Darkscotia Apprentices - Passion#1 Perfect Sun COB/8COB Citizen K

Haha, I never change timers, hell I haven't changed a clock in years, I'm just on time for half of the year lmao.

How much amendment do I need to cook a full batch of soil. I've never wrote it down, lol, going to this time

According to DB's BULK Kit contents
Posted on his site, ARE LISTED at the following amounts.
so 5 lbs Div by 4 = 1.25 lbs per ONE KIT amount

EDIT: I have found the amounts can vary according to moisture
(One kit was closer to 6 lbs) so its really not set in stone so I break it down evenly
into 4 parts when its received.

"The Kit includes:

1 Quart Brix, 1 Quart De-Stress, 1 Quart Cat-Drench, 1 Quart Tea, 1 Quart Growth Ionic Drench, 1 Quart Transplant; 3lbs of Roots!, and 4 lbs of Re-Charge and 5 lbs of First Run amendment. "
According to DB's BULK Kit contents
Posted on his site, ARE LISTED at the following amounts.
so 5 lbs Div by 4 = 1.25 lbs per ONE KIT amount

"The Kit includes:

1 Quart Brix, 1 Quart De-Stress, 1 Quart Cat-Drench, 1 Quart Tea, 1 Quart Growth Ionic Drench, 1 Quart Transplant; 3lbs of Roots!, and 4 lbs of Re-Charge and 5 lbs of First Run amendment. "
Thanks Gazoo, I kept thinking it was 1.25 but wasn't 100% sure.

Thank You :Namaste:
According to DB's BULK Kit contents
Posted on his site, ARE LISTED at the following amounts.
so 5 lbs Div by 4 = 1.25 lbs per ONE KIT amount

EDIT: I have found the amounts can vary according to moisture
(One kit was closer to 6 lbs) so its really not set in stone so I break it down evenly
into 4 parts when its received.

"The Kit includes:

1 Quart Brix, 1 Quart De-Stress, 1 Quart Cat-Drench, 1 Quart Tea, 1 Quart Growth Ionic Drench, 1 Quart Transplant; 3lbs of Roots!, and 4 lbs of Re-Charge and 5 lbs of First Run amendment. "

Man, where the F are the reps MODS!!! +Reps Gazoo... wish I could give it to ya. You're always so detailed... love it.
Man, where the F are the reps MODS!!! +Reps Gazoo... wish I could give it to ya. You're always so detailed... love it.

Thanks Buddy

I was actually just re-checking the amounts for the Re-Charge so information was right at my finger tips :)
I do really like to add as much information as I can, want to offer all the info when its available :)
Was that a standard kit?...if so, what are bulk amounts?...cheerz... h00k...:rollit:
According to DB's BULK Kit contents
Posted on his site, ARE LISTED at the following amounts.
so 5 lbs Div by 4 = 1.25 lbs per ONE KIT amount

EDIT: I have found the amounts can vary according to moisture
(One kit was closer to 6 lbs) so its really not set in stone so I break it down evenly
into 4 parts when its received.

\!/ THESE ARE the BULK KIT Amounts \!/

"The Kit includes:

1 Quart Brix, 1 Quart De-Stress, 1 Quart Cat-Drench, 1 Quart Tea, 1 Quart Growth Ionic Drench, 1 Quart Transplant; 3lbs of Roots!, and 4 lbs of Re-Charge and 5 lbs of First Run amendment.
I'm curious about the crispy leaves - cause / cure. How's your temperature and humidity range ?
What do you think is the cause ?

Temps and humidity are perfect. 20 lights off and 25-27 lights on. Humidity stays perfect at 55 or wherever is needed. As to cause of crispy leaves I’m honestly not sure. Something tells me maybe last 2 light I’ve used for first time in both grows may have caused it but then a few of us had same problem so I sort of moved from that. Especially where some plants are doing so well at this point that are actually closer to light.
Something in me that says this soil being first soil I cooked for high brix, that I may have done something wrong in cook. Honestly not sure but I will get down to cause eventually. For my next grow I using freshly cook new batch of hb soil and running same light again so time will tell.
For both of my hb grows this has happened. My first grow it only really happened after last cat drench.
You going to get some of that in return?
Yeah I’m taking 100 of them and my buddy is getting rest. His lisence won’t cover that much at this point. Mine will
Wow dude, those all look like they're rooted too. you're gonna have your hands full in a few weeks.
Yup everyone rooted real nice. There’s still a few trying to root in dome. 64 have been put into 1 gallon pots and really took off. Putting 64 under my hps lights and the rest will fill other rooms.12 of them are in hb soil and will be fully grown in docs kit.
Nice! A clone farm! Appreciate the work involved!

Looking good DS:welldone:
Yes It was a bit of work. Fortunately enough there was 2 of us to do them. Bit still took hours to do. Then 12-14 days for most to see roots out of rapid rooters and the 12 for docs kit started in 1st run soil and no rapid rooter plugs, just a shot glass full of hb soil only and now in 1 gallon pots with hb soil only.
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