Dark Devil Auto: A Community Grow Record

Oops...wrong thread

But here is my 40 day old goofy DDA
and right before they start to look worse then they did the day before. :hmmmm:
Yeah, that’s it :)
Took a while for that holler to make it’s way across the pacific... :ciao:

Seeds will of course pop anytime. :thumb:

If you want to plant in rhythm with moon cycles, which many hold enhances the life of plants and I believe I have witnessed show me more vigour in sproutlings, then planting time is determined by moon cycle and plant type. For flowering herbs and fruiting annuals, which category I think we can loosely place cannabis in, you are looking for a new moon, preferably in a fertile sign. SO that’s the water signs (Cancer, Pisces, Scorpio). The fertile sign thing is a finer detail really. Any new moon is great. The first week of the new moon if possible.

Generally speaking, moonlore holds that the waxing moon supports vegetative growth above the soil and the waning moon supports activity beneath the soil, root growth etc. So if I were wanting to give a special root tonic for example, I might try to time it towards the end of the moon cycle, at the beginning of the the week before the dark moon.

Another moon gardening tip relates to pruning and weeding. Weeding during the dark moon is far more effective with regrowth being much, much less.

If you are pruning for promoting new growth, do it early in the new moon, same as planting, to support a vigorous response.

I don’t do all this as much as I’d like because plants need what they need when they need it and timing isn’t always easy to manipulate - but when I can line things up, I am certain I sense a difference (quicker and vigorous response to pruning etc. - but purely anecdotal of course) . I have never met a diligent moon gardener (which I am not) whose garden wasn’t super special and very much more prolific than most others.

And even if it’s only the case that the gardener gets pleasure and comfort from working with those lunar rhythms, we all know the plants benefit from that - a happy, peaceful Gardner
Chauncey Gardiner
Yeah, that’s it :)

Took a while for that holler to make it’s way across the pacific... :ciao:

Seeds will of course pop anytime. :thumb:

If you want to plant in rhythm with moon cycles, which many hold enhances the life of plants and I believe I have witnessed show me more vigour in sproutlings, then planting time is determined by moon cycle and plant type. For flowering herbs and fruiting annuals, which category I think we can loosely place cannabis in, you are looking for a new moon, preferably in a fertile sign. SO that’s the water signs (Cancer, Pisces, Scorpio). The fertile sign thing is a finer detail really. Any new moon is great. The first week of the new moon if possible.

Generally speaking, moonlore holds that the waxing moon supports vegetative growth above the soil and the waning moon supports activity beneath the soil, root growth etc. So if I were wanting to give a special root tonic for example, I might try to time it towards the end of the moon cycle, at the beginning of the the week before the dark moon.

Another moon gardening tip relates to pruning and weeding. Weeding during the dark moon is far more effective with regrowth being much, much less.

If you are pruning for promoting new growth, do it early in the new moon, same as planting, to support a vigorous response.

I don’t do all this as much as I’d like because plants need what they need when they need it and timing isn’t always easy to manipulate - but when I can line things up, I am certain I sense a difference (quicker and vigorous response to pruning etc. - but purely anecdotal of course) . I have never met a diligent moon gardener (which I am not) whose garden wasn’t super special and very much more prolific than most others.

And even if it’s only the case that the gardener gets pleasure and comfort from working with those lunar rhythms, we all know the plants benefit from that - a happy, peaceful Gardner
Oh No!!! New moon!?! Oops. I thought it was the full moon. Does this mean I get warewolves instead??? Darn. Lol.

Thanks for the info Amy. I'm going to look into this even more. I bet the farmers almanac would be an interesting read. I'm pretty sure they include lunar phase planting. It's been 20 years since I glanced at one though. Those farmers were consistent so I bet its still in there.
Full moon isn't a waste after all.

Gardening by the moon blog

The Earth is in a large gravitational field, influenced by both the sun and moon. The tides are highest at the time of the new and the full moon, when sun and moon are lined up with earth. Just as the moon pulls the tides in the oceans, it also pulls upon the subtle bodies of water, causing moisture to rise in the earth, which encourages growth.

The highest amount of moisture is in the soil at this time, and tests have proven that seeds will absorb the most water at the time of the full moon. Planting by the phases of the moon will keep in rhythm with the alternating gravitational pull.
Is there something in the new testament about germinating under the watchful eye of a solar-powered devil?
My lil devils are a tool. I use them under the canopy of my big plants to see if I'm getting penetration.
Is there something in the new testament about germinating under the watchful eye of a solar-powered devil?
You mock me? :battingeyelashes:

alternating gravitational pull.

Yes... TBH I’m not so fussed about that taking in water thing. We provide artificially ample amounts of water anyway. And I’m not meaning to diss on your full motion planting - seeds will grow whenever! But, if I do want to ride that gravitational thing, it makes sense to me to germinate on the new moon w 1-2 weeks of above ground pull to get some baby foliage happening before the gravitational pull goes underground for root growing. That’s how I see it when I get it ‘right’.
Yes... TBH I’m not so fussed about that taking in water thing. We provide artificially ample amounts of water anyway. And I’m not meaning to diss on your full motion planting - seeds will grow whenever! But, if I do want to ride that gravitational thing, it makes sense to me to germinate on the new moon w 1-2 weeks of above ground pull to get some baby foliage happening before the gravitational pull goes underground for root growing. That’s how I see it when I get it ‘right’.
I was trying to make myself feel better. Lol
Planting on the wrong moon...smh.
If she gets above ground I will be happy enough!!!
wouldnt you want to plant when root production is enhanced? Isn’t the first thing a seed does is send down a tap root? As far as I understand it the beginning phase only the bare minimum of foliage is produced... the goal is setting up a root system.

...I dunno
Hi we are new to the community here and are excited to show you our mutant Dark Devil auto. She is 80% sativa with 20% ruderalis. Her buds are extremely potent, as they are. Her look is completely unique:

This plant is due approx 2/25 though may go much further. She keeps backloading flowering sites yet remains one large cola with no side branches. Her leaves are always curled up. The terpine level is incredible and complex.
wouldnt you want to plant when root production is enhanced? Isn’t the first thing a seed does is send down a tap root? As far as I understand it the beginning phase only the bare minimum of foliage is produced... the goal is setting up a root system.

...I dunno

To an extent yes And I remember having that exact thought process once - but it needs a little plant foliage to get going too. And actually you want to plant herbs and fruiting annuals when New growth is enhanced.

In any case - the lore I follow when i can is more to do with planting appropriate crop for moon phase. So root crops get planted on the dark moon, etc.

Dont sweat it VG! Like i said, plants grow brilliantly for manyYy, many people who could not give a rats ass about the moon (so that’s not a cat’s ass right!). :laughtwo:
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