Hello, growers! I have nothing new to report.
I wasn't going to post today, but I'm a senior citizen and this virus kinda' has me on lock down. That's right, I'm being extra careful, not going out unless I have to, shopping late when the stores are not crowded, washing my hands like I just finished changing a babies diaper and all the rest. If I were to catch the virus and die before I get to try these plants I'm growing, well, I would just die.
So here I sit. Computer on, 420mag on the screen and no one around to talk me out of posting something.
Three of these plants are nearing their end date. I can't imagine the Zkit (day 76) going any more than another 5-10 days. The Purple Lemonade and Dark Devil are both on day 63, so maybe 3 more weeks for them.
So as the monkey said right after they cut off his tail, "It won't be long now."
The Zkit has been a special girl. Those of you who have followed this thread know that I decapitated her early in her growth. Basically I broke off nodes 4 through 6 (I think). I was tempted to throw her away after that blunder, but I didn't. She responded by not growing any taller. She stayed a squat little plant of no more than 7 inches in height.
She did develop some fat buds though - short fat buds that start right above the soil and rise thickly 5 to 7 inches above the soil layer. Some might see this as a waste of grow-light and nutrients, but I couldn't be happier that she was able to produce something after I tried to kill her!
The runt fought through: