Dark Devil Auto: A Community Grow Record

You dont use nutrients or you do? If so what strength. Im doing 1/4strength like they say for autos but im not thinkkng its enough for many different strains im running. Im just curious of others opinions

I used nutrients for the hempy girl, but that was my one and only run with bottled nutrients, and I executed it poorly, although the end result has been that incredible color she developed. I have an overworked guardian angel who saves me from myself with great regularity. Find arteekay's journal and study his nutrient applications, because what they do with their autos is nothing less than extraordinary.

Here, I'll give you the link.

Arteekay's Second Grow - Crop King Autos & Feminized - Mixed Strains

The journal's like a primer on how to grow autos with nutrients. They typically pull between 4-6 oz per plant.

The rest of my grow is in living organic soils that raise the plants for me. I just add water and some basic additives in the form of drenches and foliars. Easiest growing style in the world. No PH adjusting and barely any measuring. Plant, water, harvest. That's the life for me. :battingeyelashes: :love:
Sweet Sue jeeze you kick butt on those plants lol they look lovely. As for the raising of the lights in the closet two ideas. One just like FuzzNutter says, PVC. I did that in the office w 3/4 PVC and hung two 400w LEDs off of it. Second Idea, used bakery rack or if you got the ka ching, a nice shiny chrome pastry rack with the lift out shelves, sturdy stylish and darned easy to roll it out to clean the area between grows. Though to be honest it looks rather spotless over there ma'am. Oh yeah one other thing DD and 11/13 lighting from seed yay or nay sayeth the master? It is Day One of DD seedling cracking the soil under CFL running 24 hours currently. (oh and the GDP OG is up too, Purps for the Holidays! lol) Anyhow I feel you on antique plaster, grew up w it and know how long one weighs the pros and cons of screw and nail adventures in such walls.
Sweet Sue jeeze you kick butt on those plants lol they look lovely. As for the raising of the lights in the closet two ideas. One just like FuzzNutter says, PVC. I did that in the office w 3/4 PVC and hung two 400w LEDs off of it. Second Idea, used bakery rack or if you got the ka ching, a nice shiny chrome pastry rack with the lift out shelves, sturdy stylish and darned easy to roll it out to clean the area between grows. Though to be honest it looks rather spotless over there ma'am. Oh yeah one other thing DD and 11/13 lighting from seed yay or nay sayeth the master? It is Day One of DD seedling cracking the soil under CFL running 24 hours currently. (oh and the GDP OG is up too, Purps for the Holidays! lol) Anyhow I feel you on antique plaster, grew up w it and know how long one weighs the pros and cons of screw and nail adventures in such walls.

Ooooo...... Good luck on having DDA for the holidays. :yahoo: I've grown them under 11/13. One of my recent grow adventures was mirroring Dr Ziggy's method at the time of using azalea pots and growing everything in the tent under 11/13 from seed to harvest. You won't get the yield you'll get with bigger lights over more hours, but you'll get a respectable crop. I warn you though, I had one of my stunted Devils under that lighting, but I believe that's mostly a genetic concern.

I'd give it a go. You have nothing to lose and an accelerated harvest to gain.
Harvest of the hempy girl: Day 67

I found amber trichomes yesterday while giving her the final flush. That sealed her fate.










She weighed 149 grams wet, so I'm figuring on an ounce dry. Sweet, darker than dark buds that're making me droll every time I walk into my kitchen. Lol!

Yeah......... I'm one happy camper. :laughtwo:

I'm leaning towards the moniker The Martha Stewart Of Marijuana for you. Honestly the photos are catalog worthy so start collecting wicker furniture and speaking like you are from the stuffier parts of Ct. and maybe we can pitch the network reps in LA... The Barefoot Grower or something.. Oh and the reason I am here. .. yeah something is quite alive in the LOS I am using because it ate my SEEDLING!!!! just a seed shell left like a clue at a murder scene. Cold man, just cold. So Immediately I've taken the one remaining DD seed and am soaking it in the paper towel and staring at it obsessively like rainman staring at the toothpicks trying to will it into existence. So that is my weekly community update, I will try my best some results may vary etc.
High yogi, that made me laugh right out loud. :laughtwo: When I showed the pictures to my walking buddies last night, both women in their early 70s, both of them made the same Martha Stewart reference. Lol!

Best of luck on the final seed. Been there. I'll be sending intentions of vigor and strength.
An impromptu smoke report from my grow journal on wet DDA that I thought you'd all enjoy. Anybody have similar experiences?

SweetSue said:
What was the stone like? Will I be glued to the couch watching movies, or is she the sort of girl you take out for a nice walk in the bush? The colour is whats catching me. I've seen purples, I've seen dark red, I've seen bright yellow. Heck I've even seen a few blues (the cold makes them blue) but I've never EVER seen a bud this dark, it almost looks black?? Amazing creatures cannabis plants ✌



First off, remember I'm smoking her wet, which most frown upon, but I actually prefer part of the time. She hits smooth. Real smooth. I was anticipating harsh, since I bought the line about bottled nutrients leaving a harshness to the smoke. That's definately not what I got.

Secondly, I'm on a regimine of both THC and CBD capsules that keep my system running with more cannabinoids than the average smoker would have. To some extent we have to accept that this will flavor my smoke reports. My perceptions are going to be different than someone smoking on a clean system, or at the first buzz of the day. It's coming up on 4PM now, and to this point I've had 4 CBD capsules and 1 THC capsule since I got up this morning.

So, I'm taking my third hit right now...........

Whoa!!! She's hitting really nice today. I left this small piece out overnight. It's still sticky as hell and moist, making it a delicate dance to get it to hit properly, but she's sharing biiiiggggg clouds of smoke. Hahaha! Wow!

Another hit, and then I'll try to describe it. Dark Devil Auto doesn't hit like other strains, and it's hard to describe, but I'll give it a shot.......

A quick side bar.... This is what Dark Devil Auto does to the bong water. I filled this with fresh last night before I started smoking.


Potent shit. :laughtwo:

There are a few things that happen to me with DDA that don't happen with other strains.

- I start floating about five hits in. Yep, floating. I always question things like this every time I start to smoke again - you know, "did that really happen or was I just imagining it?" Stoner questions. Lol! Yep, last night and right now at hit five.

- My hands take up a low-level tremor that typically lasts about....... I'd say 30 minutes or so.

- I can mentally "transport" into any scenario I desire. Concerts, when I'm listening to good music. The forest, when I'm listening to really good music. Conversations with whomever I was thinking about at the time. When I'm smoking DDA I've a penchant to simply speak the conversation right out loud that was running inside my head. Bright snippets will just spontaneously spring forth and fill the empty space in this lonely apartment. It's quite bemusing, really. :laughtwo: Dark Devil Auto brings out a cheerful spontaneity.

- All senses are more alert.

I get creative when I smoke this strain. That usually means I'm writing something or chasing some elusive piece of information and having the time of my life tumbling through sites in my search. I don't own a television, and I almost never watch movies anymore, but my mind goes into this delicious mode where I know everything's just right and I can relax and have fun. A good mindset for searching. Searching doesn't require me to have focus, at least not the way I do it. I need to be free to trust my instincts to recognize the opportunity when it shows up. I need to have fun with it.

That's what it is. DDA makes it fun to search. :cheesygrinsmiley:

- A nice body high, the kind where everything's just a little off-kilter and the room moves at a different speed than your head does. You feel this one behind the eyes. You can hear it in my voice too. Lol!

When it's good it's borderline hallucinogenic. Not quite trippy weed, but your mind will travel. :laughtwo: This one turned out very good. :laughtwo: bobrown14 tells me it's even better with a three-month cure. I'm still trying to find a way to leave mine alone that long. It's my favorite smoke of the choices I've allowed myself.
I forgot to mention the possibility of a 24-hour buzz, something I get with great regularity with DDA.

A study in color contrast. I'm still blown away by the depth of color.


Here's a couple shots of the next one up for harvest. She went black on me just recently.




Yeah..... I have no explanation for what happened in my grow this time other than they were stressed to the max and then fought their way back. What I may have lost in yield I definitely made up for in quality.
Yeah..... I have no explanation for what happened in my grow this time other than they were stressed to the max and then fought their way back. What I may have lost in yield I definitely made up for in quality.

I think you're jumping to that conclusion a little early. It may be accurate, but these are not genetic copies after all... and I believe there's been a general garden reconfiguration since your last ones. I might point the finger at slightly differing genetics first.
Potent stuff there!! Love this journal! Im glad your LOS DDA is turning really dark too! TRICK OR TREAT! :volcano-smiley:
I think you're jumping to that conclusion a little early. It may be accurate, but these are not genetic copies after all... and I believe there's been a general garden reconfiguration since your last ones. I might point the finger at slightly differing genetics first.

I'll accept that. I also had the lighting challenge, so they ended up being bounced between the panels. All that change had to have an effect. What we're suggesting here is the possibility that I may never get this expression again, so I'd best enjoy the hell out of it.

Potent stuff there!! Love this journal! Im glad your LOS DDA is turning really dark too! TRICK OR TREAT! :volcano-smiley:

Time to pull out the big vaporizer and get a true taste of her.


Edit: She has a clean fuel taste. Not at all unpleasant.
What we're suggesting here is the possibility that I may never get this expression again

One of several reasons I stay with the photos and cloning.
On the other hand, I was so impressed by your DD's (teehee) that I looked them up on the seedbanks searching for a photo version. None. Genetics come from autos. Meh!

so I'd best enjoy the hell out of it.

You go!
One of several reasons I stay with the photos and cloning.
On the other hand, I was so impressed by your DD's (teehee) that I looked them up on the seedbanks searching for a photo version. None. Genetics come from autos. Meh!

You go!

I was reading a few days ago about breeding the auto to a photo and what is needed to stabilize it, worth a shot. It was another website from a google search on the subject the (autoflower network?) here ya go: Auto = aa
Photo = AA
Auto x Photo = Aa (will not auto)
Aa x Aa (two of the non‐autoing offspring crossed together) = AA, Aa, Aa, aa (One fourth will auto. Keep that
*Note: During all steps, only select the offspring with your favorite traits to continue breeding with (ie. Not
all of the autoflowering offspring in this step will be identical).
aa x aa (two auto'ing offspring from the last generation) = aa (all auto'ing)
Your new auto's would have 50/50 genetics from the auto and the photo parent.
You can then repeat the process with that new autoflower you just made, instead of the one you used
originally, to make the genetic percentage lean more and more towards the photo parent, through back‐
crossing (crossing the new auto offspring to the original photo parent). The catch is, the percentage
difference each time is exponentially less, and never reaches 100% (you need at least the autoflower gene(s)
from the auto parent).
I was reading a few days ago about breeding the auto to a photo and what is needed to stabilize it, worth a shot. It was another website from a google search on the subject the (autoflower network?) here ya go: Auto = aa
Photo = AA
Auto x Photo = Aa (will not auto)
Aa x Aa (two of the non‐autoing offspring crossed together) = AA, Aa, Aa, aa (One fourth will auto. Keep that
*Note: During all steps, only select the offspring with your favorite traits to continue breeding with (ie. Not
all of the autoflowering offspring in this step will be identical).
aa x aa (two auto'ing offspring from the last generation) = aa (all auto'ing)
Your new auto's would have 50/50 genetics from the auto and the photo parent.
You can then repeat the process with that new autoflower you just made, instead of the one you used
originally, to make the genetic percentage lean more and more towards the photo parent, through back‐
crossing (crossing the new auto offspring to the original photo parent). The catch is, the percentage
difference each time is exponentially less, and never reaches 100% (you need at least the autoflower gene(s)
from the auto parent).

Thank you for this. I probably won't make use of it myself, but there are creative souls that roam these halls looking for another fun adventure. Maybe one of them will get inspired.
DDA3, coming down tomorrow at day 61. That's the fastest I ever had one come in.




She's really black, she's so purple.



Great info. Like SS, I doubt I'll ever implement the process, but it sure is nice to know and good information to keep in one's quiver of informational arrows to shoot at other growers in need of such ideas.

Already on it. :reading420magazine: The Red Family provides some of the most unique genetics. Some of the best tasting stuff I have ever bred. A couple of photo versions are definitely in the works. :)

If I could corner Bottle Cap (Trans Siberian x Devil Cream) I would cut my collection to under 200 :rofl:


HARVEST: Dark Devil Auto Three: Day 61

She came in four days ahead of schedule and dark as she could be. I found amber trichomes yesterday.













Should be an ounce dry. I'll keep you informed.

One more to go. In about three weeks. Same age and same soil. Different light and lacking the mite infestation that her cousins endured.



Smiling real big over here in The Burgh. :slide:
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