These jars contain 15 grams of BHO each that was dissolved in 100% ethanol and frozen for a few days.
Now we just simply screw on 2 coffee filters where the lid would go on the Mason jar. Using the ring to secure and thread them in place.
With a glove pour the solution over the coffee filter into a clean pyrex dish for purging.
Once your solution is purged fully and reduced into an oil, it's time to decarb.
Decarbing the oil will prevent it from "sugaring" (the often slow process in which thca Crystal's form within an oil). It also makes our oil ready for eating infusing. Lastly decarbing will prevent any substantial muffing/bubbling from occurring within the cartridge itself.
In the lab at work we do this with a hot plate and stir bar. Since I doubt any of us (myself included) have access to these we will use the pancake griddle.
Simply kick the temps up high. As you may or may not know from this site or else where decarb is a function of time and temperature. High temp less time gives an effective decarb but doesnt preserve many terpenes.
We want a lower temp with a longer time to preserve the most flavor for our concentrate. I would suggest 250° f for 30 minutes to start. Depending on your dish and the the amount of oil it may be far more or less heat. The time should be standard, since the ide is to watch the oil heat up and start to foam up.
Once the foaming stage is complete, and no new bubbles form the decarb is complete.
This isnt the best example cause its hi dress of grand in a beaker on a hotplate, but you can see the "head" forming on the top like a good dark beer. The idea is to add heat until that head dissipates, indicating that the decarb is complete!
And then folks you just use a syringe to wick up you oil and shoot it into a cartridge you have.
It's really that simple.
Put that shit in a cart.
Here is what you end up with...
Cheers folks look forward to bringing you more helpful info as the mag has always done for me!