Dean West’s Quest To A Quarter Pound Auto: Moby Dick XXl From Dinafem, Mars Hydro, Gaja Green Organics, Super Soil, 3Gal Fabric Pot

Try this recipe... it is a good strong flowering tea, and your new EWC from your farm will do wonders!

Try this recipe... it is a good strong flowering tea, and your new EWC from your farm will do wonders!
How can I use the worm juice , does it need to be diluted before adding to my soil ??
Thank you very much @Emilya , now considering I’ve amended with 75% 2-8-4 and 25% 4-4-4 would adding the other ingredients in the recipe be a overload on nutrients ??
yes, because you have the concept of a tea all wrong. You are NOT creating a nutrient. Let me repeat that.... an ACCT is not a fertilizer and never was intended to be. An AACT is an attempt at creating specific micro-life that specifically feed on the seed (starter) nutrients you put in your tea. Microbes that eat those elements you provide will thrive, the others will not. The nutrients are there to make this process happen, they are not there to feed the plants. Think about it... in their raw form those nutrients have absolutely no way to make it up into the plant, except for the water soluble parts of it, and no matter how much you throw into your soil via this tea, those elements will just sit there, waiting for a microbe to come along and break them down.
Less is more when making a tea. Since you have added all these nutrients, you have instead of a tea, made a fertilizer. You might as well be feeding from a bottle.
In the recipe that I provided to you, you can see that I add 1 tablespoon of kelp along with various other things. This makes a gallon of tea, and then I dilute that 100% or more before applying it to the plants. That is not a lot of kelp when you think about it, certainly not enough to provide for the plants, and there was a lot more than that originally added to the soil when I made it. The kelp is already in there... i have no need to add more in a tea. But the kelp grows with a certain family of protozoa living on it... a very beneficial family. That little tablespoon of kelp is enough to activate that population and then with that food right there, allow that population to thrive. Same thing with the high P bat guano and the other elements... they just get the process going.
Then also note that the earthworm castings are added last. This is so that with that incredibly diverse population of microbes, they are additive to what is already going on in the tea, and don't out-populate the specific bacteria you tried to grow in the first half of the process. Your EWC is very powerful and has to be used correctly and usually is only used in teas or adding into a composting soil to help break it down.
As far as adding the juice directly to the soil... I guess that can be done, but it is like using a shotgun to hit a target. Yes, the target will be hit, but it will also be blown away into total oblivion. Do you really want to take a shotgun approach to the life in your soil, or would it be best to try to be a little more specific? EWC is a very powerful tool, but it can easily be overused. Be careful.
Thank you for that , Like I said before I am new to this, I don’t even know what ewc means ,lol the two products I used gaja green power bloom and gaja green all purpose has 90% of what’s in that list of the tea , what I have done is done to my soil all thoes amendments are in there , I just need to crest some micro life to feed on it for my plant to uptake, I do understand the process I know I’m not feeding the plant I’m feeding the soil in turn feeds the plant. I’m just trying to build the most microbial life in this tea to feed on everything I’ve mixed into the soil. Is this possible , or do I need to let it happen in a bucket and then feed the plant once it’s broke down . I never once thought of AACT as a fertilizer, I’ve already amended my soil. I couldn’t afford to buy the voodoo juice so I thought this would be a good option, and a fun way for my kits to compost. Thank you for your knowledge. @Emilya I’m just trying to save my “ organic everything “ but lack of MicroLife soil . Again lack of knowledge
I understand why you put the stuff in the tea after reading a second time , everything needs to be there to attract the right micro life to break it down , is that correct @Emilya I really do appreciate your advice
yes, that is it... on the message before you said you were "feeding your soil" and I was about to get on you again. The soil has already been amended and cooked to be ready for this grow, or you have supplemented minerals to the soil by using products such as Earth Dust. The point is, the soil already has what it needs if you have done this right, and now you just need to microlife to make things happen. The soil doesn't feed the plants... the microlife does. The plants then feed the microlife special sugars from the plant, with special signals embedded that tell the microlife what minerals the plant really wants and which will provide the best rewards for the microlife that brings that product to the roots. It is a circle of life, but the soil is simply a medium to hold all of this while it is going on and other than that has very little to do with the feeding of the plants... the microherd does all the heavy lifting and without them, nothing goes up into the plant in an organic grow... that which is sitting in the soil is simply in the wrong form.
I need to do a lot of learning ,
yes, that is it... on the message before you said you were "feeding your soil" and I was about to get on you again. The soil has already been amended and cooked to be ready for this grow, or you have supplemented minerals to the soil by using products such as Earth Dust. The point is, the soil already has what it needs if you have done this right, and now you just need to microlife to make things happen. The soil doesn't feed the plants... the microlife does. The plants then feed the microlife special sugars from the plant, with special signals embedded that tell the microlife what minerals the plant really wants and which will provide the best rewards for the microlife that brings that product to the roots. It is a circle of life, but the soil is simply a medium to hold all of this while it is going on and other than that has very little to do with the feeding of the plants... the microherd does all the heavy lifting and without them, nothing goes up into the plant in an organic grow... that which is sitting in the soil is simply in the wrong form.
hey so I put a table spoon of each gaja green in the tea with oatmeal and molasses, I don’t have any kelp products but there is kelp meal in the mix. But this was the best I could do with what I have, it’s all bubbling now , and when I get home I will add worm castings to the mix, is it ideal to have cow manure aswell emilya ? I can pic some up but the only thing I can find is sheep and cow manure. I am going to research on how to do this properly and create a TOL soil as a separate project and hopefully on my next run in the winter I’ll have something beautiful to work with , thank you for your inspiration and tough words , I really do appreciate it :peace::Namaste::adore:

You truly are an organic guru


Day 15 from breaking ground

UPDATE- hey everyone it’s now that time again , I seem to be doing very spermatic posts. Things are so busy I kind of need to take the time when it’s available, it’s now raining at work so we are hiding out . YESS!! Perfect time for a little update .
I’ve made a few changes to the grow space is currently in. All my mars hydro lights are being used at the moment, so I had to improvise , and I honestly don’t need that much light at this point, I’ve put 4 I think 15 or 23 watt I’ll have to double check that and edit it tonight . But they are 5000k . I’m just gonna see how they work over the next few days , and if they don’t out perform my 6500k cfls then I will switch to the cfls.

Environment- so I’m still running 24 hr light I’m going to switch to 20/4 tonight temps are around 28 degrees Celsius, and RH is about 45 %.

So this is the upgraded light , looks like I need to move them to even them out , I took the domes off of them to get less light wasted

I had a picture of these on but it was just a white screen , they are brighter then my mars hydro lights in a sense that these light make me see black if I look at them accidentally, then again I have never just sat there staring at them.

So this pic was a day or 2 ago where I started training to wrap this around the bucket , I’ve just pinned her down to the soil.

A few days later I check and she’s pointed right up again, so I tied her down twist the stalk so all the nodes are horizontal to the medium , use the pins to hold it in place


I have a feeling this auto isn’t going to have a long veg time . I kinda wish I planted it to the edge of the 3 gal pot but I was concerened about having the root ball so close to the edge of the pot , but I could have also trained to roots to go the way I wanted with planned waterings

EXTRA- I don’t think my space bucket will contain this XXl auto . I think it be smart to find a 16x16x48” grow tent. To be able to work this auto to it’s full potential , I don’t think the buds will have enough room in the centre if I circle ⭕️ the main around the pot .

Anyway thanks for your time , until next time . Have a safe work week and keep it real :peace:
2x2x4 or something close to that
Home Depot wardrobe box....2x2x44" $18.00...and after you grow in it,it can be a large capacity drying box...or fold it up and store it in the rafters for next time.
I know of a guy that grows in one start to finish...:)
Home Depot wardrobe box....2x2x44" $18.00...and after you grow in it,it can be a large capacity drying box...or fold it up and store it in the rafters for next time.
I know of a guy that grows in one start to finish...:)
I would love to be able to do that but I can’t have any snell getting out , my wife would throw it all out if she smelt a hint of it, I wish I didn’t have to worry about smell Id have a lot less head aches and less money spent. I love the idea or your grow box, but I think I need to get something a little more smell proof and kid proof. I do have my tent in the basement but it has a lock on it. But I would love to find a small tent with the same amount of space and just play with that for a while.
Home Depot wardrobe box....2x2x44" $18.00...and after you grow in it,it can be a large capacity drying box...or fold it up and store it in the rafters for next time.
I know of a guy that grows in one start to finish...:)
It’s been a while friend , I have seen to have lost your news feeds , I will be sure to see what happened in the end of your grow , last I seen it was 1st stage of 2 stage harvest , good idea btw
complete fail on compost tea , smelled like rotten , with using 2 cheap air pumps,I’m wondering if I should abandon the organic for this grow it’s my last 3 weeks and I can get a good week in to fatten the buds up, I completely failed at this organic grow. I just don’t know what to do from here , or do I just hit the medium with chlorinated tap water kill all microbial life and let it fade away the next 3 weeks. I just don’t know how this plant will react to salt based nutes after never had any in her life. This is when the plants should be putting in heavy weight , should I just hit it with something for the next week flush after the week and let it fade ?? I need some help here
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