DD Stable Of Impermanence

The Where did the week go? Update

Thanks for your support everyone. You’re the bamboo stakes in my pot.

Preharvest pictures. These two are both on flip day 77 now and should both be coming down tomorrow (depending).

She’s nice in the vape. The second picture is the tattiest top I’ve had in a while. Dead and dying leaves showing where the PM has been plaguing her. I don’t think her flowers have been affected. I’m looking forward to getting in there and having a look around.

I think there’ll be twice as much of the Sour Bubba. I’ll try to get a whole plant shot before she’s down. Here they both are back from a girly outing to the spa this morning.

The Chems.

And I’m still on a mission to use some old stock. Nicely cured. Does what it says on the tin.

That’s my kief tin. I’m enjoying rosin rods as depth charges in doobies.

She gets flipped tomorrow.

Good to see ya.
Stay groovy :snowboating:
Looking lovely DD, outrageous doobies you're rolling, great stuff! :thumb:

Tena koe, Koro. Cheers.

Hmmm... doobie-da-doobie, feelin' groovey!

♩♪♫ exactly


I like the sounds of that, depth charges sounds like a good metaphor!

You have to turn off your engines and float in the deep then wait and see if they get you. If they miss (unlikely) you can always roll another!

mini harvest update

The whole plant pic:

She stood 46” off the soil. Looking back at the leaf-onna-stick she started out as (thanks again, @syenite ) she’s done ok. Even in spite of a broken main during her early training (ulp :eek:).

Ripe enough to pluck.

She lost a lot of leaves, she was very bushy. She’ll have a good run at setting up some stacks now.

OG Kush (the Lazarus cut) back from the dead. She’ll be flipped in a week. (Must take cuts.)

Star Killer, a Chemdog’91 and a GSC behind her :slide:

I lowered the light. I may need to reinstall a 12” fan overhead if summer does what it seems to be trying to do.

I’ll be keeping plant size down again for a while. The only reason the SB got so lanky was the bottleneck created in the Stable by the GSC run last year.

:peace: :love: stay lit:passitleft:
The Aftermath Of Two

These two: a white widow and a sour bubba.

I’m reposting that picture because on the attached comments I vaingloriously declared the SB flowers had escaped WPM damage and that turned out not to be all the truth.

The powdery [emotional intensifier expletive deleted] mildew kills plant tissue wherever it gets hold. What I love is that citric acid kills the WPM. Dead. It’s a beautiful thing, dead WPM it truly is.

You can see some dead plant tissue in a flower in the tray. I could’ve saved more of it, but chopped the top inch off a cola and wore it as a lesson learned. I’ll be more careful to make flower heads properly wet when I spray the citric acid from now on.

Thanks again @InTheShed for this life saving life hack.

I found a number of other beautiful things during the trimming and washing processes.

I have long held the view that there is value in selfed seeds. We try with silvers, GA3, and other ways to stress a plant to produce enough intersex traits to self seed, but we bray like donkeys when it happens by accident?! I’m a neigh sayer ;) Wake up and smell the hay, I reckon (is that a terpene?) Anyway, I am more than happy with these.

I completely understand if a plant flips on you and it isn’t what you want then seeds - especially if they are random - are a pita. Personally I’m happy to accept these as the gift they are. They won’t be the same as their parents, but they’ll be female. Who’s to say I’ll ever repeat the same stresses on these babies to worry about a genetic tendency to herm under certain conditions?

I’m pretty sure I know what’s been driving it in this cohort. I watched plants taking up their feed better with the @DYNOMYCO that came in the GSC pack last year. I’ve been feeding them so hard. Think Monty Python’s Mr Creosote. But with a rammer. It’s been like that. I’m pretty sure it’s been a source of distress for the poor things :cool:

Politically, under local circumstances, these represent safety, stability (of a sort), continuity... it’s just a relief.

Strongly swinging, then confirming my views about S1 seeds were the stories surrounding the Chems in particular, then trying this one for myself.

Without accidental S1s we wouldn’t have Chem stock and I wouldn’t have pain relief on its way in a few week’s time.

I can’t wait :green_heart:

Thanks for reading :headbanger:

:peace: :love: I hope you are well.
...I have long held the view that there is value in selfed seeds. We try with silvers, GA3, and other ways to stress a plant to produce enough intersex traits to self seed, but we bray like donkeys when it happens by accident?! I’m a neigh sayer ;) Wake up and smell the hay, I reckon (is that a terpene?) Anyway, I am more than happy with these.

I completely understand if a plant flips on you and it isn’t what you want then seeds - especially if they are random - are a pita. Personally I’m happy to accept these as the gift they are. They won’t be the same as their parents, but they’ll be female. Who’s to say I’ll ever repeat the same stresses on these babies to worry about a genetic tendency to herm under certain conditions?

...Without accidental S1s we wouldn’t have Chem stock and I wouldn’t have pain relief on its way in a few week’s time.

I can’t wait :green_heart:

Thanks for reading :headbanger:

:peace: :love: I hope you are well.
Oyea, Donkey Member, my sentiments exactly iro S1 seeds. They're a gift, a kick-back. And I don't mean to put my hoof in my snout when I bray: S1 seeds have gotten a bad rap. Neigh, S1's are not necessarily to be eschewed (or chewed) just because they're free. Mostly, they grow out to be beautiful plants, especially if their mother was a keeper you didn't manage to keep.

Donkeys do reproduce. ... They have low reproduction rates, but they can have babies. It's mules, a mixture of horse and donkey, that can't reproduce. Visit any farm with donkeys on it, and eventually, you'll see a baby donkey or two running around.

First one in the Stable to say it;)

I'm so stoked and Happy for you Donkey on your grow Journal of the Year win!. I've always loved your journal and enjoyed the atmosphere you've created.

Donkey charisma for the win:thumb::love:
Congratulations on all the good things going on in your stable! :morenutes:and Congratulations on the well deserved GJOTY win!:party:
Nice one DD!

Cheers Stunger thanks for stopping in.

:thumb: beautiful DD:drool:I'm green with drool envy

Mate. I’m jealous of myself some days.

Just potted 2 seeds that came from a plant I thought I lossed.
Gifts from Gaia!
Looking choice brother !:green_heart:

I’m starting to get stuck in to the Sour Bubba already. It isn’t even out of the fridge yet, but a wee pinch of the smallest, driest bits have now and again been getting to my rolling tray.
I haven’t seen heads seeded like this since the eighties. I was saying how it’s a bit like being a kid again only fun :cheesygrinsmiley:
I often wish I’d kept some of those seeds from way back when.

Lovely mini harvest DD. Quite the bouquet, they look like lollipops.
I agree with you about the beans, nice gifts to get.:ganjamon:

It’s too early for Valentine’s Day so I put her in the fridge. The White Widow I mean, not the... :thedoubletake:

Oyea, Donkey Member, my sentiments exactly iro S1 seeds. They're a gift, a kick-back. And I don't mean to put my hoof in my snout when I bray: S1 seeds have gotten a bad rap. Neigh, S1's are not necessarily to be eschewed (or chewed) just because they're free. Mostly, they grow out to be beautiful plants, especially if their mother was a keeper you didn't manage to keep.

Donkeys do reproduce. ... They have low reproduction rates, but they can have babies. It's mules, a mixture of horse and donkey, that can't reproduce. Visit any farm with donkeys on it, and eventually, you'll see a baby donkey or two running around.

I have a daughter that’s a mare but no farm does that still count?


First one in the Stable to say it;)

I'm so stoked and Happy for you Donkey on your grow Journal of the Year win!. I've always loved your journal and enjoyed the atmosphere you've created.

Donkey charisma for the win:thumb::love:

Ha! Indeed, Rex
I’m pinching myself really.

What Rex said (except the thing about being first)!

Congratulations on your GJOTY win, and what a well-deserved win it is.


Yours was the gjotm the year before. I just never would have thought. o_O

Good on ya DD!


Congratulations on all the good things going on in your stable! :morenutes:and Congratulations on the well deserved GJOTY win!:party:

Thanks, Sis :passitleft:

Thanks for being The Stabilisers everybody!

Bud rot in the Stable

Rotten luck here. I noticed this top the other day and removed it.

I turned the fans up, the extraction fan and the circulating fans. The next day I stripped the subcanopy of leaves.

The day after that, this...

So I hee-ed and haw-ed about it (that’s like when you hum and ha about something) and decided to strike for prudence.

Chem tops

This heathy top was yesterday.

And here they are now.

Early, but better than losing any more. I only took the tops. The rest of the plant can carry on doing its thing for a week or two I hope.

Scissor hash

If you have a silicone mat like this you can roll the sticky stuff into a sausage.

You know the rest.

OG Kush

Hooray! Bring on the meds!

Cheers all. Off to wash some buds.
Stay lucky!
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