedication to the people at this site, I hold you responsible for my good fortune to date RM, great read this is.:)
Re: Roseman's Deep Water Culture Tutorial, SH Kit & DIY

This has been such a helpful thread. The best thing is, that you can do stuff more then one way. I personally use a bag around my pumps and it keeps them nice and clean. Next time I think I will try stockens since the hole is smaller.
Re: Roseman's Deep Water Culture Tutorial, SH Kit & DIY

Welcome to 420 bro, very glad you are here. I look forward to seeing your pics.
I have been away a few days, been busy working and it is tax time. I'll be scarce next week too, but I'll will visit here as often as I can.

Happy 420,

As a new member to 420mag I'd like to say Hi one and all, Greetings from the UK, and a very special :thanks: to the now legendary Roseman, Who's tutorial on Deep Water Culture in my opinion is one of the finest, and most down to earth pieces of cannabis literature that I have read in the past 25 years....:bravo:

I have over the past 25 years tried most methods of cultivating this glorious plant, both inside and out with varying degrees of success, So I'm excited about the new project that I am about to embark on, but also a little, no quite a bit frustrated, I will elaborate!!!!

It has been a while since my last grow ( Detained for 3 1/2years by Her Majesty's Prison Service for cultivation) Many things have changed on the Grow scene in the UK, but alas not as much as the U.S, how I wish that I could just go to one (or two) high street store(s) and get all I need to follow in the Rosemans footsteps, or be able to buy of the shelf from Stealth which would be a great help, here in the UK trying to obtain something as simple as Irrigation Hubs, which you can apparently buy of the shelf.....Do not even seem to exist here in the UK, and Man I've tried every garden centre and Irrigation specialist without success....So if any of you Deep Water Culture are from the UK.....PLEASE HELP!!

I hope in the not to distant future to be able to show you my room and a UK Deep Water Culture grow in progress, and if anyone can help with Hubs I would be very grateful.

Ribbit Ribbit
Re: Roseman's Deep Water Culture Tutorial, SH Kit & DIY

As a new member to 420mag I'd like to say Hi one and all, Greetings from the UK, and a very special :thanks: to the now legendary Roseman, Who's tutorial on Deep Water Culture in my opinion is one of the finest, and most down to earth pieces of cannabis literature that I have read in the past 25 years....:bravo:

I have over the past 25 years tried most methods of cultivating this glorious plant, both inside and out with varying degrees of success, So I'm excited about the new project that I am about to embark on, but also a little, no quite a bit frustrated, I will elaborate!!!!

It has been a while since my last grow ( Detained for 3 1/2years by Her Majesty's Prison Service for cultivation) Many things have changed on the Grow scene in the UK, but alas not as much as the U.S, how I wish that I could just go to one (or two) high street store(s) and get all I need to follow in the Rosemans footsteps, or be able to buy of the shelf from Stealth which would be a great help, here in the UK trying to obtain something as simple as Irrigation Hubs, which you can apparently buy of the shelf.....Do not even seem to exist here in the UK, and Man I've tried every garden centre and Irrigation specialist without success....So if any of you Deep Water Culture are from the UK.....PLEASE HELP!!

I hope in the not to distant future to be able to show you my room and a UK Deep Water Culture grow in progress, and if anyone can help with Hubs I would be very grateful.

Ribbit Ribbit

high and welcome guyfrog have you tried growell if not ebay saying that i didn't use a irrigation pump/hub in my grow and all went fine :roorrip: peace
Re: Roseman's Deep Water Culture Tutorial, SH Kit & DIY

Hey Guyfrog, great to hear from you! Happy to hear this wonderful tutorial will bebof help to you, it's the info that got me going. Drop by the Deep Water Culture home thread and introduce yourself, lot's of traffic in that thread, you'll get responses much quicker there.

Try Amazon, I bet you can get hubs there.

As a new member to 420mag I'd like to say Hi one and all, Greetings from the UK, and a very special :thanks: to the now legendary Roseman, Who's tutorial on Deep Water Culture in my opinion is one of the finest, and most down to earth pieces of cannabis literature that I have read in the past 25 years....:bravo:

I have over the past 25 years tried most methods of cultivating this glorious plant, both inside and out with varying degrees of success, So I'm excited about the new project that I am about to embark on, but also a little, no quite a bit frustrated, I will elaborate!!!!

It has been a while since my last grow ( Detained for 3 1/2years by Her Majesty's Prison Service for cultivation) Many things have changed on the Grow scene in the UK, but alas not as much as the U.S, how I wish that I could just go to one (or two) high street store(s) and get all I need to follow in the Rosemans footsteps, or be able to buy of the shelf from Stealth which would be a great help, here in the UK trying to obtain something as simple as Irrigation Hubs, which you can apparently buy of the shelf.....Do not even seem to exist here in the UK, and Man I've tried every garden centre and Irrigation specialist without success....So if any of you Deep Water Culture are from the UK.....PLEASE HELP!!

I hope in the not to distant future to be able to show you my room and a UK Deep Water Culture grow in progress, and if anyone can help with Hubs I would be very grateful.

Ribbit Ribbit
Re: Roseman's Deep Water Culture Tutorial, SH Kit & DIY

Thank you GuyFrong. Thank you very much.

Drop by here:

and let us all meet and greet you.
Re: Roseman's Deep Water Culture Tutorial, SH Kit & DIY

Guyfrog, welcome hope you join us at our happy home which you have already be given the link to. You can buy parts at hd and lowes if you have them there. The issue is knowing were to look in the stores. You want to go to the fountain section or the back yard drip section. I hope that helps.

My brothers were right when they said you will get fast answers on the home tread but it does go fast so strap on your jets.
Re: Roseman's Deep Water Culture Tutorial, SH Kit & DIY

Hello Roseman my name is Jim and I joined this forum today just to be able to get in contact with you and pick your brain. I have been really studying your Deep Water Culture tutorial and am truly amazed. I have been wanting to attempt my first grow for years but have been scarred to fail. I was looking at buying a 6 plant setup from stealth hydro, but then found your thread. I have decided to go with the Rubbermaid tub 6 plant setup you have outlined thoroughly in your thread{thank you very much). This setup will be placed in a 45L x 23 1/2W x 80H closet. Will I need any type of ventilation as it is just a plain closet now? Instead of using the cheaper CFL lights I was wanting to get your recommendation on either a 600watt HPS or 600 watt ML light for this setup as I want to have the option to expand my setup as I continue to learn in the future. I honestly will take any recommendation you give to heart as your knowledge in this area has me in awe. I am a complete newbie and would truly appreciate some of your input. How much will all the material run me without the lights as I am looking to get started asap? Also after you recommend a type of lighting, would you happen to know a good place to purchase? thank you so much for taking the time to read and respond to my email. Any help or insight you could offer would be greatly appreciated. Please PM me so I can give you my contact info
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