We are seriously dealing with retarded People here, they just went from the UN, OAS, Kings and Queens all knowing we tapped into something, to listening to YouTube Anarchists and not even Google Scholars, like Minds.com Sargon of Akkad, and then make the argument that I must think Moses is more Ancient than he is, and limiting the Angels and Mammoth Hunters to Phoenicians and Aryans, now completely removing the Jewish aspect, most Semitics, etc, etc, Syria, Mt. Ararat, and for some reason wanting me to be a Greek centered believer and not the Kemetic Hindu I grew up as, really just a confused group of people trying to make me out to be like Hitler instead of Jesus, and they are just making Hitler look good, these retarded people went to Sargon of Akkad the Internet Content Creator, and started ignoring the 75,000 years, and even lying to Angels about me.
So now, we are going to get back to reality. Where my People created Egypt, and everything before and after, the Angels.