Db003's Coco Auto Grow - Monster Mass Auto Tester - Dark Devil Auto - Mars II 700

I just gave my two autos the dark devil auto and the monster mass auto some nutes I bumped up the it up to 3.ml of skunkwerks in this watering the nutes were at a ph. of 5.8 I made two gallons but only used about one and a quarter

these autos are in day #8 and #7





just gave my two autos in coco a feeding I upped the nutes to 5.ml of skunkwerks they got almost a gallon each they are still kind of small so I will leave them in my veg tent for now with my two bubbas gift photos in soil

these autos are in day #12 and #11 from sprout





how often you watering? i have the best results with at least 1 watering a day and if you have the time up to 3 times a day. just lower the nutes a bit and give just plain water once a week for a nice flush. seems to work for me at least

thay are looking goo though, a bit small but im sure they will take off soon
just gave my two autos in coco a feeding they seem to be doing well so I left the nutes at 5.ml of skunkwerks for now

the dark devil auto and the monster mass auto both seem to be doing fine so far I have only had to water them every 4 days same as my soil plants but I dont mind

I got a two free bags of California substrates coco coir I had found a few small pieces of green plastic in my bag that I bought and sent them a email to let them know and talked to them at then gave me two free bags just picked them up yesterday so that was awesome and great costumer service when I was there I picked up a bag of roots organic soil and a 7 gallon smart pot for my soil plants

these autos are in day #16 and #15

I cant seem to upload my pics so I will up load them later
nice man they are starting to pick up in growth for sure! i would still advise watering more as they get bigger. i water on a daily basis from the time i see them break ground but either way they are coming along nicely :bravo:
just watered my two autos in coco this time upped the nutes to 10. ml of skunkwerks so far I have been watering about every three days and they seem to be doing fine they are really starting to blow up now

these autos are in day #22 and #21 from sprout

Looking good man

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Size wise they're impressive, coco seems to make a difference here. It looks like these auto's are gonna yield big!!

I just watered my autos and I moved them to there own tent with the mars II 700 I gave them a half of a gallon each I ran out of the water that I let sit out I used it all transplanting my other photo plants right now but they should be fine I used 10. ml of skunkwerks in this watering and it was ph. to 5.8

my autos are in day #25 and #24 from sprout



Looks like there starting to really grow now man, looking great

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just a quick update I set up my scrog net for my two autos they are just starting to reach the screen going to water them tomorrow I was not sure if I was going to use the scrog in this coco grow but I think I will be fine


just gave my two autos the dark devil auto and the monster mass auto tester a watering in this watering I used 13.0 ml of skunkwerks and it was ph. to 5.8 I made two gallons they got a gallon each

the monster mass auto tester is the taller of the two autos that I am growing this grow in coco it has reached the scrog net first just like in my last grow with critical mass collective seeds they seem to grow very fast

the dark devil auto still has not reached the screen yet just have to wait and see if it does or not its no big deal if does not my last grow I had one of my autos that did not reach the screen and it was the best one to me

these autos are in day #28 and #27 from sprout





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