DC's First Indoor Multi-Strain

So after a 16 hours shift with literally, I counted, 102 phone calls and countless emails and text messages I do not have the energy to chop wash and hang the girls. I suppose some people put them in the dark for 48 and stress them so a rough trim and another night in the tent shouldn't hurt them. I have a small fan on the floor pushing air out of an outlet hole and a USB fan above the plants moving air so they should be good.

I do have a question...what is the proper way to dry and store all this trim I want to use with the popcorn buds to make hash?

After holding off for 3 days in the dark tent I came home from a 16hr shift yesterday and took the shears right to the main stem hung them and went to bed! Tonight after a reasonable 10hr shift I wine and dine the girlfriend with skip the dishes and binge watching shameless on Netflix.
I had all the buckets to wash but I’ll have to just try the washing out next run.
Tent is 45 to 52 percent RH with a small fan pushing air out at a hole in the bottom and a USB fan blowing over a Rubbermaid bin lid with some water in it to help keep the moisture up a bit and slow the dry.

After holding off for 3 days in the dark tent I came home from a 16hr shift yesterday and took the shears right to the main stem hung them and went to bed! Tonight after a reasonable 10hr shift I wine and dine the girlfriend with skip the dishes and binge watching shameless on Netflix.
I had all the buckets to wash but I’ll have to just try the washing out next run.
Tent is 45 to 52 percent RH with a small fan pushing air out at a hole in the bottom and a USB fan blowing over a Rubbermaid bin lid with some water in it to help keep the moisture up a bit and slow the dry.

I'd try to up Rh to 60% if I could then once Yoru buds hit 60% then drop on jars and burp tip desired Rh ? Then cure .

None the less I was just I told if the Rh in buds drop really fast , say dry out in 5 days you lose the cure as once they drop below 50% it's too late Dr krip was the link I was given for Information
Filled up the rubbermaid bin with more water. Floor RH is mid 50s, the hydrometer at the ceiling is mid 40's. If it isnt higher in a few hours Ill put the humidifier in there. Its just tough to get that thing dialed in when in a smaller tent. I found it was either basically ineffective or the tent was full of mist when I opened it lol

I also read that the buds being attached to the whole plant like that helps slow the dry because of the moisture in the plant structure. Hopefully that is true lol

Finally have a day off today. I bought an infused chocolate bar from the dispesary. 10mg per square. 10mg a couple beers and a joint put me to sleep in a basic coma last night...which is exactly what I needed!

5mg has me feeling great today buzzing around the house cleaning and getting shit done. I'm going to make some gummies or chocolate from my trim. but I have a pretty low tolerance to edibles and I hate when I go over its a nightmare. I'll have to start real slow and see what happens, as long as I mix everything good hopefully Ill at least get a consistent dosage throughout.
Filled up the rubbermaid bin with more water. Floor RH is mid 50s, the hydrometer at the ceiling is mid 40's. If it isnt higher in a few hours Ill put the humidifier in there. Its just tough to get that thing dialed in when in a smaller tent. I found it was either basically ineffective or the tent was full of mist when I opened it lol

I also read that the buds being attached to the whole plant like that helps slow the dry because of the moisture in the plant structure. Hopefully that is true lol

Finally have a day off today. I bought an infused chocolate bar from the dispesary. 10mg per square. 10mg a couple beers and a joint put me to sleep in a basic coma last night...which is exactly what I needed!

5mg has me feeling great today buzzing around the house cleaning and getting shit done. I'm going to make some gummies or chocolate from my trim. but I have a pretty low tolerance to edibles and I hate when I go over its a nightmare. I'll have to start real slow and see what happens, as long as I mix everything good hopefully Ill at least get a consistent dosage throughout.
I like around 150 mg any over that does me in
I also read that the buds being attached to the whole plant like that helps slow the dry because of the moisture in the plant structure. Hopefully that is true lol
Yup, it's very true and works well for those who struggle with drying too fast.
I like around 150 mg any over that does me in

I have a very low tolerance.. I'm not sure why though. I've smoked weed my whole life, and almost daily for the last year or so since my girlfriend does daily and I've been growing so it has been cheap. I have been getting a bit more tolerance though lately since stepping up my smoking lol, but once and a awhile I seem to get bad anxiety, cant explain it. Edibles I really have to be careful with though, I have had some very uncomfortable experiences, but also really enjoyable ones so I always dose very low and carefully.

Yup, it's very true and works well for those who struggle with drying too fast.

Well look at that, everything happens for a reason! You'd think I had done it on purpose
After a much needed 3 day weekend (Family Day Monday for us!) I’m back at work. A small humidifier got my drying tent up to 55% RH when set to about 3/4 of full tilt. I’m hesitant to go any higher as that’s when it really pushes mist out and can turn 55 into a 99% swamp in a hurry! They seem to be drying nicely, smallest stems still have some juice in them. I picked up a 10 pack of Boveda 62s and got all my jars ready. I am hoping they take until next weekend to dry.

On Friday I had the Blue Dream plant out and the scissors were flying as I just about had enough of wasting time and space and electricity on it. Upon closer inspection I noticed it had grown significantly, still had no ambers and if I retied the branches to open it up there was a mass of bud huddled in the middle. So I trimmed all the fan leaves and tied back up all the branches I never should have let go of and put her back in for another week! We will see what she does.




You can really see the light green interior where no light was getting to! Maybe I gave up on her too soon! She needed this trim and opening weeks ago.

In other very exciting news my seed order came in and I’m just deciding what and how many for run number two. As soon as my plants are finished drying I’ll be dropping seeds! @SeedsMan sure stacked on the freebies for this order I took advantage of all the promotions and they still sent extra!
Nice clean up job! Looks good! I’m excited to see what you grow for your next run! :popcorn:

Thanks bro we’ll see if she has anything left after being chopped up and pulled apart or if she is just shell shocked for a week lol
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